Hillary Support Crumbles

OK guys, After 8 days of making calls, 309 to be exact, me and my fellow fake pollster have got the results of 120 people.

We initially wanted to survey 200 people, but fuck it, we are tired, and satisfied that it wouldnt change the results a whole lot, but who knows.

We made cell phone calls to each state. 2 from big cities in the state. 2 from small towns in the state. No one in Alaska or Nebraska or New Mexico actually gave an answer, 0 for 4.

Before i announce the results, i will tell some takeaways we would like to have out there. First, 309 phone calls is a bitch, Second, we called ourselves Landmark Polling, so if you hear that name, its us. Third, If we got a Voicemail, we didnt count that as a call, and left no VM, even though alot of ppl called back within minutes or hours,saying they recieved a phone call from this number. We then polled them. Fourth, lots of hangups, lots of NO ONE, some mickey mouse, the devil , a few Jebs and Cruz, and a guy who mumbled Johnson, and woman who mumbled 'the other woman'. Fifth, NO one said Bernie Sanders, but SOME said since Bernie isnt in the race, they would vote for Trump. Sixth, we didnt ask anyones Race. Seventh, Since we didnt achieve our 200 number (4callers from each state). Some states will be underrepresented.

Heres the synapsis of our phone call

Hello, I'm with Landmark Polling and i was wondering if you could spare a minute to answer our presidential poll were conducting today......
If the election were held today, which candidate for president would get your vote?

Pretty simple, anyone could do it. we are not licensed, but i dont even think you need one to call other human beings.......

Heres the results

Trump 69

Clinton 38

Other 9

Johnson 1

Stein 1

MickeyMouse/Devil 2

Other urls found in this thread:


I love your commitment OP.

Thanks, Forgot to add we didnt ask respondents if they were male or female either.

HAHA DRUMPF BTFO! Trump did pretty good though.

171 people came to a Hillary rally yesterday in FLORIDA......she's killing it!!!

really defeats the false narrative of the media/fake polls.

Trump is doing a rally at the BB&t center and one in an arena in Kissimmee FL

>both fit 20,000 people

Hmm who is this devil guy, what are his policies?
:) jk nice work not that big of a difference between hillary and trump as i expected but still HUGE

That's Racist


On one hand, it's good to encourage people getting off their asses to do stuff (stfu shills)
On the other hand, you'll get more Trump votes since you're indirectly polling mainly the middle to upper class (poor no phone) & man-of-the-house (multiple people in house, usually dad answers expecting contractors or something)
Your poll's MoE is 8%

Biased poll sage

That's not how margin of error is exactly calculated. Margin of Error is calculated through the usage of a critical value and is given in a range (I.e. 32% +-1.96%

>Trump voters so buttblasted about the polls they have to invent their own

2 from big city
2 from small town

I love your tenacity, but if you don't see the problem with this then maybe you shouldn't be trying to poll

I'm sorry, but did Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only August. Does not having the lead in cuckholding central counts as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Trump is still campaigning right now and they have been the top of the polls for how many months now (polls without the libcuck bias ofcourse)? He's campaigning against one of the worst candidate in the country who just happen to have a lead because she conned.a bunch of Jesus freaks and cucks. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Trump is one of the best fucking businessmen in the nation, he rocked the polls last year and would of won the last poll if Khan didn't mediate. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Trump wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Hillary just dropped a point. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Trump topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the Trump because hes good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking people on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

I'd love to help but im a French leaf user. Best I can do is sport my Trump shirt around.

>poll made by autists
>being more reliable than professional pollsters
I'm not a shill or anything but I find your inability to face reality disturbing. Hillary's winning. Period. Haters gonna hate

Well done, OP. Real grassroots shit in action. Keep up the good work and if you do this again, please keep us posted.

>non-citizens not gonna vote

>Trump voters so buttblasted about the polls
CTR so buttblasted about OUR polls showing Trump winning they have to damage control.

Due to OP's pathetic sample size, margin of error is massive
(mistake of 8% for just eyeballing)
It's x% +/- 9%

The Silent Majority, M8!

Hmmmmmm........ really made me think........

Yes, they can't. Doesn't change the fact that more citizens will vote for Hillary. Stay mad xoxo.

I approve of what you're doing, OP.

Have a bump.


>120 people


I'm HIDF, not JIDF. Dumb leafposter.

39 calls a day is pretty weak OP

I used to work in a cold call center and these fuckers would average ~150 calls a day, step your game up son

I thought 2012 was bad the the delusion this time around is unfuckingbelievable.


>Hmm who is this devil guy, what are his policies?
Basically the same ones as Shillarys


OP, you are the most shameless and autistic poster on this entire board. Congratulations. I hope they give you some number and letter blocks to play with as a reward.

I totally welcome your engagement and interest in polls. Personally, I'm not a professional in statistics and poll weighing and all this jazz, so I'm not sure how reliable that approach is, but seeing the shenanigans done by "professional" pollsters, it can't be much worse than that. Good job, keep nimble navigating!


