Why is it considered virtuous for people to vote for their own economic self interest as opposed to principle?
Why is it considered virtuous for people to vote for their own economic self interest as opposed to principle?
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Because feelings and gibsmedat
People don't have any morals anymore, so when they see someone who does have them they think it is stupid.
Something like that.
>pick one
Except that is a principle.
>If you're on welfare why are you looking for work?
Christ, Amanda always had the nicest lips. I want to feel them on my weeny.
If you're rich,
why are you a bitch?
Because materialism and post-structuralism.
Poor people vote Republican because only Republicans help the poor.
Blacks (who are all poor) vote Democrat because gibmsmedat and liberals tell them scary bad Fox News is racist.
Because sometimes people don't vote for hand outs to save them from poverty, they vote for the freedom to pursue careers without being encumbered by programs that incentive stupidity and poverty
Why do democ rats act like "If I can't have it, nobody should!"?
Are they all women?
Because government bribing people is "economic self interest"
I an voting for my principles tho
Principles = Democrat
Economic = Republican
Not so much virtuous as rational.
Collectively voting to screw yourselves over inflicts widespread damage, causing all manner of problems.
"Honor before reason" is just another phrase for willful stupidity.
Because spics.
kek. fucking this.
I would vote Democrat if they weren't anti-white and for open borders. Poor US citizens that vote Democrat are actually voting for getting their jobs given to cheap laborers.
Notice how all the rich people who benefit from Democrat policies conveniently back Democrats and call poor people dumb for voting for their interests.
Oh, please, rich people, do tell those dumb retarded poor people what to vote for!
Because Republicans could eventually lead to more prosperity because people would be able to pursuit their dreams better.
Even materially talking, Republicans have a better framework for development, it is just not that immediate.
>notice I said COULD EVENTUALLY because I do not think white America will ever recover from all the damage that was made nation wide with social programs and gibsmedats
Because virtue has never fed anyone, honor has never given me healthcare and integrity has never paid a utility bill
Some people have the moral upstanding to choose not to take handouts.
it's because the left doesn't believe principles really exist. their ideology reduces all human interaction to economic class-based struggle, which in turn reduces to will-to-power plays given that money simply equals power.
> le poor people who don't vote for socialists are voting against their own economic self-interest maymay
Meanwhile, in Venezuela:
Mainly because crying your way to a better life has never worked.
>hurr redneck republicans
Just like I can say "hurr jobless crying liberals"
At least rednecks don't blame others for their problems.
if you're rich, why are you a liberal?
Pretty much. Why would poor people vote for more competition at entry level positions?
Oh hi, Mr. DiCaprio.
Ask blacks, they have been voting Democrat for decades and are still poor. Still falling for the "government will help" meme?
>Raise minimum wage
>Price of goods go up
>The poor stay poor with the added bonus of a wrecked economy
You can't rig the market as it adapts to such things, supply and demand.
Because democrats conserve the status-quo via Statism? Rich people who vote Republican really do vote against their economic interests.
Because poor people are stupid and easy to manipulate with promises of cash.
It's why I respect more poor people who are republican.
If you've stayed poor, why do you keep voting Democrat?
More of a short term idea that fucks it up for people down the road but justify what you want idc
You're white, why are you voting Democrat?
Because even the left-wingers think of poor people as sub-human, even if they don't realize it. No one bats an eye when a billionaire like Bill Gates or Warren Buffett gives vast amounts of money to charity and advocates for poor people, instead of using their money to just make themselves richer. The rich are allowed to act in a way that is not directly in their self-interest, because they are afforded principles.
On the other hand, when poor people vote for libertarian policies that ultimately either harm them, or help rich people more than them, they are seen as stupid or ignorant, not as noble individuals that put their principles before their self-interest. The poor are not afforded principles, because they are to be a luxury of the rich. Poor people are supposed to act like animals, following only their instincts, because that's what they are to most people, left and right.
People now only care about themselves.
Republicans, long term, could help the economy grow and the country to be more prosperous.
The only problem is that Democrats get into office and end up reversing their policies then blaming the failures of said policies on the Republican presidents.
However, people only care about their short-term wealth, which Democrats can artificially create at the expense of the health of the economy.
Or something like that...
I'm a poor student who works 30 hours a week.
I do NOT qualify for any benefits. Not food aid, not housing aid. If you honestly are making less money than me then you deserve to starve to death.
