Orthodox Report In!

This is a thread for Orthodox Christians.

> no protestants
> no papists

lets talk about how our faith has remained the same since forever, and doesnt stop us from defending the great races like Greeks and Slavs. Also post based orthodox images

Other urls found in this thread:


Repent for your sins and convert no heathens, before it's too late

Pray for the day when Constantinople will return to our Orthodox lands.

fuck off! i made myself clear!


Neither the Orthodox nor the Catholic churches consider each other heretical.

Now stop fighting

Orthodox Christianity basically is paganism. They worship idols and dead bodies.



Matthew 23:9-10

>lets talk about how our faith has remained the same since forever
Since the pope exkommunicated the iconoclast Patriarch you mean? Orthodoxy is literally reeddit: the christianity.

Ok ahmed.

toothpaste is right. this timeline cannot be argued with, though i would put after rabbinic judaism - kikes

> flag
Isn`t anglican a protestant?

I am not Orthodox Christian but in Estonian history there was a big conversion wave from Lutheran Christianity to Orthodox Christianity because of ze germanz being violent assholes.

Antiochian Orthodox checking in. How goes the fast brothers? I am holding steady this time although I must confess I cheated a ton during Lent.

i converted ivan

Hey you know what?

Estonia is now almost totally godless, except for the Russian minority. shame

they're kinda like Catholics only they don't accept Papal authority
Lutherans and Calvinists and all those other sects are a lot more different

>i converted
Is Anglicanism fucked?

oh beyond belief, Francisco. It was pretty fucked up to start with. based on the kings need for divorce. they now have women bishops.

women... bishops


I haven't been a muslim in about half a decade now thinking of converting to Orthodox Christianity since it's a little more Alpha and you don't have to lick jesus balls wat do

Enjoy your gay, tranny FTM priests.

>that image
>so i can save you from what I'm going to do to you if you don't let me in
no, jesus saves us from ourselves. Sin has a destructive effect here on earth, it's not just the final judgment that sin has an effect on.

Anyways... Catholic church is one true church, but like said, we should stop fighting each other. I always refer to my orthodox friends as brothers. I can't say the same thing when it comes to my protestant friends.

No they're not. They literally have gay and female priests. The Anglican church is in many ways the antithesis of the True Catholic Church


> roman catholicism

Ummm, move out of Pakistan if you want to keep your head (but dont come here). Apostasy carries death penalty there.

I know that your pic is a meme. But protestantism has to many variations desu

This, we are like discussing brothers
Protestants on the other hand are heretics and not Christian

drunk bulgarians flying byzantine eagle upside down.

Not amused

At one point in early Anglicanism they were closer to being in communion with the Orthodox world than Roman-Catholics were. CS Lewis was an Anglican writer and we like him. But yeah it's totally fucked now though. Although I've heard rumors that Prince Charles is a closet Orthodox so who knows maybe he will make changes.

Of course faggot I don't want to get killed, Moving out soon and not to your country which is already Pakistan's colony

> seeks alpha memes in religion
> wat do
Burn in hell.

This is (almost) true.
Estonia is secular, so am I.

We worship nature not synthetic mass contol doctrines for tax collectors.

well originally, guess they changed a lot from 16th century

Welp that's sad.

>implying I worship Rabbi Yeshua Bar Yosef at all

They're barely christian, and in some cases are not christian. Their baptisms are valid, if done with proper form (in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit) and intent, at least.



I just came home from Camp Saint Seraphim. The Orthodox Christian path is the True Path. Catholics have abandoned their ancestors, their saints, their teachers. Just like when they accepted indulgences.


At lest having a faggot is not my natural instinct.

that's what happens when you refuse the authority of apostolic succession and sacred tradition


>guys please stop helping your brethren and leave satan and their sinful nature to misguide them in peace!

Is essentially your post.
Remind you, Christianity is the one what created scientific method (question everything and keep what is true).

I have a habbit (not faggot) of drawing a cross on my forehead as a natural instinct before doing difficult tasks. Probably more christian than you, inbred slav nigger trash

Unia is a major heresy.

make it rain

You are probably a faggot tho.

>moving from Pakistan to New Pakistan

I went to St Lazarus's church where his second tomb is in Larnaca, Cyprus. And also visited the Church of Agios Mamas where the church claims they have a piece of the Holy Cross. Bless all the Orthodox Christians!

