ITT: We disprove Atheism

I'll start

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Good exists. God doesn't.

There is a larger consistency greater than that of any individual. There is no afterlife and the only judgement that exists is the judgement of causality.

Agnostic here, you're fucking retarded.

>ITT: atheists denounce their heresy and submit to the will of Kek


Why do faggots who want to disprove anything at all always portray their point of view with logic arguments while showing the opposing side as a bunch of retards?

What do you mean good exists? What is good?

Because it's logically absurd to hold that two opposing stances on a matter are simultaneously right

By doing this you automatically turn your thread into a dump though. It would be far more interesting to see good arguments from both sides, with the opposing one finally agreeing with you after a meaningful debate.

Holy shit you know literally nothing
I mean that literally. You have no idea what "nothing" actually is.

In order for an atheist to know there is no God, that atheist would need infinite knowledge.

And then a being with infinite knowledge would be telling us that there exists no being with infinite knowledge.

Atheism is self-refuting.

>In order for an atheist to know there is no God, that atheist would need infinite knowledge.

Only God is good, so your concept of "good" derives from the nature of God, whom you deny exists.

As if your denial meant anything.

And as though your denial of the afterlife removed the afterlife.

>[ ] Anything needs a cause
>[] God doesn't need a cause

Sure. We can do it your way as well. Anyone's welcome to join

Fire away. Explain this "nothing" to us

No evidence exist of God so hes not real end of story.

I'd get my book 'A universe from nothing' but I'm not going to type out paragraphs

Go ahead and refute the assertion.

>implying he's wrong

The universe God created is evidence of His existence, and actually does proclaim His power and glory.

The story has no end.

>atheist would need infinite knowledge.
Oh boy, we're really in for one.

I'd gladly join in, but I'm agnostic and pretty much don't care at all about the God question at the moment.

I just think that despite this being Sup Forums some interesting discussions on the matter wouldn't hurt

The book panned by everyone, physicists and philosophers alike?

How about you prove it first?

>"""agnostics""" telling anyone they're retarded

"Vanilla or chocolate, sir?"

"Medium rare please."

How deep into the multiverse have your explorations for God been?

Have you even been off planet?

Out of the solar system?

Out of the galaxy?

Out of spacetime itself?

How do you "prove" something that isn't a math problem?

Never figured out when apathy and ignorance became virtues myself.

Does anyone have the I'm silly comic where it shows a rational debater against an increasingly silly and mad character

I refuse to believe you are serious

This is the PDF to the physics article you've linked me to, for anyone interested

I'm not a theoretical physicist. I'm imagining it's for the few initiated in this field

A universe from nothing is horseshit. And I'm atheist. Focus on disproving the bible. That is easier and hits harder

Does the universe have any signature by God on it?

No hes not real.

Autistic retard, God is dead.

There was no nothing, it was a singularity that may have always existed before the big bang.

>A universe from nothing is horseshit. And I'm atheist
But evidently not scientifically literate enough.

Then tell me a discipline other than math where proofs abound.

Ok mate. Feel free to join whenever you want

>the big bang cannot come to exist by itself
>but god can because magic powers

Their nothing has too much something in it; the book has been widely criticized as fantasy.

There possibility of a God does not prove the existence of a God, much less the Christian God. The short and sweet of it is that we do not know how the universe was created, and it's best that we continue to research instead of getting hung up on some text written by Jewish nomads.

You'll never disprove anything in the bible.

You'll only hold onto your lies in the face of the truth the bible reveals.

Here you go my braindead burger ally
*Makes an asserion*
'Prove it'
*provides citations, sources, or shows the logical reasoning behind the claim*
Simple, isn't it?

Yes, actually, it does. It's literally all around you. It literally makes you, you.

both ideologies are stupid. you literally cant prove that god exists or doesn't.

Sigur, micule uber-mensch

Matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

God is an eternal spirit being not subject to that law.


This is not in the bible, plz try again.
How the hell can a fucking book made by jews centuries explain everything?

Right. When everything that gets dsproved is suddenly just a metphor then no. Except of course Jesus last words

So you're dumb frog poster, beta-neet cuck in UK, lack education - subscribe to primitive thinking, regress to infantile thinking... why aren't you considering suicide yet?

who created God?

>God is good
>Destroys entire civilizations for using the free-will he gave them
>Banishes Adam and Eve because they're no longer blissfully ignorant
>Fucks with 1 man in a bet against the Devil, basically treating him like a guest star on Punk'd, except your wife isn't turned into a pillar of salt on punk'd
>Impregnates an already married woman to have a child who is also himself and will be hung on a stick because muh sins
>also that same son will ret-con the whole "jews are the chosen people" that Christians convieniently forget about.

Your entire concept of Hell is the 'abscence of the love of God'. So far God's 'love' isn't very good.

You don't know.

For you to say nobody knows is insanely egotistical.

>Be christian
>Knows that there's a high power among the universe and space and time.
>Lemme pose it as a deity and claim that he's a crazy ass dictator motherfucker that will kill you if you touch your dick.

Some desert dwellers.
If you're strictly talking about the monotheistic God of Abrahamic religions - again some desert dwellers but during Babylonian exile.

You can show that the philosophies atheism in practice leads to (nihilism/ relativism/ subjectivism, and physicalism/ naturalism/ empiricism) are absurd and self-refuting :)

That doesn't prove anything.

That merely provides evidence to indicate one way or another.

I get English isn't your second language, but you should keep that in mind yourself when asking for "proof of God's existence".

Because you literally could not handle the math involved in Goedel's Ontological Proof, nor would you be persuaded thereby if you did.

