Hey, I wanted to ask you guys, what do you think of Croatia?
Hey, I wanted to ask you guys, what do you think of Croatia?
shit country, littered with retards
>Catholic Serbia
No, but seriously pretty good
I second this
Nuke us ASAP
same applies to your country plus full of roaches
When this happen?
I know a lot of alright croats. All in all pretty cool. Although the government is corrupt.
Slovenia>Croatia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>other ex-yugo countries
As Diaspora, I love the country. For me it symbolizes everything to be proud of in life. My Baba and Dida instilled in me that it may no longer be for us; but in a way the spirit will always be ours.
A country that I will soon have citizenship in and vote HDZ despite not living there. Got I love absentee ballots.
Is Croatian youth liberal? Do you have degeneracy problem there? Here i see more and more young hipster Bernie tier liberals, cancer is spreading.
Shothole. Should be nuked.
I dont think about it much
They were fags who let refugees through unlike Hungary.
Dubrovnik seems to be the tourist fad among liberal hipsters who watch game of thrones and think it's exotic and only they know about it.
Croats themselves seem like ok people, government seems meme tier with their bimbo president and heard they fought well in ww2.
I guess I have a mildly positive opinion of it
The only really western Slavic country besides Slovenia.
I know nothing about Croatia more than you could go on charter trips over there. It would be really nice if a Croatian would tell me or us what they like most about their own country.
This is pretty much objectively true.
If you see a Slovenian flag talking shit about Croatia I guarantee you it's a bosnian or serbian immigrant here. Call them čefurji if you must give response, but pay no attention to those idiots.
ive jacked off to your leader more than id like to admit
One of the worst shitposters on this board.
that's not her picture senpai
>beautiful country
>based, but grumpy people
>giving kebab no chances
>better stay off the countryside.
not her picture senpai
give us back our land thieves!
>loves the country
>but not enough to actually live here
croatia is a shithole, the croatian people are idiots
I can't wait until I finish uni and get the fuck out of this place
no only patriotic traditional yugoslav communist and ustashe
My family left because we were catholic in yugoslavia, needed work, found it here in the US. We still own our home in Galovac. Why do you think so many Croatians are cast to the wind, in places like australia, germany, USA, etc. Just like you we are all looking for work
Easily the best Balkan state.
But that doesn't say much.
what's a good country to live as nurse
cuz ur a scum like rest of the people ofc its a shithole when everyone is nagging and wont do anything to make it better and just wait for the opportunity to gtfo and make it easy to the cucklands
Germany. The population gets older and older and has to import nurses since no one wants to do this shitty job. Mainly mainly from Poland.
I bet you're just as good.
>polish people caring for old germans
Is it just me or does this sound like a recipe for disaster?
I'm a big football fan and Croatia's national team jersey is the best looking football jersey of the planet. I have a couple of them; bought them while I was on a vacation trip in the Croatias coast. Had a great time, met some nice people; I'm not a big fan of the cucine over there but I certainly tried some unique dishes. I hope to go there next year.
What is Ananas
suck us more or no More
it's probably same
i dont study in ZG so i've lost touch but on weekends i see those scrawny hipsters but most people look pretty normal
everyone likes us here
suck a dick
Yes they are, dumb little shits, enamored with American culture, muh instagram, muh Kardashians, I wish they fucking killed themselves
they are actually quite caring and work for peanuts. Better than the "I hate this job, I'll just pump morphine into the old people and wait till my shift is over" german nurses
I see these threads far too often. Will you insecure cunts fuck off already?
Worst part is, the loudest conservatives are ignorant hillbilly retards that make everyone who associates with conservatives look retarded... ffs
that's not her picture senpai
Based country.
Cro-Illyria when?
You enjoy our Anglo television, da? You eat our McDonalds, da? Too bad you aren't white, otherwise I might've felt bad. Your country is all cucked out anyway. So what some of our leaking liberalism seeps through unintentionally into the shitwater sewage that is Croatia?
yeah cant stand them
>jesus is on our side, god gave us this land
>go to church? lol no twice a year is enough
Well the good part here is that they want to leave Serbia as soon as possible, but they never will since most of them are on drugs 24/7. Worst liberals here are people who study Philosophy, literally tumblr tier retards.
