America is BTFO and will never recover.
Ambassador (((Goldberg))) on suicide watch
America is BTFO and will never recover.
Ambassador (((Goldberg))) on suicide watch
Ace, he is at least doing something for his country
Isn't this the same guy who, when running for office, was asked if it was true he had police kill hundreds of known criminals and drug dealers while he was mayor and responded with 'Absolutely not. It was thousands.'
This man is too based for this gay world. If only he wasnt a commie
How insensitive. This anti-semitic homophone must be removed from power!
based as fuck
>His city went from one of the worst crime ridden in the country, to the most peaceful in the entire South East Asia
Man is a legend.
>executes drug dealers
>removes kebab
>calls a spade a spade
fact: philippinos are the strongest race
Wtf I love the Philippines now
If everyone was dead in his city it would be just as peaceful. Peaceful=\= successful
>we are memeing this into reality
I question meme magic every day
Knowing the faggot kikes king obongo has appointed into government, I'm sure he's not wrong
You know what? Fuck you.
That mentality is the reason why society bends over backwards to help out criminals while taking a massive shit on the average law abiding citizen trying to do right in the USA right now.
Immediate and lethal consequences for people committing acts of cancerous social behavior (rape, dealing drugs, etc) is far more effective in keeping the law abiding populace safe and secure than trying to rehabilitate or temporary separation of those elements.
It has only been done a few time in history and every time it was done the local population was happy as hell it was done and the average citizenry rejoiced and thrived as a result.
No oil, no American liberation. Scotland on the other hand...
Does this mean I can't fly over there to just fuck a few pinoy cuties?
That's not how he phrased it, you fuck! I only came to this thread to check wheter he really used those words or not.
You are clickbaiting even more than the actual clickbaiting new organisation, OP. You truly are a faggot.
Fact: The majority of phillipinos are actual fuckboy nigger wannabes.
Well we have a litreral fucking faggot as US ambassador who lives here with his husband so no fucking surprise there.
Paradise indeed
I like Filipinos now. I will never call the the Spics of Asia.
Except when they do degenerate shit like this.
Oy vey! This madman must be stopped. The UN must act now.
>Sagisag ng pangulo ng pilipinas
>tfw your language is literally baby talk in any other language
I see this as Kek's revenge for the fuckery that's been taking over the world
praise Kek
Looks good to me.
(((Goldberg))) BTFO
He's basically a pinoy Trump
But much more Punisher-esque.
the population of the city actually went up due to the lack of crime
Nice try dindu apologist
Ambassadors are shit, real embassy work gets done by the (((CIA))), state department and foreign service officers. Ambassadors are nothing but political appointees that donated a lot of money to the campaign.
Can't skirt the Duterte.
is this supposed to be bad?
>try-hard force memin'
Since he's a flip, and there's a spanish zing, why not play on that?
Can't Muerte the Duterte?
sounds stupid
can't thud the dud
>tfw I'll never have permission from the government to cleanse society :^(
Punisher or Judge Dredd like?
Except for when you get the wrong guy.
>h-he raped me! That guy right there!
What's a little collateral damage, right? As long as it's not your son.
>brutal, swift punishment helps to keep an orderly, happy populace
You mean like the peace our Muslim friends enjoy in the middle east?
>president of the country full of faggots
>has the nerve to call someone out for being a faggot
My sides
How will this effect the supply of LBFM?
Not everyone is a drug dealer, chaim.
Ambassador, don't you have more important things to do?
Before commenting -- IS he a gay son of a bitch?
>cartel tats all over them
They were asking for it.
cut your dick off so the world can be a better place.
Bi. Married to a woman, caught fucking men.
Bolivia did not like him either...
Ambassador to Bolivia
"Morales indirectly threatened retaliation against the ambassador for interference with Bolivia's government"
"Goldberg indicated a belief that several factors had come into play in his expulsion"
Sounds like a spy:
Assistant Secretary of State:
"Goldberg assumed the duties of Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research (INR) February 16, 2010, leading one of 16 elements in the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC). INR's primary mission is to harness intelligence to serve U.S. diplomacy. Drawing on all-source intelligence, INR provides value-added independent analysis of events to U.S. State Department policymakers; ensures that intelligence activities support foreign policy and national security purposes; and serves as the focal point in the State Department for ensuring policy review of sensitive counterintelligence and law enforcement activities around the world.[4]"
Was about to get mad but he's probably right. Would be funny if he called him a kike too.
He's a kike, what do you think?
Probably fucks little flip kids in secret. Maybe the spic Asians will execute him kek.
If only your hands weren't amputated from diabetes you could use that
ISIS pls go
Dude even a fat guy with both hands amputated should've been able to toss out Erdogan. What the fuck are you guys doing over there?
They can, they just don't want to. Same disease as the american population, as long as the state acts like the daddy and takes decision for the people they're ok with injustices and abuse.
All this extreme attitude and ad homminen does is strengthen the liberal case for equality among sexualities.
Are you against the systematic murder of those involved in the drug trade?
Nigger detected.
Implying Turkey isn't peaceful country now after failed American coup.
first its drugs
then its that guy who looked at you funny