How I met a refugee

Last night I personally met a refugee for the first time.
Here I am to tell you about my experience

>Ride the train home after late evening shift
>around 1AM
>train pretty much empty
>enjoy after-work beer in the train
>suddenly a wild refugee appears and walks towards me
>he sits down on the row next to me
>asks for some chugs of my beer
>say its my last beer and i wanted to enjoy it on my own
>offers me a cigarette for some sips
>turn down the offer
>he lights a cigarette inside of the fucking train
>i try to explain him that he cant smoke in the train
>says "no speak english!" "only french or arab"
>he explains for like 5 mins using very bit of english and french how poor he is and how difficult everything is for him
>"i did swim to reach europe"
>"syria BAD BAD BAD!"
>"isis good or isis bad?"
>"isis bad!"
>"syria attacked by isis!"
>"in austria the policemen did beat me up"
>blabla more victimization shit obviously trying to make me feel bad for him
>"germany policemen good though!"
>[rage intensifies]
>he then asks "club?disco?" "party?" "vodka and girls?" (note: during a fucking monday-tuesday night)
>i lose it and tell him to get lost and that i wont party with him or anything

I probably behaved pretty naive. I should've been more careful. That guy might have carried a knife and follow me after i left the train.

TL;DR: leftists constantly told me "you have never even met a refugee yourself! So don't talk bad about them!" and now I met one myself and all of my prejudices have been confirmed by him...

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I'm from Germany by the way. Gotta use a VPN.

I see these fucks everyday. They're so fucking loud atleast the school where they live is behind that red building.

>That guy might have carried a knife
Und wieso hast du kein Messer dabei oder eine Pistole?

Why are such a sperg? Couldn't you give the guy a beer? Retard, ffs I hope he steals your wallet.

You should have told him to get the fuck out of your country.

fuck. I lost it

I don't understand how leftists can still say "you gotta meet one yourself before talking about them" when they definitely have to know that the majority of them have cultural ideologies that do not work out in western world.

>>"in austria the policemen did beat me up"
Based Austrian police.

Ihr weisst genau, was getan werden muss...

It's not like I never give poor people free stuff.
The same night I gave away 3 cigarettes, 2 for some russians and 1 for some homeless german.
But if I only got one single beer, which I want to enjoy after a hard day of work, I am not gonna give it to someone who already gets money anyways by my taxes.

Werde mir demnächst Pfefferspray zulegen.

Well at least if the guy stole his wallet, he'd be able to pay debnts

Zum Islam konvertieren?

You're lucky you met the beggar-type refugee
If you met the jihadist-type or schizophrenic-type you're screwed acting like that

They sound like Middle-Eastern Chads who are exploiting European naivite and sympathy.

Most of them aren't even from Iraq-Syria-Afghanistan. Most are fucking North African and just lying.

Welcome to my world

>have a mexican helper because its busy time of year
>guy is new, speaks shit english, but seems nice
>just got done eating lunch, im speeding because busy and i want to get home before 9
>get pulled over
>fuckin cops got me again!
>one cop comes to my window, another to mexican window
>"sir, you were speeding, blah blah blah"
>just give me the fucking ticket im in a hurry
>cop by mexican says "you guys got anything in the truck we need to know about?"
>"no, officer, just some chemical and tools and parts"
>"mind if we look?"
>not my truck, i dont care "no sir go ahead"
>cop gets us out of the truck, standing on the shoulder, they are looking in the back of the truck
>out of fucking nowhere, the mexican just bolts
>runs across the street, almost gets hit by two cars
>cops run after him
>speedy fucking gonzalez is tearing up dirt
>cops catch him, cuff him, and bring him to the truck
>"wtf are you doing man" i ask the coworker
>"i scared police"
>cops are talking to me, wtf is this guy doing
>i dont know man, hes new.
>mexican guy in the back of cop car now
>look at him and the fuckin guy just pukes all over the window of the cops car.
>cops notice, flip out, "wtf is this, i dont need this shit today"
>im laughing, cops let me go
>never saw speedy again

Well theres 2 possibilities:
1. He told the truth and they actually did beat him.
In this case he definitely did something wrong. Austrian police doesn't act aggressive for absolutely no reason. It was a reaction on wrong behavior by him.

