>mfw I got called a bigot today for wearing my MAGA hat in Burger King
How do you handle this Sup Forums? This is my first week with it on and I feel like I'm going to get assassinated
>mfw I got called a bigot today for wearing my MAGA hat in Burger King
How do you handle this Sup Forums? This is my first week with it on and I feel like I'm going to get assassinated
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I hope for your sake you're large and muscular
Otherwise why be a provocateur?
Red triggers them because they are fucking commies
You can also get away with it if you're brown. Brown + MAGA hat = utter confusion for #bernouts and the #mentallyHill.
You're a customer at Burger King, right? You shouldn't wear political messages and non-approved uniform items if you're an employee there.
I'm sorry, but did Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The primary isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only Iowa. Does not having the lead in corn holing central count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the caucus is still on? Trump is still campaigning ight now and they have been the top of the polls for how many months now? He's campaigning againstvone of the worst senators in the Senate who just happen to have a lead because he conned.a bunch of Jesus freaks. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Trump is one of the best fucking businessmen in the nation, he rocked the polls last year and would of won the last debate if Megyn Kelly didn't mediate. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Trump wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Cruz just dropped a point. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Trump topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the Trump because hes good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking people on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once??? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
>wear a hat
>be brown
>wear MAGA hat
>people ask why I support trump
>give the usual reasons why
>"o-oh, it's ironic for someone like you to support him"
>"someone like me?"
Their face of utter confusion gives me great delight.
I got denied service at Wendy's at the drive through while wearing it by a black woman. I went inside and complained. Got free meal.
In a class at college, girl I used to bone walks past me, grabs it, and throws it on the floor. Vocally talked about how she is mad that she got fucked by a Trump supporter.
I'm surprised you didn't get called a faggot, cause that's what you are.
Do not let them intimidate you!
I hope you watched the cooks make your meal. It may have come with a surprise
This, my family supports trump and we're Hispanic, brother unfortunately is voting for Hillary, it's because his wife is an illegal, but hey what you gonna do.
Rise above it and smile. This triggers the nigger.
Did you order an Ass Whopper?
Tell his lazy ass to get a residency card for his wife
Do people not know what the word bigot actually means? Or is the will of the communist too strong to bow to the rules of the english language?
>eating Burger King
You think fat fucks and min wage minorities like trump?
Don't worry, this aint my first rodeo. Also, the woman at the drive through got fired I believe. My roommate ended up calling the corporate office to complain.
Wouldn't that not trigger them?
Why would communists be averse to red?
Fucking KEK
>see tons of cars with Hillary bumper stickers
>these people openly support a murderer and war criminal
Why aren't these fuckers considered provocateurs too?
I keep it subtle. I just have a MAGA lion sticker on my laptop. The only people who know what it means are fellow Trump supporters who compliment me.
Remember the Killing Fields? The leftists control media, academia, entertainment (pretty much everything). Yuri Bezmenov warned that we were almost finished and rightly called Mondale a Marxist. So, with mind control nearly complete, it's a dangerous, subversive risk wearing Trump gear. They're already shooting us and beating us with crowbars and such and this is instigated by our 'media'. Just be ready for when they come for us in oir homes. Stay locked and loaded because that day is coming. Don't let them intimidate you, just be careful out in public.
I do.
Almost everyone I know who is voting Trump lives a in a rural area, is fat, and incredibly stupid.
How else would you get poor people to vote against their own interests?
I always keep my cool and it's usually the same thing these people spout
>"oh he's a racist, bigot, random huffing ton post article!"
I have convinced some people to at least consider Trump in November by sticking to the economic issues. Some people however think that restricting illegal immigration is "racist" so not everyone can be convinced.
>visiting burgerking
not actual commies, try again
>wearing political attire to a non-political event
You're no different than a slut that dresses like a hooker. You deserve what happened to you.
Ask them the definition of a bigot, if they know what it means they should know they are bigots.
Liberals don't actually respect minorities, they think that we're their toys/pets that are beholden to them and indulged by them. Most minorities live up to the role (blacks, mudslimes, mexicans, etc.) but those who have really identified with the values and work ethic of this country and want a shift toward nationalism (as opposed to liberal globalism) confuse the liberal narrative.