This is not an intellectual enterprise.

It's a spiritual sickness.

According to the scientific model, if we cannot prove something exists, we must assume it does not.

Applying this to literally everything in the universe, nothing exists.
Well, except me because I can think and descartes went through this.

So, now assuming that nothing but me exists, I love myself, know myself, control myself and, being the only thing that exists, am everything.
This means I love everything, know everything and control everything.
That is to say that I am indeed God.

However, let's say that certain things can prove they exist to you- ie can prove their own existence. The VERY FIRST such entity to hold this capability and use it would be an all-knowing, all-powerful and all-loving being. That is, God.

So either I am god. Or God is out there.
>According to the scientific model

Because I'm actually living a happy life?

im talking about whether or not god exists. you cant determine either way.

I don't believe in any god but i'm not against any religions (except islam)
I just don't think about it and mind my earthly business

Psalms 19
The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.
Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard.
Their line has gone out through all the earth,
And their words to the end of the world.

Romans 1
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

>applying human morality to a deity
>implying the psychology of god is same to man or even exists
very narrow perspective, friend. i'm not even a firm believer

Kill yourself you crazy fuck.

So all this yet you still can't prove or explain how an atheist would have to have infinite knowledge to assert there is no god?

It is easier to dismantle a strawman version of their argument than listen and refute their true arguments. You see it all the time on here "retarded sjw underwater basket weavers" and "inbread gun toting westboro baptist hicks".

Maybe people from both sides are smart and capible and we should listen to what they have to say instead of constantly underestimating them.

Jesus uttered 7 things on the cross, 7 being the number of perfection/completion.

That not all witnesses noted all 7 sayings does not mean that any single one of them contradicts another; they never limited the responses themselves, nor did they purport to list everything Jesus said.

As I said, you can cling to your lies, or you can develop a hunger for the truth.

Nothing about a signature here.

prove me wrong

mods pls

Who told you God is a created creature?

He may be, but he's 100% correct. Nobody does know as of now.

And if religious folk make existential arguments for a creater, they're still lightyears away from establishing this creater as a christian god who cares about anything, much less actually paying attention to little humans on a tiny planet in a universe most likely packed with life

Aka circular logic.

>Created in his image
>Hurrr God doesn't play by our rules xD

Fuck off

You all retarded mongrels.

Aren't you forgetting something? You haven't seen if the identification that you give to that high power is true or not. Stop claiming that the one that created us all, is defined in a thousand year old book that claims that high power to be a hypocritical disgusting dictator that plans to kill all fags and somehow lift you to heaven.

Go back to read that book to the 13123th time and claim that you are somehow intelligent.

If God exists and He wills it, you can have knowledge of Him

The existence of reason points to the existence of God. And without assuming Him, there can be no criteria by which to prove or disprove Him or anything

Killing evil is good.

Separating the living from the dead is good.

Proving Job's righteousness is good.

Becoming human so that He could save all of us is good. Notifying both parties by angels is good.

You, as they, do not understand "chosen". They were given a system by which the Messiah could be predicted and arrive. And that was good. In their evil hearts, because they feared for their lives and their livelihood, they demanded that Jesus die for His beliefs so that they did not have to die for theirs.

Any evidence hes not?

More like:

"What ice cream is behind the curtain, vanilla or chocolate?"

"I dont know"

I have no issue with non religious people

More "atheist" are just worshippers of Marxism and fail to realize their morals are based on collectivism and they grant "politicians" and seperate moral code as if their are a diety

They tend to apply brutal logic to Christianity, give a pass to non western religious, and won't even address the simple logical conclusions such as tax=theft and laws=coercion

>his last words were it is done and then he died
>his last words were father in your hands i lay my spirt and then he died
It was a metaphor right?

Isn't it obvious? A search of the entire multiverse and all of its components would be necessary to state with any veracity that no God exists.

Most people haven't even been off-planet, much less into the third heaven, where God lives and is very much visible.

No, it is more "sir, I have two unquantifiable 'flavors' of some sort of 'ice cream' and now your choice in such unknown things will dictate how society sees you, so make the right choice."

Lrn2analogy, faggot.

easy to refute a god as fragile as the christian god. still, not that good of an argument; god isn't man

Why does god like the middle east so much and ignores the rest of the globe so persistently? A prophet in china, south america or africa for instance would have given him a bit more credibility. But I guess it's another "test" amirrite?

>created in his image
We are just that, a image, not the real thing.

That's actually pretty inspiring senpai

>tfw I will never find Jesus and I will always be a cynical shit

To prove wether God does, or doesn't exist, is futile, since he eludes us, being something above our understanding. Therefor, the only thing one can do is a 'leap of faith' in which he realizes that belif is paradoxical and absurd, but always struggles to belive and go forward, making him a 'knight of faith' and not a zealot who blindly believes and follows, like a sheep.

Belif is subjective, personall, and ultimately, absurd.

You know that 7 isnt the number of perfection, it is 6. The factors of 6 not including 6 are 1,2,3. 1+2+3=6

Any proof to back this up?

called common sense, dipshit

Those verses demonstrate that you are without excuse. You stand before God, the Judge of the Universe, condemned already for your Unbelief, and without excuse.

Next stop a lake of fire.

Romans 2
For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified; for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them) in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.

>A search of the entire multiverse and all of its components would be necessary to state with any veracity that no God exists
If and only if multiverse theory is true, Which is yet to be proven.
Actually, don't you christ fags claim god exists outside space and time to explain his lack of a creator? Why would we bother searching the multiverse if he exists out of space?

Does God know?