2. He was lying to strenghten his victim-role.

I tend to the second possibility being what happened.
He pointed to below his eye when he told me about this. As if there was a scar or a blue eye or whatever. But there was literally nothing in his face that looked like he has been punched.

>Ihr weisst genau, was getan werden muss...

Lol, verpiss dich! GAS geben, alter!

>If one refugee is bad that means all of them are like that!

This is that retards on Sup Forums actually believe.

>mexican helper

First mistake. Get a woman. Then turn her into a wife.

You did well OP, but you need to be more asertive with those kind of people.

They remind me of the lower classes in my country.

The would roam at night asking people for cigs or a sip of whatever they are drinking.

If you doubt and give them talk, they will never leave your side until you give them something.

If you show weakness they will confront you more agressively.

What you have to do, dear OP, is look them right in the eye just as they aproach you and tell them "fuck off"

If they continue, you stand up in a position showing you are ready to fight any minute and tell them again "fuck off or I'm gonna beat the shit out of you"

You may think they would come back with friends or something, but they would rather avoid you and keep raming for more gibsme dat.

trust me I know what I'm talking about,

>"only french or arab"

Isn't that the same language?

I had a girl helper once.

>34 year old pool repair techinician, fix heaters/pumps/plumbing etc
>switched companies 3 weeks ago to a smaller company, more pay less hours
>new boss gives me his girlfriend as a helper
>she doesnt know shit and is really only good for going to the truck to get me tools or parts
>she seems pretty cool. fuckin stoner chick. always has weed and although i rarely smoke on the job she offers me it. thats nice.
>anyway, the bitch is taking my boss for a ride
>she still lives with her husband lol.
>see her texting dudes all the time.
>whatever man, aint my business. just here for a check, amirite?
>anyway, she starts flirting with me. subtly at first.
>bringing up sex once in a while.
>you know what shes doing right?
>so shes progressively getting a little more blatant. like she thinks im retarded and am ignorant to her advances.
>i obviously know but its a new job and wtf would i want to jeopardize it over this bitch
>on thursday i tell her i gotta piss and head behind a customers shed to do so.
>bitch walks around the corner to take a gander at my cock.
>look at her and kinda laugh. this bitch...
>shes like "need some help?"
>"maybe next time" laugh and shit. like wtf. this is funny.
>she replies "id totally let you use that to piss on me"

This is what* lmao

I guess that's why thousands of them gathered up at new years eve to mass-rape and grope women.

Not to mention I (OP) never said "ALL". I talked about the majority of them.

You guys bury sharks to eat them later, right?

You were badasses once, why can't you bury "sharks" again and eat them later?


Was bist du? Ein Mädchen? Pfefferspray hat sich meine Freundin gekauft. Man würde dich eher auslachen wenn du ein Pfefferspray aus der Tasche ziehen würdest. Leg dir mal lieber was männliches zu.

>>he then asks "club?disco?" "party?" "vodka and girls?"

AHAHAHAHA, he's probably having sex with horny Icelandic aryan godesses while you post on a Chinese cartoon chatroom.

I fucking hate that pasta.

I'd do this if I carried a gun.
But without a gun this seems to be rather dangerous. Lots of them carry knifes etc.

>i lose it and tell him to get lost and that i wont party with him or anything

Alles Männliche ist illegal, solang man nicht tausende an Papieren ausfüllt.
Und in DE eine Waffe in der Öffentlichkeit bei sich tragen dürfen? Das ist so gut wie schlichtweg unmöglich, solang man kein Polizist ist.

Its actually a true story. Im the poolfag that posted it originally. I dont think it qualifies as pasta as Im the only one who has posted it.

heres another.

>have a work order for a heater not working
>pull up to the house, big fucking mansion
>walk around to the back and looking at the heater
>needs an ignitor, install the part, heater turns on
>heaters running and im waiting to make sure it doesnt shut down
>walk over to the spa and see a big guckin strap on dildo on the bench
>homeowner lady comes out 8/10
>"did you get the heater going?"
>"yes mam, just making sure it doesnt shut down before i leave"
>lady walks closer, sees big strap on in the spa
>she doesnt think i saw it, or hopes i didnt
>asks me to go check something at the equipment
>see her frantically trying to reach the dildo
>she cant reach it
>gets in the spa fully clothed
>grabs the dildo and hops out
>im walking back towards her and shes trying to hide it behind her back, soaking wet, acting like nothing is amiss
>she tells me to look and fucking points nowhere like back to the future scene
>tries to throw the fucking dildo in a bush but she misses and it just lands in plain view
>awkward stares
>"ok mam, youre good to go. thank you, call if you have any other problems"
>grab tools and walk away

You're gonna get banned for saying that.

