Other urls found in this thread:
>Trump gets the highest peak in the polls he's had so far in his entire campaign.
>highest peak
>still down massively to a stable clinton
your tears are going to be delicious come november
Fuck off shill,go tip your fadora somewhere else
how can you be this dellusional man ? i dont get it explain please without insults
Kill yourself
Ever notice Trump does poorer in RV polls versus LV polls?
You kill yourself too leaf, trump's highs and lows are trending higher, Hillary' highs and lows are trending lower. You wouldn't even be posting here if Hillary if Hillary didn't have to pay people to support her online CTR
Fucking shills can't even use the right songs in their memes
>inb4 a shill says trend lines are arbitrary
>go tip your fadora somewhere else
I think you've got your memes confused. Trump is the fedora candidate.
Lol thanks bro, shills are so dumb, and they think we're just as dumb as they are.
>polls are arbitrary unless they say Hillary is winning
Shills should kill themselves
That's how you spot a shill folks
I don't know who the fuck is trolling who anymore.
Shills are losing power, we are gaining power. As a community we are building up an immunity to the shill infection.
Feels good man
>anyone who think trump will lose even though not a single person on earth who isnt completely dellusional would give trump more than 25% chance of winning is a shill
im not a shill. If i was american, i would vote for trump and vote republican literally every 4 years until i die. If anything youre the shill youre the one using stupid shit like low/high trend FROM FUCKING OCTOBER 2015 to justify trump will win. What kind of fucking science is that? You're the one whos being irrational here not me.
Hillary is arguably the worst democrat nominee in history. Trump had everything going his way from nigger riots to terrorism to total corruption from the democrats and he's still down 8points. It's over man people just hate him too much. They hate him to an irrational level to the point where a corrupt criminal is more palatable to them. There's nothing hillary can do to lose outside of dying or getting her email delivered by putin 1 weeks before the elections
Guys like you are so fucking dellusional and annoying that it makes people like me who wouldve voted for trump eager to troll you in november even though my horse lost the race.
>anything that disagrees with me is a shill
>stop invading my safe space with contrary viewpoints!
Filthy SJW spotted
Your job is shitposting on fucking Sup Forums, let that sink inHAHAHAHHAHA
So THIS is what happens when you over sample democrats in polls.
>A fucking leaf
That's how you spot a shill folks
>+2, +3, +10, and +15 polls
The fact that the polls are all over the place probably means that it's bullshit
And yes they were bullshit when trump was leading too
>Trump supporter
pick one faggot
Make America Great Again
IIRC, Republicans tend to always do better among self-described likely voters, but that didn't help Romney and the high unfavorables of both candidates will probably cause relatively high turnout.
What the fuck are you even saying? And we wonder why the rest of the world looks down on us. Filthy fucking faggot.
>That's how you spot a shill folks
Amazing counterclaim! If someone disagrees with you, just call them a shill!
Honestly though I'm like 80% sure that Trump will win in the end. If a Democrat gets elected for three terms in a row, history will be made.
Lets see
>retreat to an echo chamber AKA safe space
>fling shit against anyone who disagrees with them
>angsty contrarians that think their college freshman level education makes their opinions have any merit
>offended by pretty much everything
Yep, you lot are the same.
Damn, registered voters are the highest polls for Clinton
He was in a 2/point lead a few days ago now he is down 8
>high unfavorables of both candidates will probably cause relatively high turnout.
I heard it was the opposite, especially for female voters
Trump better hope that's the case.
>I think you've got your memes confused. Trump is the fedora candidate.
Who's Trump? Do you mean Drumpf?
>shills aren't real
Sure bud thanks for correcting the record
This board went from purely pro Trump one day to filled with you CTR shills the next, that's doesn't just happen
Based on those lines Hillary still wins. However I think with the debates, future happenings and more shit coming out about Hillary we have a shot.
Lmao go fuck your sister. I never said that shills weren't real. But your thinking is so limited that your only response to scream SHILL. Basically, "shill" is replacing "libtard" as the mindless comeback to an opinion that makes you rage.
I'm sorry, but did Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The primary isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only Iowa. Does not having the lead in corn holing central count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the caucus is still on? Trump is still campaigning ight now and they have been the top of the polls for how many months now? He's campaigning againstvone of the worst senators in the Senate who just happen to have a lead because he conned.a bunch of Jesus freaks. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Trump is one of the best fucking businessmen in the nation, he rocked the polls last year and would of won the last debate if Megyn Kelly didn't mediate. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Trump wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Cruz just dropped a point. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Trump topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the Trump because hes good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking people on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
>Gets the highest peak
>Immediately goes into freefall.
>he thinks, unironically, that people are getting paid to shitpost on a tibetan tapestry forum
No, i just like pissing trumplets off. Even better if its backed with facts. You guys are such frail, sensitive pussies. You need your little safe space and cry "shill!" whenever someone disagrees. Im glad possum-for-hair donald is getting BTFO.
