No way

No fucking way.

Only a retard at this point would think that the polls aren't skewed.

GEORGIA, going democrat, goin Hilary, IM-FUCKING-POSSIBLE

They're making it obvious at this point

Other urls found in this thread:

Georgia has lots of black people. They will be voting in droves this election because the popular perception is that Trump is racist against blacks. (Looking at his past, it seems he actually is.)

Trump shit on POWs a while ago, and his slap fight with the Khans makes him look disrespectful toward the military, particularly those who were killed.

His popularity with women has never been worse. He's also losing the white vote in general.

Sorry the red pill is so hard to swallow.



Atlanta has growing population of Blacks, Northern Whites while the rural parts of Georgia are seeing lots of Mexican migrant farm workers.

It won't happen this year but Georgia will probably be blue at some point if this keeps up.

According to the Census, Georgia is 53% white (non-hispanic)

You alt-right fags can't see the face of America is changing for the better.

>for the better
How do you feel about brazil

Check, check and check. Great, we're all done! Thank you for Correcting the Record.


Every race is more likely to rise to power before the negro

What's the matter, Trumpfags? Wasn't this clown supposed to be unstumpable?

Why is it so fucking unfathomable that Georgia is going blue?

It's a super rich and educated state. They were never conservative in the retarded sense but in the please don't do stupid shit sense.

>this entire post

Kill yourself, mouth breathing leaf.

I'm pretty amazed that Sup Forums is so relevant that leftists litterally feel the need to shill here day in and out. It's cool though you take US, we will take the small victories like poland and hungary today, and then austria, Netherlands , and kek willing france.

You can't believe these polls. I hate saying shit like this, but after the primary it's pretty fucking evident the media is on Clinton's side.

No nigger running to promise gibmedats. No one they can relate too. Nigger turnout is going to be shit. Don't be a faggot.

It's hilarious to see white americans on Sup Forums get trolled by 14 year old beaners with americans flags

America is finished anyways, importing millions of low IQ nigs savages and than importing millions more of low IQ spic savages does nothing but destroy you once great nation. gg america you had a great run



Take off the proxy

Don't you have a wall to get to work on?

What proxy, retard?

Its all ogre

America barely import niggers

he is a 14 year old beaner there are tons of them on Sup Forums, Sup Forums has a huge spic contingent

What wall? Your meme idiot is losing, retard.

You are not in any better shape yourself

The polls aren't skewed. Trump really is that bad. To the cultists on Sup Forums insulting the family of a dead soldier is nothing, but to real Patriotic Americans it's like being stabbed in the back.

The only people left supporting Trump are those who hate immigrants/Islam more than they love their country.

It's literally just people trolling you because you're so easily triggered. I've been saying it all day, nobody in the real world gives a fuck about this place. We're irrelevant.

>using GALO SENGEN to shitpost against Trump
too far

This is obviously a targeted shilling campaign.
20 LE TRUMPLETS BTFO threads up at once and you have the audacity to claim it isn't?

Have you talked to a black person recently?



Thank you for correcting the record



You seem upset.

I know this is hard to hear, but hard work is very rewarding. Now get that wall up pedro.

>AJC calling doing phone surveys on who I'm voting for
>Tell them Hillary

>says the increasingly nervous Trumpfag for the seventh time this week

Your tears are delicious, retards.

I get what you're saying but America will be far less lovable with so many spics

Just like they did for Obama, right.

>Pollsters have an agenda
Oy vey, really?
Next you're gonna tell me its 2016.
Ignore the polls. Enjoy Trumps win in November.

>be media
>Drumpf is failing look at my polls!
>Trump has bigger crowds then Hillery
>Look at my polls I am telling you the truth they are not rigged!
>Only 6% trust mainstream media news.
>But muh progressiveness vote for hillery or your a sexist, misogonist, rasist. bigot, homophobe. Hur dur drumpf!

>lashing out this hard when someone provides reasonable ideas

Clinton Foundation at it again, i see.

implying we depend on this orange clown. taking pol memes that seriously, top kek.

i cant wait for this 2iq dumbdumb retard to lose to hillary so this board can return back to normal

Yeah the Jews own our nation too and will probably be a chink colony by 2050 but I don't think nigs and spics will ever come here because the winters are pretty harsh

I hope you guys understand that the shilling isn't an attempt to change people's votes, it's just an attempt to change the public perception of the odds, so that Hillary winning won't seem so crazy when they rig the voting.

Is there anything we can actually do about it at this point? I mean I'm still voting Trump of course, but if they keep fucking with the polls no one's going to question the rigging.

3rd world salt is my favorite.