Just have to select the appropriate response user.
>voting against their own interests
When will you brainwashed libs come up with new buzz words and phrases. This was overused and old in '08. Anyway, some of us who are free care about the common good of all.
Report his wife to immigration.
I sorta feel this. I feel like most people on Sup Forums would wear a MAGA hat in public because they want the attention and they want to be called a bigot, so they can run to Sup Forums and talk about how they got called a bigot.
Its the 'I hate getting catcalls but I just LOVE blogging about getting them on my tumblr' thing.
My white girlfriend told me she would break up wot me.
Don't wear it?
I confront people wearing Hilary stuff, I don't name call but I do talk to them about her record
Wearing political stuff is an invitation for debate, some people are worse debaters than others
Says the CTR shill encouraging people to vote for the cunt who helped write and promote the TPP
Bigot- real definition: someone who is unable to put others perspectives into consideration; a narrow mind
Bigot-sensationalized defintition: anyone who doesn't agree with leftist views; a person who expresses difference towards social trends
>and I feel like I'm going to get assassinated
don't come around muh town whitey we got some 4 ya
Real definition: Someone who believes in the inherent superiority of their own race
Libtard definition: White person
Why wear the hat if you cant defend yourself. Just take it off next time
She sounds like a manipulative bitch
They don't see the irony since they ignore their own hypocrisy.
Well it this is the hypocrisy we live in call them out on it for the bigger cause.
Because Trump supporters aren't violent criminal BLM scum like the Hillary supporters are.
I want someone to wear a hidden camera and walk around San Francisco wearing a MAGA hat.
>it's okay to insult strangers in public just because I disagree with them politically
You liberals really have no class or tact.
It's fucking pathetic.
go do it yourself, pussy
>work at Subway
>guy comes in with a vaguely american accent and backwards cap comes in
>pays for his sandwich, he turns around to leave
>Make America Great Again
Cool guy.
>"o-oh, it's ironic for someone like you to support him"
>"someone like me?"
I have a MAGA hat by haven't wore it on public.
I'm not sure if I should do it and look totaly autistic
Wow your personal anticdote and experience must be reflective of all of his supporters!
Update your copypasta, son.
>"o-oh, it's ironic for someone like you to support him"
>"someone like me?"
I live in Alaska where even the handful of niggers here like him.
You'll get more shit for being pro Clinton here kek. Minority or white, everyone hates Democrats. Even our liberals have mostly backed independents.
You don't understand. Leftists identify with ISIS because they, themselves, are terrorists. They are beating us with crowbars now, for pete's sake. This to intimidate and suppress free speech and voter turnout. Pick and choose your battles wisely.
Lol it's a free country he's as free to wear whatever he wants wherever he wants as the people who say something to him are free to say it. And the hat doesn't say "Donald Trump" it's just says make America great again there's no harm in that. Faggots just get triggered because the MSM tells them to get triggered so they follow their masters
Just an angry Clinton shill name calling like a child as usual, they are in every thread kek.
By accepting that you are, in fact, a bigot.
If you support a fascist that wants to nuke the planet then you ought to be able to handle a verbal thrashing IMP.
>be american
>don't even have the FREEDOMS to support a political candidate openly
Pakis mad as fuck but they're all manlets wearing their stupid religious dresses so they say fuck all to me because I'd kick their teeth in.
How is he a biggot? Why has it gone from racists to biggots now?
>mommy I'm afraid to get myself killed so I want someone else to do it
>Americans being this much of a pussies
Enjoy getting destroyed by Russians and Chinese. American Empire is falling.
>nuke the planet
Can you even form an argument without b8ing and making shit up?
It'd be a real shame if an ignorant trump supporter was killed for wearing his bigotry like a flag. You'll be missed. Get a t-shirt, too. Trump is a lying asshole and op is a faggot.
Better than an old crony capitalist communist desu
el registro ha sido corregido
Kek, my roommate is a pro Maga British immigrant, shit blows liberal minds because they think you're all sissy liberals like them.
Wish we could trade liberal losers for conservative immigrants.
Say "Wow, for someone who is implying Trump is intolerant of others' beliefs, you're sure being tolerant of mine"
Use your stand you ground law you fucking ameicant, why the fuck do you have gun in the first place
>nuke the planet
Are you intentionally trying to sound stupid?