Du musst ja nicht allen erzählen, dass du eine Pistole in deiner Hose hast. Ich habe immer eine Revolver in meiner Jackentasche und noch ein Messer in der Hosentasche. Vorallem braucht man das wenn man um 1 Uhr morgens mit der Bahn fährt.

Und wenn man ihn im Notfall dann einsetzen muss ist man selber derjenige, der eine Anzeige bekommt. Na super.

You could have been cool and said something like, "pool works and hey, your secret is safe with me, dont sweat it fun is is fun. Well thanks for your business have a great day ma'am"

Ive been there a few times since then. She always tips me $20 and makes me coffee.

Asks only I come to repair equipment.

Du musst die Person ja nicht direkt erschießen, du musst ihm sie nur kurz zeigen und der rennt schon weg, spreche aus Erfahrung.

Post made me laugh. Cheers neighbor.

Why are using VPN? Afraid of Merkels police?

>hurr hes brown so you have to comply with his requests durr

Fuck off

Reicht dann nicht sogar eine Schreckschuss? Diese kann man doch sicher sogar irgendwie legal bei sich tragen

Are you autistic? People want you to pretend you didn't notice, not parade the fact that you approve.

I don't care about the ones who have sex with refugees. It is no loss at all to have their genetics dissapear.

Es gibt auch so komische RAM-Pistolen, die die Polizei zum trainieren verwendet, die kannst du ab 18 Jahren legal kaufen.

>only french or arab
goddamn Moroccans , he is not a refugee he is pretending to a refugee . north african arabs are scums

>implying this story is real anyway

we have a refugee dishwasher
he told me they get very good bikes from the city for 5 EUR each
he and his friends will buy me some bikes and i will sell them on ebay for more money
they also get fixed up for free when something is broken
they get 10 eur from me

Why the fuck are they in Iceland? This disturbs me, Iceland is a great country with pure white people they need to leave. I'm almost pissed off at our ancestors for creating everything with the hordes of shitskin savages invading our beautiful countries.

My experience with refugees in Brussels in 2014 was very mixed.

>be me
>be absolutely hammered walking back to hostel from Delerium bar
>take wrong turn walk 45 minutes into refugee neighborhood
>suddenly a brick lands about 3 meters away from me and shatters
>people angerly shouting in Arabic on a 5th floor balcony
>lost as fuck, no cabs no nothing in this area
>suddenly this random black dude runs up to me
>he's quite small so I'm not freaked out too badly
>" Do you know where you are right now? You need to leave now"
>tell him I'm lost and trying to find my hostel
>guy says its not safe and literally walks my drunk ass 45 minutes back to my hostel at 3am
>turns out hes a christian refugee from "West Africa"
>give him 20 euros, all the cash I had on me for helping me out

Wake up super hungover the next day

>tfw your wallet was gone the next day

He's a German.

Why are they so violent and angry? What the hell?

did someone say helper?

that sure is a lot of things that did not happen

Why can't we just take Christian refugees? Islamic ideas are obviously the problem.

>I'm completely OK with my ethnicity being erased forever :^) #refugeeswelcome #KIllALLwhitemen


God damn it all these refugees are total losers and scumbags. Last year I was drinking a couple of beers in a park with some mates, and we were directly approached by 2 Afghans who asked if we could give them a beer. We just stared at them for some seconds and then told them to fuck off.

Seriously, these people have either no shame, or they think Europe is a party paradise where you can drink and fuck sluts. Probably a combination of both

i think he was trying to say that the ones that breed with them will die, maybe a promise or a wishful thinking

What were you doing in Brussels? Don't visit that Walloon-mudshit socialist shithole.

Go to Flanders, pic related

>he lights a cigarette inside of the fucking train
This is not okay.

>enjoy after-work beer in the train
Neither is this.

Even for a completely fabricated story.

