>trump is trailing 30 points behind clinton amongst white women with a college degree. Trump had only 27% of the vote while clinton had about 57% support
>to put things in perspective of how bad this is Mitt" binders full of women" Romney narrowly won this group by 6 points

LMAO. JUST how can trump win if he only has support from white male voters?
Lets pay our respects to the drumpf camaign


>maybe they don't know the truth yet?

Isn't there something that usually happens throughout history when men are ignored

Please OP, share some more of your facts

Wow, those gender study degrees are finally paying off for the liberals

This is expected.

White women are typically leftist whores. The least oppressed and the most liberated yet they think they are victims somehow...


>w-white college educated women d-don't vote


>Romney won that group in 2012
>all of a sudden it' OK for trump to be losing this bad because it's expected
LMAO you trump fags can't come out with good shit to defend your candidate anymore

>amongst white women with a college degree
Lol, thank you for helping to Correct The Record! 0.2 sheckles havee been deposited into your account

>Amongst white women with a college degree
aren't they traditionally the most liberal demographic ever?


Most 'white women with college degrees' have bullshit, worthless degrees. Only a media brainwashed dolt cares about the opinions of gender studies grads who were stupid enough to go into debt for a mind programming trophy.

No, womyn are attacking Trump for telling the truth. See the estrogen saturated MSM.
>Donald's a bully... attacking Her !!!

Estrogen-Americans live by Emotional Manipulation. Stop letting them play you, pussy.


CTR shills can not deny being ctr

they can deflect but not outright deny it.

remember this

Wait... Are those bachelor's degrees in gender studies?


To correct an EARNINGS gap, either women need to work more, or men need to work less.

I wonder what she would prescribe...

>trailing with women
>opponent is beating him in the summer time polls

Oh shit, it's over.

Say it with me: PRESIDENT DUKAKIS.

t. 1988

God, white women with college degrees are the worst.

Just as self-centered, relatively uninformed and illogical as any other woman, but with this big piece of paper that makes her even more certain her emotional whims need to be reflected in policy.

They polled every white woman in the US with a degree? All 7 of them?



>trump is trailing 30 points behind clinton amongst white women with a college degree. Trump had only 27% of the vote while clinton had about 57% support
>trump is trailing 30 points behind clinton amongst white women with a college degree.
>white women with a college degree

Literally the primary target of liberal brainwashing. So the fuck what?

>white women with a college degree

so women that live in California and New York, not the women that live in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michegan or Wisconsin. See the problem with this narrative? It 100% confirms that Trump can and will win.

That feel when women support you, but can't get out of the kitchen to vote for you...


Uh, because clearly Romney coming out ahead in that group REALLY meant something.

Hillary is coming out ahead in that group, so NOW it's going to mean something?

This is why you will always lose. You treat women with contempt.

here is your (you) for the 0.05$

Emotional appeal hogwash.

Stop being a baby.

>haha no one can stop my memes XD XD

hopefully mom can drive you to the polls in november!

The fuck, faggot?

Women and browns are always leftist. It's
nothing but the "poor me" party. I'm a victim!!

Of course white women see Trump as the evil boogey man. They have been programmed to think none other.

It's because white women with college degrees (in gender studies) don't want to see a return to meritocracy. They want the rules changed to benefit them in hiring, get free handouts because vagina and be able to point at any man and have him put in prison.

>Obama got the vast majority of black votes, something like 95%
>Hillary can only get 57% of female votes

She's finished.
If Trump was a woman he'd get 95% of the female votes just like Obama got all the blacks to vote for him.

>White women with college degrees

AKA liberals with stupid psychology/sociology/gender studies degrees.

Women are retarded, we all know that.

aka the minority

Not so. Only liberal brainwashed bitches who are emotionally teenagers in a state of arrested development. Ivanka Trump is a prime example of a mature woman. SJWs can go to hell.

This is actually your job, to correct the record.

This is what you do for a living HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA just think about that

>trump is trailing 30 points behind clinton amongst white women with an arts/sociology degree.


Your elected officials are literally all women. Merkel is a demon from Hell.

They are flooding your nations with rapefugees because you dont have the balls to say a poor woman could be wrong. Which boils down to feelings.

You are a pussy.

so there are "men" who unironically vote vor hillary? cant make this up

I am a college educated white man who will vote for Hillary in November and I have no formal or informal affiliation with "Correct the Record."

Eat shit.

Shes top among the black voters
>1% of black voters choose trump
>0% in ohio for trump

Only male feminists who are in denial about their castration... and everything else.

Yes, trump is going to get Mondale'd by our own reagan;Hillary clinton

You need to die.

>White women with a college degree

I get angry even just reading these words now.

Not an argument.

Divide and conquer is the Democrat credo.

The butthurt virginal misogynistic rage in this thread is exactly why Trump is failing to get votes from women, and especially from educated women.

Alt-right is a worse cancer for women than cervical or breast cancer. You retards seem to want this situation. Have a fun time on November 8.

> June 12

> August 9

Polls haven't reached stability yet (that's expected something like 100 days from the election) but don't think we're at the same point as we were in June 1988.

Trump will end up doing better with women if he portrays himself as tough on crime and *keeps his misogynist mouth shut*


Just remember most of those are women studies majors

'alt-right' is a meme, you dip.

Cry somewhere else, faggot. Nobody cares about your fee-fees. Helldawg is a lying, corrupt murderous Cunt and no amount of emotional manipulation and denial will change that.

Damn, Trump skills are going into full denial just like when Mittens lost in 2012.

>Of course white women see Trump as the evil boogey man. They have been programmed to think none other.

The comparison was that Trump is getting only half the support of white women as last time, not that women and "browns" are victims. But please, keep spewing vitriol to compensate for the fact that no woman will sleep with you.

Most women dont even like Hillary unless you count the brainwashed feminists.

She's just so unlikeable and blatantly arrogant at face value...Trump really does come off as the good guy.

>only white male voters

Should any other vote really count?

R-money was the same breed as Hilldawg.
He lost because conservatives didn't turn out to vote for one Neocon over the other.

Your life sounds like shit m8. It's time to get off the internet

No u

>being this much of a virgin

Why are you attacking my sexuality?

Hypocritical cunt. Project much?

>keking too much
we don't use kek 1000 x's in a sentence lad

I wonder who this faggot might be?......

It's projection and deflection, of course.
CtR lives by hypocrisy, it's only 'wrong' when their targets do it.

>white women with a college degree

It really is basic human psychology.

The guilty one projects guilt onto the victim. Deflects attention from themselves.

Are white women with college degrees the new mexican intellectuals?