spin this one, trumptards
spin this one, trumptards
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I would vote for any candidate who supports teachers unions. All of pol should come together on this issue. Let's get redpill.
We need to consolidate our vote around Gary Johnson instead.
Nothing to spin. He shit the bed, and its going to take a while to come back.
Also, friendly reminder Dukakis was ahead by 17+ points in polls against G.H.W. Bush.
Fuck that guy. He's using the guise of Libertarianism when he's nowhere near it.
>We need to consolidate our vote around Gary Johnson instead.
So you WANT Hillary to win?
>thanks OP for sharing.
I wasn't going to vote, but now that he is losing in the polls, I will vote to support him
>nate silver
He's done, but i dont care. He was a false prophet, probably a hillary plant as well
(((Five thirty eight)))
t. Nate Lead
it's actually really pretty funny watching trump slowly sink, any candidate with half a brain could have nuked hillary with ease
instead trump sits on twitter embarrassing himself
I feel bad for these people.
Making threads and shit posting for a living, must be soul sapping really.. I wonder how far down the holemyou have to go to end up with a job like this.
Being unfulfilled at all times, knowing everything you do is forgotten the moment I scroll past it, what a career
The pure desperation of shills, I love it.
Shitting yourselves scared kek
Oh, it's you again.
>(((Harry Enten)))
>(((Nate Silver)))
we'll see. when is trumps next rally?
we already know no one shows up at hillary's
The polls are biased and Trump is winning.
There, that was easy.
Remember how wrong Nate Silver was in 2012? He was predicting a Romney landslide! LOL what a loser don't believe him now.
Gary Johnson has literally 0% chance of winning.
He is also an obvious Hillary plant. He said that Hillary was an ethical, and good leader. Then in the next sentence couldn't find one good thing to say about Donald Trump
He's an obvious plant, and anyone supporting him has had the wool pulled over their eyes by the Democratic party.
Congrats on being a tool.
I think I found your problem.
teacher unions are a horrible can of worms
here they've taken entire states hostage (not just education, they also block roads and burn down buildings) if federal government doesnt meet their claims
"our vote"
Everyone is jumping ship. Trump is toast in more ways than one.
Who is "everyone"?
what the fuck do teachers unions even do? all the teachers i know have shit wages. they have good insurance, thats about it
The majority of the American people
Explain the +15 to the +1 polls roughly from the same period.
And I'm actually the Queen of England.
Making baseless claims on the internet is fun isn't it, user?
>inb4 you link some inaccurate poll as "proof"
Don't believe the polls. The Brexit polls were wrong all the time. They are used for propaganda.
desu shortly after he became the nominee I started to realize he's not the nimble navigator I thought he was.
Unless he impresses me at the first debate I'm going to assume this shit is over.
unions give them negotiating leverage against (usually) the federal government, as they can legally suspend all labor and close schools down until negotiations resolve (or until the federal government gives them what they want).
Usually they end up falling into the hands of political interests foreign to actual education and used to force anti-reformist/regulatory policy.
>every poll in America for the last two weeks is inaccurate
LMAO the delusion is real!
Did that article take account of the way higher Republican turnout in our [current year]?
After this election will Nate have to change his last name to Bronze?
it seems like you just admitted that the majority of the American people liked trump. So please tell me how the polls aren't fucked with again?
I'm not a shill. I'm not CTR. Trump is fucked right now. In my opinion, it's over.
Write something in Norwegian.
It's why I sage
>mfw Americans were laughing at us saying Brexit woudl never happen yet their meme political event is LITERALLY never going to happen
Feels good
you really think someone would just shitpost on Sup Forums with a proxy?
fucking conspiracy theorist nutjobs
Explain this and we'll talk.
Losers Lose
trump has 10 million followers on twitter and hillary only has 8
CTR are the worst of the worst we have ever had on Sup Forums; they are professional liars and deniers. Can't even argue truths.
So pathetic. Not even worth our pity.
( I hope a normal person answers my question)
>keep hearing trump fucked up the last couple of weeks
>literally haven't heard a single specific detail
Thanks for Correcting the Record.
The more I hear Trump is doing poorly with literally zero details, the more obvious it is he's going to win.
