Anti Race Mixing Thread

Post all of your redpilling anti race mixing statistics and facts.

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fuck im dying


>"he's dead"
>treat her like shit some more
>honesty starts to shine through "He's dead to us"

I bet she was wet as fuck having someone talk down to her like this

>you insulated me and my son

Requesting more similar things lel.



Check out this one guys lel

based father


I'm half white half Mexican. Ask me anything Sup Forums

Indeed, what the fuck is their daughter doing. Should be thrown out on a dingy to Africa with no return. She was blonde as well.. trash idiot.

i just want to preserve the biodiversity of humanity i want to preserve what make us unique
i don't want to see humanity devolve in a single brown subhumanity

mother or father white?

race mixing defeats black men

My mom.

>being that he is black and all
that last line killed my sides

Do you follow your white side? If so, best that you leave these here parts. Not because you're biracial, but because you'll be discouraged from the pure castes from being a model citizen that we should expect from nonwhites.

You are either a troll or a son of a bitch.


Haha, him going on about how we had their african women as sex slaves, yeahh mr black man, I am really not interested in your women, ok, no need for concern.

Why would I not?

Stephan has a low iq if he thinks hispanic is a single race of brown mestizos

Hispanic is not even a race

The main hispanics are white Spaniards. The brown hispanics are brown and dumb due to indian genes.

Stefan has a low iq and is not a race realist


I'm not wrong

What is this from?
Some british documentary?

nothing wrong with "race-mixing"

>inb4 le greedy jew mem

Stefan is around 115-120. Thats not low burger. U saying hes low with no backup is the dumb shit here

Found the spic

I don't even like Mestizos or Mexicans fuck off


Does this work?

Granted it's metapedia but it should work for something right?