I have some information Sup Forums might find interesting.
I have some information Sup Forums might find interesting.
No additional details?
How big is your dick
What's the information
You are a Russian hax0r!!!1!!!
Этo пpaвдa!!!!!!!!
You have to ask.
shill post do not reply
why would someone leave reddit and do a ama on another site?
Who are you
What's the information that you have?
I can give you a hint.
August 14th
where did this prophecy come from?
Is that the day the Turks invade Syria?
here is your FUCK (you)
Something gonna happen there?
Will there be a happening on august 14th?
what is ur information
just say it or fuck off
what are you, 11 years old
BP prudhoe bay incident caused by a submarine attack?
Yellowstone Erupts? WW3? Hillary gets Indicted?
Why aren't you exposing the Central Banks of the world to greater scrutiny? Such an awareness campaign will expose the Power Behind The Power.
after google search image, i found that it's a photo of bp oil spill 2010.
are you saying that there will be another oil spill ?
Spill the beans your fuck off
here's your (((You)))
Well what he seems to be implying that a oil refinery in Alaska will either blow up or spill.
we're gonna have anuddah shoah?
What will happen on the 14th? Is that when your aids test comes back?
Fake and Gay
Why do kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, faggot?
Is the information relating to the physical realm or the digital realm?
Because it's covered with little chem trails?