Thank you for CTR, nice proxy btw.
checkmate hillary faggots. trump wins the election by 2m votes! hahaha btfo
Of course it takes account voter turnout. You do also know that Trump has the record of most Republican votes against him not just for him. So expect many Republicans to jump ship. Also, there should be record turnout by minorities in this election based on Trump's perceived racism, whther real or not it is a huge factor. One more thing for good measure, Hilary is leading Trump in the educated white man vote, so you may think you are red pill but you are probably just an uneducated nationalist punk kid since you support Trump/ Anyway enjoy losing and hurray for the first woman president! suck it!!!
Everyone in the public loved Obama in 2008/2012. Hillary is no Obama, apples and oranges people.
The only "bad" thing Trump has done since the conventions was questioning why the mother of that dead Muslim soldier didn't speak. This constitutes an "attack" and a "feud" according to (((CNN))) so they kept it in the headlines as long as they could.
However I find it extremely difficult to believe that alone could cause this drop in polling, especially, after the embarrassing DNC, regardless of the massive effort by CNN to create fictitious headlines to make Trump look bad.
Silent majority is for Hilary. She is the only real choice left in this election, the uneducated sector of the Republican part fucked up the GOP real good this year! thank you Trump for handing us another 4-8 years of progressive reform. We will enjoy our liberal judges because we Democrats truly love liberty. Suck it Trump fags!!
Trump's supporters will wait in line for hours and pack arenas to hear him speak. They're enthusiastic about him.
Hillary's supporters are low-energy socialists and feminists. There have been recent allegations that not only do people basically not want to see her in person, but the "crowds" are fakes, people paid to be there for the cameras.
These rallies tell you everything about the political pulse in the nation.
t. Retards that thought Jeb Bush would be the Republican nominee
>(((nate silver)))
No one believes this, they re-wrote history and claimed that Hillary got this massive boost from the DNC when in fact she was still trending down 4 days after the convention, then all of a sudden all the pollsters change their methodology and suddenly she gets a massive boost simultaenously Trump trends down as much as she trends up.
Its not realistic.
Fuck...you've successfully made me realize Trump doesn't stand a chance without my vote. Now I will definitely vote for him to make sure he gets every vote he needs to overcome this downfall
Why would Hillary's supporters be silent as the MSM is full on favouring her? They have no reason to hide but many reasons to be depressed (pic related).
Trump supporters though are victimised and attacked ALL the time. The Silent MAJORITY stands with Trump
side note. what the fuck is the young turks? the fat fuck host (i assume he's the host?) looks like he's about 50. what does young mean in the name? i assume he's a turkroach?
Did anyone really think a bunch of fatasses on Sup Forums would get someone to be president?
Only Audit going on is that lifelong audit on Trump's taxes. He won't release them because Hilary makes less money and pays more taxes than him. He has always ripped off the country and now you expect him to be your savior? He doesn't care about you user, he is a scam like Trump University.
Every time
I knida did.
Yeah, I'm not one of those longroom retards but I think it's suspicious that New Hampshire went from +1 Trump to +17 Hillary in one week. That's such a huge swing wtf.
Winners win brah
>the republicans that voted against trump will vote for a democrat Hillary and not majority Trump during the election
In. Stitches.
That's amazing man. I think every american should vote. The election is decided by less than 10% of the population. While I think Trump is a possible trainwreck, if that is the will of the American people the so be it. But like our amazing president said, I have faith in the american people to make the right choice and the right choice is Hilary!
No but this article did.
does this whole thing seem extremely artificial to anyone else?
hillary is fucking shitting herself with brain death, their convention was a total catastrophe, the most watched videos on youtube about hillary are the corruption videos and every one of her videos is full of dislikes
trump says one slightly wrong thing and suddenly the vote slides like someone pushed a button
> polls are relevant
> current year
Theres a video of teachers blocking roads, but then they get run over by some spic in a truck. I think it was in mexico.
>Trump makes winning a campaign theme
>Hey Chaim, let's report that Trump is a loser so people won't think he is a winner
>Trump gets 2nd place in Iowa
Lol Trump BTFO, he done like Howard Dean.