I have a legitimate question for Trump supporters:
How many % of your vote is anti-Hillary, and how many % is pro-Trump?
Some places have no stand your ground and also have guns banned. He could live in a city with lots of blacks which always have gun bans because blacks won't stop killing one another.
These days, as with most labels, only fascists call other people fascist. Your perception is projection.
Trump won't win. He's not a "businessman" he's a salesman, and you're taking his bait hook, line and sinker. One day when you're a big, strong, grown-up transgendered man, you'll understand why all the adults hate trump now. Why not do some fact-checking for yourself? You're likely to find that trump hasn't said any at all. Go die.
I get called a racist and told I have no idea what it's like to be poor, all because my skin is white.
My father's parents moved from Texas to California on a Greyhound bus in 1961, before spending their entire careers teaching in San Diego and the Inland Empire. They worked hard to maintain a decent living and a comfortable retirement.
My mother's mother works at a Sears in Detroit and lives in a house smaller than the apartment that I rent (a shitty apartment in Fresno CA). She will probably never retire due to her situation.
I grew up in a dusty small town in the Central Valley called Reedley, before moving to Fresno, where my neighbors were a trucker and a fruit packing house supervisor.
But none of this matters, I'm white and therefore I have privilege, and I need to pay higher taxes to support lowlife lazy fucks who say I'm oppressing them. It wasn't that my family and I didn't work our fucking asses off to build decent lives for ourselves, it was all just handed to us, and we need to help other shitheads who want to live like kings while having no talents, skills, or anything to contribute to society.
Also they can go fuck themselves, I'm part Mexican and Cherokee.
100% Anti Hillary
70% Trump (I don't like how he picks fights with nobodies just to go down in the polls after)
I got called Hitler by one of my own friends for wearing it.
It's a fat joke you idiot
At this point all we can do is defend ourselves. You're not even allowed to do that.
My parents want to go on vacation to Mexico in the Fall. They keep trying to get me to go along because I'm the only one who speaks Spanish.
Maybe wearing my Make America Great Again hat there wouldn't be the smartest idea.
I've actually voted Democrat since I was 18 (I know I'm a cuck) but I'm voting trump and it's pretty much 90% just to keep Clinton out.
I do like some of things trump promises but I mostly just hate families like the Clinton's and the bushes.
>Implying Hillary actually cares about faggots, and isn't just using her label filled rhetoric for votes in order to keep herself in power while doing minimal shit for them
Are you saying that everyone is using the word "bigot" incorrectly? When the world is against you, you're probably the one who's wrong.
I usually respond "sieg heil" and give them a little salute.
You can't ever be contrite with these people. No amount of apology will ever ingratiate you to them.
Tell them bigot is someone who doesn't agree with you then call them a bigot.
Wear your gun on your hip you faggot, problem solved
top fucking kek shill
That's the last straw. Gonna start wearing my trump hat out in public, except to work of course.
Oh wait I don't go anywhere else...
>He could live in a city with lots of blacks
claim to be half nigger and shoot them for oppression
Good luck with that, BK is owned by brazilians and corp headquarters are in spicville central.
so, MAGA hats are the right wing version of Fedoras?
A guy I know wears his chink knockoff around town, 5'6" skinny lanklet unemployed permavirgin with non-existent social skills.
Surprised he hasn't been accosted yet, though it's mostly passive-aggressive government workers around here.
Here in America, you're considered less oppressed the more admixture you have. Blacks, on the regular, assault and harass those that aren't "black enough". That's why so many of them get stuck in the ghettos.
Fuck off Abdul
it's a free speech issue. smile and shake your head affirmatively to everything said. then sue
Nothing implied at all - I didn't say a single pro-Hillary word. Justbecause you hate one doesn't mean the other is the answer. Now is the time to stand up and be heard. They need to know that the choices being presented to us are unacceptable. Stop playing the game the way it's laid out for you. Everyone with a brain knows that trump is the worst thing that could happen to this country and Hillary is his peer. They both suck. Try again.
The price you pay for political dissonance is backlash from the greater society, especially if you live in a very liberal area like me.
It's worth it though. Nothing changes without the help of people who aren't willing to go through some shit.