I'm shocked that many actually bothered to answer. I always assumed they found random people in public places for these. No one I know is even going to give an answer, unless the answer you're looking for is them hanging up the phone.

>supporting a candidate who is controlled by the jews

Thanks for adding even more content to that collage after hillary's inaguration

Thanks for doing this. There may be some merit to Trump supporters funding their own poll through a PAC or something.

I remember the Ron Paul grassroots did something like this in 2012 in Iowa. At the time, the polls were outright ignoring him or suppressing his numbers. Ron Paul polled a strong second place, not that far from first, and the mainstream media was then forced to report something closer to the true numbers.

>professional pollsters who stake their reputations on the line.
>user on Swedish Waterreed Basketweaving Forum

Do your own fucking poll. Oh wait.....brexit.....i understand your idiocy now.

you will be pleased to know that, taking into account the size of your error bars, you have obtained results consistent with those of other polling organizations

Keep it up OP if I am free I will look for a way to help.

We are proud of you.

>trumpkins don't understand basic statistics

I'm not surprised desu

It's great that you did this, but everyone is just going to dismiss the results unless you weight by population. i.e. you need more responses from state's with higher pop, and areas with higher pop.

I almost feel bad for you, but I got some real fucking bad news brother

I'm glad most voters are still seeing through the media lies but we need to spread the results of all these unbiased polls everywhere to ensure nobody else gets tricked by the rigged media ones.

>Unironically correcting the record for free

Oh the Iron.

The methodology in your poll is terrible. The fact you give equal representation to the countryside and the big city centers is pants on the head retarded.

You mean he still has a chance?
And nice fullboat ya got thar.

2012 was bad. The lapdog media still shat on Romney, and he was a total team player/puppet who would've went along with their globalist bullshit.

Media is completely in the tank for globalists and liberal Democrats. Never doubt the lengths they will go to make sure their (wo)man wins, including poll manipulation and weaving narratives.


Does anyone else get warm and fuzzy inside when they see eurocucks more invested in American politics than 99.99% of Americans?

>120 people
Come back when you have at least 120 thousand.

The voting population is not 360,000,000

Op's here. Obviously this isnt a scientific poll!!! We have NO idea how to weigh in specific info which changes data this way or that, AND all states were not represented and some UNDERrepresented. We did this for our own amusement and both of us thought Hillary would come out on top, FUN FACT, the states of Florida and New York both had 4 votes each for Trump

Ok my fellow Trump supporters. I am not an expert but if Hillary has 3+ points lead the day before the election she will win. Polls are not rigged, sorry.

Honestly good work OP

we really need to start doing this.

pol has like 30k people, we could get half of us the make 1 call and tally it and be more accurate than shitty NYT polls

>seeing the shenanigans done by "professional" pollsters, it can't be much worse than that

Really all that can be said.

You don't need a large amount of people to get an accurate number for a poll, you just need a proportionate amount from each demographic/area. Basic polling knowledge.

It's because they only get to hear the juicy snippets of the presidential race.

Americans on the other hand are getting beaten left and right to death by the issue.

Why do you care so much about the polls? Polls determine who wins not who is right.

A poll like this isn't representative of anything. You have to ask age, race, level of education etc so you get a more accurate representation of the demographics.

If 50% of your calls were made to a minority ethnic group or a minority education group or a minority age group that already fucks your numbers completely.

bump 4 trump

Um we want Trump to win though you fucking moron. It only matters who wins the election in the end.


we all know they are scams

>120 people

stop wasting my fucking time

Oh, so they didn't hear in the news about how the polls were literally being manipulated early on after the conventions by counting some undecided voters for hilldog? I wonder why everyone hushed up about that... ((()))

1st disclaimer...this is simplistic as fuck
2nd disclaimer...these are made up numbers, obviously

Let's say you have a small town with a voting population of 15,000 and a city with a voting population of 1,00,000

the small town is voting 90% trump, so trump secures 13,500 votes and shillary secures 1,500

the city is voting 55% clinton, so shillary secures 550,000 and trump secures 450,000

shillary ends up with 551,500 votes and trump ends with 463,500

now do you see why a poll where a small town carries the same weight as a city is retarded? Also in this example you would have a 20% chance that your 2 phone calls to a major city are trump voters

Every Europoor I've seen has been ads lasting trump

That poll was so terribly designed that its results are meaningless.

OK guys, After 8 days of making calls, 309 to be exact, me and my fellow fake pollster have got the results of 120 people.

We initially wanted to survey 200 people, but fuck it, we are tired, and satisfied that it wouldnt change the results a whole lot, but who knows.

We made cell phone calls to each state. 2 from big cities in the state. 2 from small towns in the state. No one in Alaska or Nebraska or New Mexico actually gave an answer, 0 for 4.