>who keeps the old faith alive? elder orthodox priests that dedicated their lives to study and translate the holy books or female swedish bishops taht banned the crosses fro the church because it may disturb the muslims?


what are you even talking about? Are you advocating applying the scientific method to the Magisterium?
>Hey guys, we might be wrong about this "no homo, only dudes allowed" thing
>let's try fags and women and see how shit goes
Fuck outta here
no one is committing that heresy by advocating union between east and west
There is a difference between schism and heresy
a big one

Just a reminder that when you insult our Church you insult all Slavs. I am Russian and VERY offended


They are Mormon-tier
Catholics and orthodox christians built the world nad invented science (Greeks and Latins)

Catholics are literal German-tier. In otherwords they are stupid.

Heretic is usually a word for someone who leaves the Church, it is closer to schismatic or apostate. Protestants are more like cultists.

you are a cultist

you are heretic not christian.

>Catholics and orthodox christians built the world nad invented science (Greeks and Latins)
>invented science
>science was invented in the 4th century

Also not just to you but seeing all you catholics suck up to orths is pathetic. But I guess that's in the catholics nature

>Catholics are literal German-tier. In otherwords they are stupid.
Italians are Catholic and part of the Mediterranean Race, the Renaissance was heavily influenced by Catholicism and Orthodoxy

>butthurt protestant detected
Literally muslim tier

Still not a christian. And I defended caths against orths earlier in this thread. But you insecure fags literally suck their dicks to get their approval.
Grow some balls you nigger licker

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.

Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father [and the Son]; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.

And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

our differences, and those with the oriental orthodox, are WAY smaller than with prots

>One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church

Repent you blasphemer

>not a christian
>he thinks he has the right to speak about this topic
You freaking neo-pagans are pathetic

Zucchetto is used by Orthodoxies to tho
And mitre changed its appearance many times.

True that the Roman Catholic church does not view Orthodox churches as heretical, but it's more complicated with the attitude of the Russian Orthodox church on the subject (can't speak for other Orthodox churches).

I'll translate a passage from the official site of the Russian Orthodox church:

First of all, it needs to be mentioned that the Orthodox Church has never officially recognized by any document, decree or definition the effectiveness and salvatory nature of Sacraments of the Catholic Church. But in fact, over centuries, the Orthodox Church has been accepting Catholics in the same way the Catholics accept Orthodox people now. This means that, if we accept a layperson baptized as a Catholic as a new Orthodox faithful, we do not baptize them anew; if they have undergone confirmation, we do not anoint them with chrism; if he has been a Catholic priest, we do not induct him but simply accept his current rank.

There remains a question about acceptance of Catholic monastic orders: no uniform practices exist here, because the Catholic Church lacks the idea of monkhood that would correspond with our view. But as for Sacraments, if a Catholic chooses to convert to Orthodoxy, we do not readminister the Sacraments they have been administered by the Catholic Church.

This practice can be understood in various ways. According to one understanding, the Catholic Church only uses empty forms [of the Sacraments], but as a person enters the Orthodox Church, they are filled with God's grace. This is a popular understanding. Another understanding says that the Orthodox Church de facto recognizes Sacraments of the Catholic Church, but the two Churches do not communicate in their Sacraments.

>Church built upon Illiteracy, and split up by Illiteracy

Bzyantine Iconoclasm

>loli nun
This pic reach an unheard level of qtieness

>i don't submit to the Church's authority
>it's a cult!
Protestant logic in its truest form, gents

Dead people. You must obey dead people in the caves.

>Great Schism ends
>Europe unites
>Godless Estonians/Latvians forever purged


I'm bored. Let's post some chistian memes

Go ahead. Asign some more religions to me.
Yes even if I'm not christian I can tell you to stop being a beta faggot. But for foot licking fetishists I guess all is too late.

I know. Still stop sucking their balls

Christianity literally does the same thing except on a cross made of wood



Orthodox religious resources

t. eastern rites Catholic

wow. how do you know so much Ivan?


Are you high? Greece has taken in a ton of rapefugees


Because Tsipras as a rad-left athiest cuck

>stop acting friendly toward your cousin




>Zucchetto is used by Orthodoxies to tho
Only among Syrians and I had to really search for an example. Couldn't find any other Orthodox Church to have that tradition.


Spotlight shows pederast priests.

>i believe that there's only one Gawd!
>he's represented by three separate beings though and each one refers to each other as separate entities

You're all fucking retards and Christianity is the least logical of all the major religions.




>Zucchetto is used by Orthodoxies to tho
Heresy spreads.