Clinton's policies would give free college to the people who will compete with me for the same jobs. I fail to see the economic upside in voting for her.
Why is it considered virtuous for the White race to allow those who would destroy them to have a say in media, culture and government?
>keeping blacks in the shitter
>killing unborn babies
>war, killing millions of Muslims
>demonizing and censoring opinions you dislike
>shutting down free speech
Nice principles.
>their own economic self interest
Government handouts and allowing the government to control the means of production is not in my best interest.
Because that's the literal point of democracy -- every individual votes for what's best for themselves, so the whole will end up voting for what's best for the most people.
It's against your economic self interest to be taken care of by the state because it takes away your self determination.
What is "poor"in America, really? The lowest class in the US is better off than 99.9999999% of all humans in history.
Rich people are far better of voting R than for the alternative though.
Because leftists think you should give them power because they are the ones that know what's best for you
Reminds me of Renzi's 80 euro.
Because the point of democracy is having a say in shit and theres no point engaging in moral judgement about it cause another big part of a democratic system is you can do whatever dafuq u want to with your vote and noone can say jack shit about it.
Leftist just need to be purged.
Then we need to isolate the genes that cause leftists to exist and then start aborting any child with them.
>Social programs are rational
>More social programs are rational
>Positive rights are justifiable
>Safery nets work good in the long term
>i am rational for tgese beliefs
Rich american people have companies all over the world.
Donald Trump would make that not viable anymore if he was to fulfill his promises (Which he will not even if he gets elected)
I still think we'd be better of if everybody just voted based on self intrest. I feel like too many people vote for Dems when it is clearly NOT in their self interest.
>i want to fuck over our republic for the next century so i can pay bills with gibs this week
“Self respect is something that can't be killed. The worst thing is to kill a man's pretense at it.”
― Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
Really makes you think
>Clinton becomes president
>"free college for all!!!"
>stupid fuckers start getting into college
>college dropout rates rise
>"It's the educational standards, they're too high!!!"
>educational standards lower
>stupid fuckers graduate college and get jobs in their fields
>businesses fail because stupid fuckers are working at them
>"it-its the Republicans fault..."
It puts my neurons to work
Rampant consumerism has led people to believe acquiring money to be the only worthwhile pursuit in life.
Well I don't like homosexuals but I do like workers rights, I really hate high taxes and welfare shit because I don't want to be a scrub. Even if it means filling up on water and ciggerettes for months on end. Just can't vote dem, I grew up in a liberal household but I also felt no respect for them because that ideology made them weak, greedy and lazy.
Homeless, not republican or democrack. All Trump, even as I was falling into poverty. I believe I could get work again under a Trump rule
>1 post by this ID
Enough drive by trolling
Amazingly well put finnbro, just look at the backlash in the wake of the brexit vote, as soon as everyone found it was mostly the poor who voted leave those same people who have styled themselves as champions for the oppressed poverty stricken masses immediately turned upon them and jeered at them as uneducated and simple.
False dichotomy.
because democrats are mentally retarded and id rather not be with them.
You can rig the money supply and interest rates, in the end theses people mathematically know how to keep the rat race going, they simply have us working for paper and digits that can be de-valued in your own pocket.
Personally i think we need sound tangible backed currency, i believe it is the number one economic issue of our time.
Right now as it stands the financial system is a house of cards waiting to collapse.
A firm's after tax revenue is divided between Returns to Labor (or labor costs from the firm's perspective) and Returns to Capital (or capital costs).
When you look at unit labor costs, you see than in the US, about half (.509) off a firms revenue goes to labor.
When firm income increases by 10 dollars (for example by purchasing something from the firm or by reducing the firm's tax burden) 5.09 of those dollars go to the workers.
Ugly women
republican vs dem is a false dichotomy but gibs vs principles is a real dichotomy its like long term vs short term gratification
Why is mass illegal immigration considered in poor people's best interest when they are the ones competing for the same jobs?
> poor people and blue collars should vote for a candidate that's going to give them more hand outs
Yeah nah, would I be American and making my 10€/h, I'd still vote for republicans due to their principal of economical participation of people.
Why would I vote for liberetards or socialists, if their mafia union activity would force my boss to except a hourly payment that would cause me and some of my co-workers to loose our jobs?
I never understood why dems think that "being poor" is somehow worse than having one's constitutional rights trampled upon.