>exchanging saliva with someone likely to have tuberculosis

You kinda crushed my hopes, I was considering moving to Iceland when my country become too fucked up.

You don't share a beer in first world countries. You drink until the glass/bottle is empty, if you don't you're a fucking faggot

I work in a youth jail. I hope to see a white detainee someday. Murderers, rapists, loverboys, human traffickers. All under 18. And they are all laughing their ass off while they play pool, cod and smoke every other hour. They see it as a hotel and a thing to brag about as they get free and fuck up more people's lives. They are destroying everything they touch and ruining lives left and right. And they are taught that there is no real punishment for what they do. There is no responsibility for their actions anymore. Just some cod and a smoke every other hour and then back to the killing and raping of our society.

You must have some interesting stories to share.

>just some cod and a smoke
Wait, this isn't the cod FISH, is it? WTF are you saying?


What's that?

>look at him and the fuckin guy just pukes all over the window of the cops car.
>>cops notice, flip out, "wtf is this, i dont need this shit today"
>>im laughing, cops let me go
>>never saw speedy again
theres no way this is real. wtf id be dying

Can you post some stories?

I used to be in juvenile corrections (burger here) and shit man the stuff you see from people under the age of 18

Yeah, I heard Iceland has big refugee problem. /s

>"in austria the policemen did beat me up"

Either lies or he did something really wrong, our police isn´t really aggressive. Strict, but not aggressive.

Someone who grooms girls into prostitution.
Use your imagination.

They probably can fit two codfish up their arseholes at once. Hopefully not on the pooltable, though.

Call of Duty you foolish old man.

I'm at work atm. Can't type fast on phone. Also work in between. Will do some other day then.

Morrocans and Algerians who make a living by seducing young teenage girls from unstable and poor families and luring them into prostitution. They are a plague here

Yeah, thanks socialists. The working class guys you used to defend are now having to see their daughters become whores

There are no trains in Iceland you fucking mong.

Það eru engar lestir á íslandi viðbjóðurinn þinn.

There are no fucking trains in Iceland

This is like that fucking "eat the eggs" story, lol fuck

>be me
>haven't seen a nigger in my life
I don't know if I should be happy or sad.

That picture makes me rage so hard

German with a proxy.

>>i lose it and tell him to get lost and that i wont party with him or anything


>sharing your beer with another faggot

what are you some kind of homosexual?

People falling for this ruse.
There are no trains in Iceland.

lol my ID

Wods - 3

EU - 0

nuff said

skip to the part where you killed them plz

Here's my experience

>Be visiting family in Berlin for Oktoberfest
>We all went out and had a good time
>I'm the most sober person of the bunch, only had three boots
>Walking back to our hotel when three spooks notice us from across the street
>They cross the fucking street and start walking behind us speaking their mud speak
>I keep looking back
>They notice me looking and start walking closer
>I immediately stop walking and pull my group over to the side of the building we're passing
>They come over to us and start asking if they can have some smokes in bad German
>Shake my head and wave them off
>They start getting louder asking for smokes and any spare change we have, getting really close
>Fuck this I've had enough
>In my loudest, thickest Texan accent I yell
>Lead spook takes off saying, "American American!" to his friends
>Other Germans on the street notice me
>They all either nod or smile

They're fucking scum man.

But user, Iceland was always a deiverse nation of immigrants. :^)

There are no trains in Iceland, so...

Wow, sounds terrible. Are you ok mate? *hugs* Love your blog btw, subscribed.

he's trying to use you as a trust proxy "oh this shtskin is hanging around with an icefag, must be OKOMG WHY IS HE RAPING MY VAGINA WITH A LARGE KNIFE??!??!?!?"


lol I should use https hahahahahaaaaaaaa


Holt euch den kleinen waffenschein. Ca 50€ einmalig. Dann könnt ihr schreckschusswaffen offiziell immer tragen und auch verwenden. Ich hab ne 9mm pak mit 7 schuss. 2 schreckschuss 2 reizgas 3 pfeffer. 2 schuss einschüchtern 2 schuss zum neutralisieren. Sollte der Angreifer weiter machen 3 pfeffer. Die halten sogar tiere auf

Fuck you I don't listen to leaf pieces of shit.

>things that didnt happen last night
>you were on Sup Forums shitposting

>being chilean
>no refugees
>no dindus