>Trump wins nomination
I'm sure it will work this time.
>sample size 25x larger than any poll conducted by mainstream media
>more representative of geographical voting blocks. Possible they could have gotten people from every district even.
>the 33% sampling for each affiliation is actually a hindrance to Trump because there are more Independents than Democrat or Republicans, and independents vote more in favor of Trump.
>mainstream media has released multiple polls that say the public thinks trump would be better at dealing with terrorism and fixing the economy, which would be in line with him leading in a race where the economy and terrorism are the top two issues
>The only other problem with this poll could be voter enthusiasm, which is unpredictable. Democrat turnout is super low and republican is super high. That points to another underestimation of Trump's lead.
The Establishment is on straight up suicide watch right now.
trump always wins
I think the correct term is beaner or taco bro. Spic is for white fags that speak spanish.
>betting odds are polls
What's it feel like to be as ignorant as you are retarded.
nigger do I really have to find that picture of the dozens of times Nat Silver has said "Trump won't win" or the time he gave Trump a 5% chance of winning the primary?
He is giving him a higher chance at winning the general than he did the primary.
>The Silent MAJORITY stands with Trump
OK, let's use those metrics instead.
Thanks for correcting the record.
> he thinks betting odds aren't overwhelming influenced by polls
Nah nigga. You're the retard here.
So massive upwards trend for Donald and a downward trend for Hillary?
Wow. Really makes you think.
You must be new to politics. Republican primary elections and the national election are completely different beasts. The majority of voters in the national election generally lean in the middle and def not extreme right that worked so well for Trump in primaries. So basically Trump will sell out now and he will be bad at it. He is already claiming the lection is rigged but he is just to stupid to pull this off, The Donald is a loser and so are the majority of his followers.
Remember when everyone said Trump was a joke?
Remember when they said he was finished during the primaries because he didn't win Texas?
Remember when Cruz said if Trump didn't win a majority in his own state he should drop out but then he won in a landslide?
The media is terrified of Trump because they know all his supporters don't do fucking polls. They're called the SILENT MAJORITY for a reason. They don't boast loudly but will still come in to vote because they're patriots. Meanwhile democrats are so dismayed by the fact Bernie got fucking shafted by Hillary's rigged primary that a lot of them I talk to say they're not even gonna bother voting because they feel disenfranchised.
wrong. the silent majority stands with Hilary. 60% of americans don't give a damn about her emails. The polls show it. Trump is kill.
Thanks for Cuckretting the Record
I'm sorry, but did Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The primary isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only Iowa. Does not having the lead in corn holing central count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the caucus is still on? Trump is still campaigning ight now and they have been the top of the polls for how many months now? He's campaigning againstvone of the worst senators in the Senate who just happen to have a lead because he conned.a bunch of Jesus freaks. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Trump is one of the best fucking businessmen in the nation, he rocked the polls last year and would of won the last debate if Megyn Kelly didn't mediate. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Trump wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Cruz just dropped a point. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Trump topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the Trump because hes good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking people on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
>explain this
You see user, republicans love crowding into a room to cheer things on, like a Monster Truck rally or a Race War.
Democrats have decided to vote for Hillary Clinton despite her lack of charisma but don't see any reason to go to her events- most of which are either high level donor events or simply media opportunities. Establishment liberals don't 'rally' because they don't need to.
idk, I think fivethirtyeight is pretty shilled as well. Every primary or caucus, bar VT and OR, showed Hillary beating Bernie by unrealistic measures. Don't they just average every available poll? Most polls are shilled.
very hard for anyone to come back from this kind of deficit at this point in the election, but if someone canĀ“t do it that someone is trump
Explain the donation gap. Explain the increased shilling. Explain Hillarys heart attacks. Explain making up the nuke thing and forcing news sites to publish it.
Well fuck. Looks like I'm gonna vote for hilldawg
They rate pollsters based on their historical accuracy and their model uses those ratings and does a weighted moving average
>There have been no cultural or demographic shifts in America in 28 years so this is definitely the same thing!
What's it like being retarded?
is that why they lost the Congress? Because they can't be bothered?
What's it like being a shill?