Sup Forums BTFO!

Sup Forums BTFO!

>6 points on the entire vertical axis

What's it like being retarded?

>I don't understand how graphs work: the post

Note the trend when the 1Y button is pressed. Fucking cherry picking shill cunt.

Back to your trump general, shill.

What is 14 days on the x-axis?

CTR please go

Start rolling boys


I don't give a fuck. Trump will soar in the polls when Hillary's health crisis becomes impossible to hide. By Novemeber, she will be a babbling senile, incapable of even washing herself in the morning.

This is just like Brexit, the vast majority of baby boomers are going to vote for Trump, while fedora wearing faggots like yourself sit at home and vape while playing vidya, it's going to be so funny.

>Trump shill dedicating focus to non-existent problem
>Clinton goes up more in the polls
>"This is inexplicable...the polls are skewed. ARGHH"

LOOOOOL where did you learn the word shill? You must have been "lurking" for a long, long time to learn such a biggy-wiggy wordy-wordy. Oh, and by the way, only suckers listen to opinion polls these days.

you pulled up the wrong irrelevant file from your measly hard drive
>your such a CTR trumpeter

do you work for CTR?

It's VERY relevant, mate. Shows how all these "experts" we plebs are supposed to listen to called Brexit wrong. They were saying we would vote to stay, sometimes by a fairly wide margin, but we voted to leave anyway. It's called the "Shy Tory Effect". Google it.


I'll consider defeat if the trend continues after the first debate.

If not, then these ups and downs have been happening throughout the entire campaign and hold no significance.

Wouldn't call it work, but he/she/it/they might has/have something to do with CTR, yeah. Can't be certain though. Unlike CTR peeps, I try not to make claims I can't back up LOL.

you reek of poor education. it's a widely different set of polling agencies. and one example does not explain the brexit process nor the voting processes in general. furthermore, the RCP and 538 polling aggregates have a very remarkable trend of accuracy.
>you're a bimb

hit the road, jack.


there is a theory that those idiots can't outright deny working for CTR(dunno why, they could just lie), so be sure to ask and await deflection or be ignored

>using his convention bump as an ultimate point of prediction
>it's a repost the Trumpfucks JUST LOVE


>american education

The first female president.

Another white rich billionaire republican. Which one would you like to tell your children you voted for 30 years from now? Your daughter? You really want to tell her you didn't vote for Hillary so you could laugh with some other people on an imageboard?

>trying to discuss with shills
No roll with me my nigga, roll


oh, so you are really just that stupid or desperate to troll. sad

Partial to this, I haven't been encountering too many hillary supporters offline. So I imagine their is some media fuckery going on.

>muh feelsĀ”

>Trumps trend line is going up
>HRC's is going down

> better call him a retard then


>some conspiracy is developing yonder
>don't know what to look for
>stick together bottom-barrel rationale

oh look a nigger spic thinking he isn't gonna get deported

Anal-fixation from a liberal, what a shock.

>Turkroach doesn't know what a trend line is

Color me surprised.

The Brexit polls were also from several different, highly-respected (until then, ofc) agencies.


I won't be deported because Hillary will become president.

Roll for this

I'm sorry, but did Trump already lose?? Oh, that's right. The primary isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only Iowa. Does not having the lead in corn holing central count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the caucus is still on? Trump is still campaigning ight now and they have been the top of the polls for how many months now? He's campaigning againstvone of the worst senators in the Senate who just happen to have a lead because he conned.a bunch of Jesus freaks. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Trump is one of the best fucking businessmen in the nation, he rocked the polls last year and would of won the last debate if Megyn Kelly didn't mediate. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Trump wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Cruz just dropped a point. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Trump topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the Trump because hes good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking people on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

> Note the trend when the 1Y button is pressed. Fucking cherry picking shill cunt.

When you look back a year, you see that Trump has been losing to Clinton the entire time.

He's literally had a year to beat Clinton and has failed to do it. Early voting starts in a month and a half.

>being this desperate
its sad really.

>first female president
I'm sure the women of Syria, being tortured and raped by Hillary's rebels, will be proud of you. Fuckhead.

far fetched reasoning to stretch your observation toward presidential race in USA
=feel free to admit it by not responding


>poll show Trump ahead

>poll show Hillary ahead
"Polls don't matter! Polls have never mattered! All that matters is (insert anecdotal evidence here)! Polls don't matter because (insert most recent time that some polls were wrong here)! Trump is going to win regardless of what the polls say because I say so! You're just a paid, Hillary CTR shill because you don't unconditionally support Trump like I do!"'s the blatant hypocrisy that I can't stand.


>using scientifically devised way of predicting future events is desperation in Turkland

Thanks for correcting the record Trump shill

>People on an anonymous alt-right racist politics imageboard are fucking retarded

Gee really maeks you think, huh?

This one is better



Sounds like a personal problem. You should have known better than to expect anything more. You can always go to 'the other side' and expect to get better consistency.

>-Man why you gotta be perpetuatin the stereotype, nigga
>+Long reach

If one supports Trump, they cannot be alt-right as Trump is not alt-right. Nor is the Republican party.

Literally nothing wrong with that.

>>are fucking retarded
The sad thing is, Sup Forums used to be redpilled.
Now, they're Conservative Republicans.

>Another white rich billionaire republican
We've never had a billionaire as a president before. I'd like to vote for the first billionaire president.

Holy fuck shills btfo

>Sounds like a personal problem. You should have known better than to expect anything more.
Yeah, the quality of Sup Forums has dramatically decreased since the old days.

>You can always go to 'the other side' and expect to get better consistency.
Conservative...Liberal...Republican...Democrat...they're two sides of the same shekel.

What's amazing is that people actually think voting and voting for either (D) or (R) will make things better.

It's sad that there are this many bluepills on Sup Forums of all places.

What makes my reasoning far fetched? Pollsters get things wrong, that's been proven. It's also been proven that they tend to underestimate support for radical right wing causes, presumably (though not definitely) because of the social stigmata attached to these causes. Moreover, we have seen similar denials in the past surrounding Trump. It was widely expected that he'd never run, then that he'd never become a front runner, then that he'd never become the Republican candidate... And so on. If 2016 has taught us one lesson, it's taught us to expect the unexpected.