They even use buzz words like xenophobic, sexist, cis white male, etc.
Based constitution, made it illegal to ban nazi memorial and also made any punishment for denying the holocaust unconstitutional. In that respect i love Croatia, but i have family in Slovenia and i hear bad stories all the time about it ahaha
thanks but i don't want to live under sharia law in 5 years
Young people are eating that shit up, McDonalds fuck yeah, TLC yeaaah all day long.... I hate you guys so much, I wish we declared war on you again just so we could shitpost against you in public speaches
good riddance dalmatian scum
Really the older generation in my area goes to church every sunday.
Their kids not so much...
>Novak you want some PIVO?
Surprisingly acceptable map.
Give Northern Montenigger though, Herceg Novi is full Serb and we need some sea.
There is no country in Europe apart from Switzerland where you would be better off going. You could go to some other Slavs but you'd be in the same situation as here
fuck off tulip picker
Only Balkans country that could be trusted in the war.
Also they are more decent than Serbs.
Dont pussy out like Italy when things get bad..
Literally never seen people like this.
Granted, it may be like this.
In Cacak even the tumblr girls are 'muslims are xenos, they don't belong in Europe.'
I've been there a couple of times. Too bad you guys aren't Yugoslavia, still. Tito was a brate
Helped us genocide serbs
>Granted, it may be like this in the capital.
the hercegjew defence force arrived I see
i would rather die than be from hercegovina shithole
nice beaches,decent women, chill people
Pricam o Beogradu. Ja sam u Pancevu i ovde ih ima malo, ali su primetni. Pogotovo ti degenerici sto su u nevladinim organizacijama.
Kek, they are not like that(yet), but they are on their way to be like liberals from American Universities.
amazing water polo players
hvar, split, dubrovnik, all sweet ass spots
who doesnt like dalmatians?
Beautiful country with nice people. You are way above meridionals (Greeks, Italians, Spanish). Impressive history. Also Plitvice.
Haha even her sign is wrong, it should spell "NIGSOC."
Lupice te budale glavom o zid, ne boj se.
Croatia–Slovenia border disputes pissed my family off like to an unbearable level , really don't know why
>tfw this little fag with no charisma or presence is the closest thing to a right party we have
kek seriously?
though i've never encountered the 'philosophers'
and people leaving this country do it for job opportunities, mostly
younger retards are just wannabe patriots
from my experience on the other hand, regular church goers are betas
all in all our right wingers are morons
>le serbian boogeyman
fucking llol
lying albo shit
Is he wearing a fucking hair band?
muh chemtrails
follow the teaching and ideologies of Ante Pavelić
We need another 7th ss unit
And what about this?
I want to visit but my ex lives there so I think it'd be weird to go without making amends with her. Lots of Croats in California though and in general I like y'all.
come on son
he's a big gubmint socialist who wants to fight muh ebil banksters
Only been to Dubrovnik, cheap and friendly people. You drive like maniacs tho.
The 40's you fuckface.
He looks kinda like shkreli.
those are fags from hercegovina
Of course there are degenerate youth here but they are still in small minority.
Pretty based. Helped to beat up Serbs and has cool cities and beaches in Dalmatia.
Bio je neki skup feminista u Novom Sadu da se ukine prostitucija ili tako nesto. Prostitutke su im jebale mater, mislim da se vise nece okupljati.
Ima mnogo vise liberala ovde u Vojvodini nego bilo gde u Srbiji, taj liberalni uticaj sa Zapada mora da oslabi ili cemo mi biti Svedska 2.0.
and all tourists drive 50-60kmh like my grandmother. while you are on vacation, some people are working here and cannot wait for you to enjoy landscape en take pictures from your gas guzzling tanks.
Your healthcare system collapses every 20 years. Being a nurse in Germany is miserable
>source: other ex was German nurse
i think ustasi did nothing wrong
srbe na verbe
It's a really fucking weird shape.
Ok what ever you say. Btw im not a Kosovar fag, im from the south.
Beautiful I was there in 2011 on vacation with my family.
Jebem ti majka.
And why would they do this?
Are they ethnic croats?
I agree
never asked if you were
i only know you fell for jewish and partizani myths
Srbe na vrbe!
ring a bell ? guys are hateful :(