Georgia, a heavily republican, minority hating state, going Clinton, you must be out of your mind.

Georgia went dem for the previous Clinton, why not again?

You underestimate the control the Jew has over the American mind.

>reasonable ideas

Yeah no

Georgia isnt going blue and they only poll Atlanta when it comes to it

>source: Georgiafag

This is really what I'm counting on



i think you need to rethink the adjective use there

>states that didn't go blue in 2008 when king obongo himself was running
>going blue ever
nice meme, if indiana is a strong red state this election when even they voted for king obaba, then georgia sure as fuck isn't going blue

Yes? Have you been in a coma the last 8 years? I'll give you a hint at who's president right now, he doesn't have an (R) by his name.

The board where everyone wishes you were dead? Yeah, what a great place, huh?

lol @ some unimaginable 14 year beaner troll using Sup Forums memes hahaha 3rd world scum really don't have any creativity not even in memes no wonder your countries are absolute trash hell holes

there is documented evidence (e.g. newspaper articles) of trump purposely not renting out units to niggers in the 70s.

but just keep posting your cuck fetish memes kids. as your boy would say: "sad!"

summers almost over.

>its extremely low quality and devalued


Clinton is the shittiest democratic candidate in a long time, this was the republicans best chance to take the presidency and senate, and then....

They elect Donald fucking trump



fucking hell get it together GA did not vote Obama

The call is coming from inside the house!

nah actually its only dumb american fat fucks who do that. theyre the only one flagposting because they're stupid and can't argue. Pay attention if you dont believe me; it's always american who flagpost


Polls are the easiest fucking things in the world to rig. There are dozens of ways to influence the results if you're the one conducting it. I could conduct a poll that comes up out with results that the majority of US citizens love Hitler if I wanted to.
Polls are only reliable when the candidates are not very polarizing and the honesty out-does personal bias on behalf of the pollsters, and seeing this is probably the most polarizing election in the entire history of the US, pollster impartiality is not something you can just count on.

>people motivated to vote AGAINST somebody

never happened in thousands of years of voting.

oh look, the top 1% and media personalities dont like trump. he's fucked


>>states that didn't go blue in 2008 when king obongo himself was running
>>going blue ever

There are millions of millions of illegal spics in the south now with millions of millions of illegal beaner children that will be able to vote soon thanks to the 14th amendment

Americans will never have a republican in the white house agian, they are just too many shitskins and they all vote left. The democrats staked the deck in their favour demographic wise

If you guys think this election is fucked up just wait until 2020. After all the poll rigging, all the paid shilling, and all the bullshit disinformation doesn't work they'll do the only thing they can think of: Try twice as hard.

The powers that be don't understand why throwing money at the problem that is Donald Trump didn't make him go away. They won't be able to understand why throwing money at the problem that is Donald Trump won't make him lose. The only thing they will know how to do is keep spending more and more money.

I meant the state of Georgia's vote you fucking moron.

It may surprise you leaf but there are more people in the metropolitan areas who traditionally vote Democrat than people in the rural areas who are Republican. Even less Republican voters given the number of Yanks moving down South, and people from the film industry.

>I don't think nigs and spics will ever come here because the winters are pretty harsh

My sides

Sup Forums redpilled so hard they landed in a blue pill safe space.

Niggers are proven to ruin property value. But you just want to correct the record.

The day GA goes blue, I'm going to leave this shitty state. It will be the ultimate sign that this state has been overrun with niggers and faggots.

They want to idiots at the GOP to try to get rid of Trump.

>why is my meme candidate losing
>it's certainly not because he's a racist bigot whose pushed away anyovody with a single shred of common sense

>for the better.
You literally have no way of knowing that.

The fact that you hate Sup Forums but are here anyway proves you are a shill.

im gonna enjoy it once he get landslided by arguably the worst democrat nominee ever.

No evidence.
No necessarily a bad thing.

begone invader, shill on reddit where you can control narrative and not look like a shitpost

muh buzzwords

This has been claimed since 2008 doofus

This fat faggot has more testosterone and more patriotism than a dozen rainbow-haired libcuck.

I just think you don't want to work. Typical mexican.

>No necessarily a bad thing.


Kek so what if its fake, trumps going to win even if he loses there is going to be civil war when Hillary stacks the court and comes for our guns

Holy shit, can you show more recent data?

Yea, who wouldn't be nervous?

user, I.....

Yeah and, the effects are being seen now.

You know where you are, right?

>Yeah and, the effects are being seen now.
You clearly dont know when this shit started

Keep in mind its not all shills. But its an invasion of outsiders for sure.