Storytime: Tank Girl Vol. 1, Pt. 1

After much deliberation I've finally taken it upon myself to storytime this relic of a bygone era. This is the first part of a four-part series in volume one. Depending on the feedback I'll decide whether or not I want to go on to the other parts and on to the other volumes. This is the first time I've storytime-ed so I'm still getting used to it. Anyway, enjoy!










Here's the start of chapter/issue two.




And here's chapter/issue number three.

is this a storytime of pain?


Forgot to link to this:



Man I'm so not used to seeing this in black and white - really makes the lineart shine.


Muh aesthetics.





In which Jaime teaches you how to draw like him.


I'm assuming you mean that in a good way.
But yeah, I've got the collected editions and it's a totally different feeling in colour - ironically less vivid. (at least until book 2)


It looked a lot splochier in book two. Made it look messy.

The struggles of having shitty internet.




Confused what you're talking about now. I'm talking about the way they used colour in the "fountain of youth" story etc. - which is more vivid than the colour editions of the first book, this one.


Aw shit. Well, ignore what I said then. I was still thinking about the B&W.


And that's the end for now! If you enjoyed this let me know, and if you wanna see more also let me know.

Ah. Well according to the Book 1 preface, Jamie and Allan came up with this "system" of waiting till the last possible minute to do their stories and then staying up 3 days to do it in one sitting. It's understandable the quality would vary then.
And yeah, I'd love to see more. Like said, this black and white edition is a lot different than what I know, which is cool.

Keep it up Tank user. I love Tank Girl and Sup Forums needs to see the pre-Gorillaz Hewlett.

>Ah. Well according to the Book 1 preface, Jamie and Allan came up with this "system" of waiting till the last possible minute to do their stories and then staying up 3 days to do it in one sitting. It's understandable the quality would vary then.
That's what's called dedication. If it's one thing I can respect Jamie for it's being dedicated (even though that dedication gets lost from time to time). And I'm glad Allen is still writing 21st Century and TGOT.

>And yeah, I'd love to see more. Like said, this black and white edition is a lot different than what I know, which is cool.

> I love Tank Girl and Sup Forums needs to see the pre-Gorillaz Hewlett.
Preach it, user!

Just a heads-up, Part Two's gonna come tomorrow since I'm tired and shit. Those who are interested can expect me to post it up real early.

>That's what's called dedication.
Actually, that's procrastination and last minute panic, but other than this concrete example, yeah, I agree.

Well, at least they gave enough of a shit to continue instead of dropping the whole thing.