Sup Forums after the flags were added

>Sup Forums after the flags were added

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I hate flags so much.

No one cared about discussions, only about the flag

I hate flags, people are so mean to hues here... :'(

Divide and conquer.

I hate the flags, this isn't how Sup Forums is supposed to be. Fuck moot, all his talk about anonymity then he adds something that's even worse than having a username.
Name one other site where you're forced to reveal your nationality like this.

Let's all be thankful that only 3 boards on Sup Forums has flags! And only 4 boards has IDs.

I'm called Ahmed at each post

It was kinda fun when you could choose the flags, but how were people supposed to know my opinions were the actually relevant ones without the US flag?

Fuck off Niggers.

I love flags. It gives every poster a personality before even reading their post. I love pre-judging people, but that Sup Forums is a prejudiced board or anything.


I get special attention. Which is good coz daddy didn't love me lol

Turned into fucking Sup Forums

me too

How was Sup Forums before the flags?
no flags are could you choose a natsoc one and etc?


Shut up burger

IDs are not that bad though. Nothing compared to the fucking flags.

Stop complaining, Mohammad.

Nothing wrong with calling someone by their name, Ahmed.

Image related.

Easy there, Mahmoud.


Flags give this place flavour.
Kinda shitted the place up with >LEAF and >POO IN LOO memery but I still like it.

come to think of it, out of all the flags, Israelis are the ones that get attacked the least.

Hello there Jamal

Why is that?

it woudl be nice if they got rid of flags and had global id's that change every 24 hours like they do on 2ch, that way we can spot the shills easier while having anonymity.

Flags are awesome because it singles out the shitposting and cuck brigades. Canada being the absolute worst

ikr , people base their opinions on the flag not on the argument of the post.


This. It's the whole reason 4+2+1+1 chan has flags on their /k/. Why would I care what anyone but an American has to say about guns?

Also this. I still read all the posts and think about their argument but it's pretty interesting to see a Serbian or something have an opinion and think about how growing up there compared to America or Australia would shape his thoughts.


How many signs would we need if we start a petition to remove flags from Sup Forums?

i like flags
people treat norwegians pretty good here and its good to know whos from shit countries

>proxy fags
the worst

Only another crisis will change anything on Sup Forums

Here I am.



IDs are anti-Sup Forums. Use a tripcode if you want to be identified.
I don't even like seeing how many posters there are in a thread.

You do not know of my struggle

who /old/fag here?

>tfw there was a choose a flag option (no country flag)

nice meme fatso

On one side I actually like the flags. Imagine you are a frustrated German who comes here thinking he can hold arms with other people who hate islam and go YEAH THEY ARE BAD RIGHT? WOW THERE ARE MORE PEOPLE THAT THINK LIKE ME! FUCK ISLAM.

Instead they get the usual: GO EAT PORK AHMED or DIE IN A FIRE ROACH

I just love white people bashing each other, reminds me of how Arabs are so divided.


IDs are kind of necessary when you're trying to argue with someone

whats wrong with flags?

Which boards are those?

>Impecible timing

Are you sure?

Is my flag good?


I'm not surprised sweden is the one most upset by constantly having to see their own flag.

People from shit countries and Sweden get picked on.

Flags are fine, people mostly like us here

Every Indian poster on this board is fucking stupid. You make indians in general look bad. Your shit grammar and spelling could be identified as Indian, regardless of whether flags existed or not.

>Are you sure?

You were posting earlier under German flag, weren't you?

It allows stupid ad hominem argument and lower the equality of the debate


Poo in the loo



>You do not know of my struggle

moot added them during the Cuckening as a final revenge against Sup Forums

They are instant thread derailers and an easy divide and conquer tactic

Flags are a kike tactic, we need to tell the stupid fucking chink running this place now to get rid of them

>being English on Sup Forums after brexit results



Flags are important to keep opinions in perspective. You think shilling is bad right now? Imagine if the Clinton campaign could hire a million Chinese kids to work for 10 cents an hour to do it.

Explain why.
I have never had a problem with this on other boards. I don't care who I'm arguing with.

No, I don't care enough about Sup Forums's opinion to post on a proxy.

They use proxies anyway you fucking retard

Watch the topics that are shilled here daily like the Steve O millennial guy or the proxy Jap saying Japan needs multiculturalism

It's all proxies

UK is savior of white race.

Despite the denbts meme I like flags.

>>being English on Sup Forums after brexit results

Flags are a gift from God himself.

It allows me to filter out people whoes opinion doesn't matter.

German poster?

Swedish poster?

Mexican poster?
Don't read post, tell him to build wall.

Finnish poster?
Read their well written outpost.

I hope they never get rid of flags.


Stop being little fags, so what if im being called Paco by everyone? I dont care
Does it make me feel bad that they tell me to build a wall? Nope
Do i care when they tell me that i have to go back? Well , it doesn't even make sense, im already in Mexico

Are YOU offended by opinions on the internet?
Then fuck off and never comeback to Sup Forums, Sup Forums, or any other website for that matter

also. cocks

We used to be united on this board under one flag, the Sup Forums flag, and the kikes and Jewt didn't like that so they added the flags to destroy the board with pointless divide and conquer bickering

Well you know, if you paid them it wouldn't be a meme

>implying you're actually going to leave
May sure is taking her sweet time :^)

Why were they added? What was the reason behind it? And what is the fucking purpose

Only bad thing about our flag is we share it with London cucks and Jocks.

flags should be only on Sup Forums and IDs should be on all boards so people don't samefag

And Sup Forums has been fucking cucked ever since.


me irl

haha no, lad.



you should really get rid of your shariah courts before declaring yourself the saviors.

i liked when you could choose the flag i would be jidf or israel mostly

I'm glad we have flags. The Hillary shilling would be unbearable if all the 3rd worlders (every other nation besides the USA) pretended to be Americans

That was so funny.
Not! Jesus Christ what year do you think it is? 2015? That is the most 9fag screencap ive seen on this site ever, and I've been here long enough to remembers the original Trump edits and macros. Yeah, that's right, a picture with text were called macros back in the day, not memes, you fucking faggot. Go back to Facebook where you think you're funny.


Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums

pol, soc, qst, biz

The vast majority of all boards are free from flags and IDs.
Sup Forums is the only board with BOTH flags and IDs. Don't forget that this is a punishment.

TFW Denbts meme got completely forgotten after German turned into the biggest cuck country and basically Raqqa 2.0

Fucking leaf

I'll do my best to satisfy my German overlords.

10/10 I'd poo on it

>what is a proxy

yes remove all flags... ;)

That won't stop us

And I imagine you think proxies are free you fucking leaf?

I like leafs desu.
Because of them people stopped using poo in the loo and also other memes ended. Is Canada the savior of aryan race?

Kek there weren't that many Native Americans for Europeans to even kill. At most there were 10,000,000 when we arrived, but still. 90% died through plague before we came and BTFO