Social Experiment BTFOs Islamophobes

Funny how ignorant Christians will say that the Quran promotes violence, but are totally unaware of the violence in their own holy book. You little kids need to educate yourselves.

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Islamophobia is not a real thing.

I can guess from here they're quoting the OT and not the NT.

At least the Christians don't fly planes into buildings.

the whole idea of living your life guided by a book is nonsense, religion is not the cause of violence, its human nature

Both books technically promote violence. But are Christians shooting up nightclubs? Nope.

Every major religion except for Islam has moved on from their medieval era phase. There was a time when killing people from other religions was acceptable. But that type of religion is barbaric and backwards. Everyone else evolved and most religions are relatively peaceful. But Muslims? Nope, they feel the need to carry their bullshit into every single country they migrate to and cause as much chaos as possible.

>implying that any abrahamic or any kind of organized religion should be allowed

The christian bible never utters a word about how it is ok to kill anyone who isn't your religion, or that it is ok to cheat and steal from those people, or that we should marry little children.

The jewish book of talmud and the Quran are evil in comparison.

Not saying that Christianity is good either, since it was just a psy ops experiment by the romans to supress jewish revolts. You guys can keep arguing about what is the true religion or who says whatn, but it probably comes down to inherent genetic disposition to violence and less self preservation of the middle eastern people.

I'll just keep worshipping touhous instead of any kind of abrahamic bullshit. Maybe if some of you joined me you could see what joy and pleasure you keep yourself from.

No Christian should put the stories from the old testament ahead of the New Testament, let alone believe anything from the OT.
The non-violent NT was written by Jesus' disciples, who were divinely inspired

meanwhile. the charlatan Mohammad claimed that the Angel Gabriel was giving him the correct version of the bible, which while divinely inspired, was not the direct word of god. Mohammad was receiving the direct word of god, he claims.

The OT god gave the Jews the 10 commandments.

the NT god gave Jesus' followers the ability to speak in different languages in order to spread the New Testament

Mohammad said that Islam's god will ban adoption throughout the muslim world, conveniently so that he can un-adopt a son he had adopted prior. force his newly unadopted son to divorce his hot young wife, so that mohammad can marry her without the fear of ancient Bedouin taboos

>Here is an historic account of violence that happened

>I am commanding you to commit violence

Yeah they're totally the same thing.








difference is christianity has progressed to the point where it mostly ignores the more violent passages in the bible





Yet, not a day goes by without a muslim terrorist blowing people up. Really makes you think.


Christians do not act the way it's written in bible. Islamocucks btfo

Except Christianity has reformed multiple times and doesn't teach any of this bullshit anymore.

This is why you cant win against Islam if you belong to any other religion, they're all equally bullshit.

The only true red pill is atheism


Reminds me of this.

I'm a fedora tipper and Islam is a subhuman religion.






Now ask a christian at least 10 verses of the bible word by word to see him fail but a musulim will never fail to recite the quran
to christians the bible is more like a history book to learn about while to musullims the quran is a guide you must follow 100% word by word




You mean the old testament? The jew part of the bible? Not surprised.



>"islam is the religion of peace!"
>it explicity says here that you are not a real muslim if you do not kill unbelievers
>"yeah, but this jewish folklore book also says mean things! what's YOUR excuse?"





>implying the old testament doesn't merely contextualize the new covenant.


>ignores millions of semantic problems with the bible


The bible is descriptive, the Quran is prescriptive.

Problem solved.

Now shut the fuck up.

Basically letting us know that jews are as bad as arabs, then


No one cares. You mudslimes actually commit constant terror attacks, so fuck off.


Fascists and white supremacists confirmed to be superior peace loving beings

Lol, so when do we get a side by side comparison of the respective a prophets in action?

The difference between Islam and Christianity, is that christianity is not violent anymore like it was in the past, it was reformed and changed.
Islam stayed a sand nigger religion.

Over half of the bible (the Old Testament) is retconned, so this doesn't count.

Who cares how much violence the Bible or Quran contains? Only thing that matters is how you practice your religion, you cuckold.



In all seriousness, you rarely see them chimp out but you see leftist destroying places everywhere.




Are Christians killing people in mass every day?

Oh that's right, they're not...awww you have no argument :(


How do you worship Touhou though?

The Qu'ron is written in a way to make reformations nigh impossible. It teaches to lie about your faith or being an atheist to penatrate a society. If the bible taught that I would be afraid and hate christians too.

>one post by this ID
> "Image.jpg"

Literal starbucks coffeshop cuck Phoneposting one thing and you all eat the bait like it's hitlers dick. jesus people have som standards

this desu
>a group of people professes to read and follow a book that tells them to lie to you, breed like rabbits, and eventually kill you or practically enslave you in your (formerly) own country in a ploy to take over the globe
>people for some reason aren't afraid of this

This user gets it.

Is there a prophesy speaking of a day when anons stop taking the bait?