Before i announce the results, i will tell some takeaways we would like to have out there. First, 309 phone calls is a bitch, Second, we called ourselves Landmark Polling, so if you hear that name, its us. Third, If we got a Voicemail, we didnt count that as a call, and left no VM, even though alot of ppl called back within minutes or hours,saying they recieved a phone call from this number. We then polled them. Fourth, lots of hangups, lots of NO ONE, some mickey mouse, the devil , a few Jebs and Cruz, and a guy who mumbled Johnson, and woman who mumbled 'the other woman'. Fifth, NO one said Bernie Sanders, but SOME said since Bernie isnt in the race, they would vote for Trump. Sixth, we didnt ask anyones Race. Seventh, Since we didnt achieve our 200 number (4callers from each state). Some states will be underrepresented.

Heres the synapsis of our phone call

Hello, I'm with Landmark Polling and i was wondering if you could spare a minute to answer our presidential poll were conducting today......
If the election were held today, which candidate for president would get your vote?

Pretty simple, anyone could do it. we are not licensed, but i dont even think you need one to call other human beings.......

Heres the results

Clinton 69

Johnson 38

Trump 9

Stein 2

MickeyMouse/Devil 2

Come on OP.

If you called a 312 area code (chicago) Hillary would be landsliding.

Stop being a NEET

>Not checking their pronouns

Into le trash it le goes

So, 120 whole people from your special IEP autism school responded to your poll, eh?

hello ctr

Use a valid news source next time

ah citing the clinton news network
the bait quality is getting lower and lower


Getting mad about shit like Reuters poll-rigging is like getting mad at your neighbor for shooting your dog. If you AREN'T irate, something is seriously wrong with you.

OK guys, After 8 days of making calls, 309 to be exact, me and my fellow fake pollster have got the results of 120 people.

We initially wanted to survey 200 people, but fuck it, we are tired, and satisfied that it wouldnt change the results a whole lot, but who knows.

We made cell phone calls to each state. 2 from big cities in the state. 2 from small towns in the state. No one in Alaska or Nebraska or New Mexico actually gave an answer, 0 for 4.

Before i announce the results, i will tell some takeaways we would like to have out there. First, 309 phone calls is a bitch, Second, we called ourselves Landmark Polling, so if you hear that name, its us. Third, If we got a Voicemail, we didnt count that as a call, and left no VM, even though alot of ppl called back within minutes or hours,saying they recieved a phone call from this number. We then polled them. Fourth, lots of hangups, lots of NO ONE, some mickey mouse, the devil , a few Jebs and Cruz, and a guy who mumbled Johnson, and woman who mumbled 'the other woman'. Fifth, NO one said Bernie Sanders, but SOME said since Bernie isnt in the race, they would vote for Trump. Sixth, we didnt ask anyones Race. Seventh, Since we didnt achieve our 200 number (4callers from each state). Some states will be underrepresented.

Heres the synapsis of our phone call

Hello, I'm with Landmark Polling and i was wondering if you could spare a minute to answer our presidential poll were conducting today......
If the election were held today, which candidate for president would get your vote?

Pretty simple, anyone could do it. we are not licensed, but i dont even think you need one to call other human beings.......

Heres the results

Johnson 69

Trump 38

Johnson 9

Stein 2

MickeyMouse/Devil 2

That's not really the issue here. In fact, that's just going to inject bias into the results. There's an argument to be made for weighting more valuable electoral regions heavier than less valuable ones if you're trying to predict the outcome of the election, but it sounds like he was just trying to get a feel for what America thinks of the candidates.

My biggest concern is the sample size. There was probably no power calculation done so the sample may be too small to estimate a population of 330,000,000 people.

t. Statistician


Dear Correct The Record employee:

Your """professional""" polls are often based upon small pools of data as well. Most have a sample size of 1,000 respondents. While OP is at a little more than 10% of that number, all his smaller sample size will do is increase his margin of error. Hope you know that your fellow Americans are actually going to go out and vote; this is not the Democratic party primary where you can cheat to your heart's content. You can't steal a landslide election; no one will believe your bullshit. I hope you faggots try, though. Trump is not going to pussy all the way out like Al Gore did in 2000 and call for """acceptance""" if you try to rob him.

Check your account; your shekels are in.

Shill faggot.

Trump winning in polls:
>$hillary BTFO. How will she ever recover? The absolute madman went and motherfucking did it!

Clinton winning in polls:
>Rigged! Shills! CTR! Good goy! Clinton News Network! I polled my WoW guild and the ones ambulatory enough to actually leave their basements will be voting for Trump!

what was the point of this response?

how many small towns are there though? Brexit won in small towns because there are so many...

Thank you for Correcting The Record


Can you hear Trump support going to zero folks?

A) Nice source, faggot. I would love to see it for myself
B) Voting population in USA is around 240 million, of which only 56% vote, so closer to 130 million
C) Even with your inaccurate numbers, you reached 119 as sample size, when OP himself said he received 120 responses.

You're just all around retarded.

This is the most autistic post on Sup Forums ever. Congrats!