Those lines are retarded, they take into account the short, extreme initial period. Its like if you add (100 + 10 +15 + 13) and average it out. Reality is clinton has had a very stable, good polling number for a long time. Trump is erratic and will easily fall behind unless hillary does something monumentally stupid.
Thanks for correcting the record :)
That's how you spot a shill folks
That's how you spot a shill
>I just called him a shill
>how will he ever recover?
Take on a shill and more shills come in for backup, or maybe they are just posting as multiple users by using multiple proxies, I can't decide which
I can draw random lines too!
But call him a (((Shill))) and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Enjoy your fantasy while it lasts
>custom date range
>trend lines are random
Thanks for Correcting The Record
>my arbitrary date range is better than yours
>i dont know how to average out trends
oh wait, i forgot, there's only one way of arguing here. Ahem,
>custom date range
>max time frame is arbitrary
>custom date range is equally arbitrary to examining all available date
But call him a (((shill))) and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>retreat to an echo chamber AKA safe space
If pol is an echochamber/safe space why isn't this thread deleted?
>fling shit against anyone who disagrees with them
>angsty contrarians that think their college freshman level education makes their opinions have any merit
>offended by pretty much everything
>Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.
You're may favorite leaf.
You singlehandedly changed my opinion of leaves
roll lol
>he thinks including a short period of time with an extreme data point is not disingenuous
Go take a statistics class, would you? Anomalies are just that, anomalies. also
>17 posts by this ID
Looks like you're the shill, was the 3 cents worth it?
If pol is an echochamber/safe space why isn't this thread deleted?
because mods dont care, but the userbase does, so you flood threads that arent trump circle jerks with SHILL, CTR!
Here you go faggots, using the actual data and full data series. Refute this you cucks.
You can stop pretending shill-kun
>because mods dont care, but the userbase does, so you flood threads that arent trump circle jerks with SHILL, CTR!
So let me get this straight, you come to post this And then complain about people calling you a shill?
Mods don't do anything about your bait-posting. Yet, this place is an echochamber/safe-space? How can you look at image attached and call this place an echo-chamber?
It's literally doublethink, you think that any place that has contrary opinions to yourself is a safe-space, that's the only explanation.
Yours are inaccurate whereas his reflect the gathered data.
>Mods don't do anything
Welcome to Sup Forums, hows your first year been? They're just incompetent/lazy. Also, congrats on cherry picking a handful of troll threads when there's literally a trump general at any given time. Face it, if this werent an echo chamber, people wouldnt have visceral reactions and call anyone else a shill.
A fucking CTR Employee.
>muh echochamber
>muh safe-space
>muh cherry picking
>republicans actually elected donald trump as their candidate
you fucking blew it
>really makes you think
Having a recurring general isn't against the rules. Spamming the same bait over and over is.
>muh echo chamber
Oh yeah, that explains why people on Sup Forums always get along and never argue.
Fucking moron.
>shilling doesn't happen guys
>nope no shills
nice meme
>le bump
>there's literally thousands of threads that go by on Sup Forums, and you screencap a few dozen over a long period of time
>you unironically think these spams arent people trolling for shits and giggles
>you unironically believe its paid shills
remember to sage, you are bumping their shitty thread every time you post
>crazy talk
Do you work for Correct the Record?
$0.05 has been added to your account!
>Over a long period of time
>One of those is a collage of shill threads from not even a 24 hour period
Thanks for Correcting the Record
>getting her email delivered by putin 1 weeks before the elections
Jeb rocket is starting soon.
I love this meme.
Literally from the playbook:
"Fragile, frail"
Why do you idiots always think you are the only PR firm Adjusters on the forums?
Trump NEEDS to be down right now. Classic electoral strategy for an outsider, especially running against a woman: he has to look like the underdog.
Genuinely believe that MSM is deliberately cooking polls on Trump's behalf, at this point.
>How do you do fellow shills
This whole board is what you'd call a "trump circle jerk" seems like you don't belong here
>you unironically think these spams arent people trolling for shits and giggles
>you unironically believe its paid shills
Miscegenation Shilling
These posters often create bait threads in which they create a single op with the sole topic being about some form of miscegenation. These could be shock images of Black men with White women, or other types of threads where it is a picture of a non-white Woman with the OP asking if that woman is hot.
Trump General Shilling
Generally, the main Trump general shills are those who try to D&C the common posters in the thread. They tend to attack NAZI posters for being 1488ers, and AWOO/Anime posters for being r9k weebs. These types of posts serve no real purpose. Sometimes they are purely defeatists.
General Leftist Baitposting/Sliding
These are low-effort non-miscegenation posts that generally involve some image macro and a very low-effort comment. Examples include "Really makes you think..","pol BTFO","pol will defend this", "conservashits (With Occupy Democrats Image)". Sometimes these threads have no purpose but to slide more useful threads. New phenomena, they make a second post with the sole purpose of bumping the thread often with the phrase "Le bump"