
Is this objectively the most unified European map ever to exist.
pro-tip You can't make another one.

>Czechs will be Polish
>Lusos will be SPanish
>Slovenians or Croats will do anything
>Irish will be British

this fuckin guy

>Ukraine and Switzerland still independent
Yeah if you want to tie us and Slovaks up with fucking Poland which with we have very little in common you might as well divide Swiss between Italy, Germans and French and cede Ukraine to Russians.

I agree.
What is south of the ukraine?

faroe islands part of UK 10/10
scandinavia and iceland part of denmark? 10/10
russia exists 10/10
walloons part of germany 10/10
switzerland not partitioned 10/10
turkish european land part of bulgaria and not greece 10/10
corsica part of france 10/10
caucasian countries are not european 10/10

Are Czechs still pretty German these days or are they all Slavs?

Slovak language is literally Polish with less sounds

Where the fuck is Malta

What did you say OP?

This here is objectively the best European map, period.

Ukraine and Russians don't bode well.
The Swiss will literally never join anyone.
>Implying Russia can be divided.

Holy fuck that is literal aids, JUST LOOK AT THE BALKANS.

This is offensive to me im Turkish

They will all want to be those things

It's litterally czech with less sounds you uneducated fuck that's why we were in federation to begin with.
Average Slovak won't understand a Polish a word while we can speak with Slovaks fluently why understanding every fucking word perfectly.
Germans were mostly deported after 2nd WW
Rather Slavic.

Why the fuck would we annex Czech and Slovakia? Are you retarded or what?

Well, at the very least it still is 100 times better than yours.


lol u are aids.


>Red Croats
go home Novak

>walloons part of germany 10/10
i'm not an expert in non countries but it seems to be rattached to france

That's funny 'cose we understand Slovaks pretty well to but to be honest easiest language to understand for poles is serbian.

Finns may understand Estonians, but Latvia and Lithuanias? Would not work.


Another thing is that Instead of annexing Czechs and Slovaks it would be historically more accurate if Poland would annex Lithania and bits of Belarus and Ukraine


Why do the Netherlands and Belgians belong to Germany every time you Anglo's make a map? We would never ever join Germany. How about Canada joins the US?

When I was in slovakia it was easier to talk with locals in polish than in english.

Also when it comes to this map. I wouldn't mind living in something like Czepolvakia. Autonomic countries sharing only currency, foreign policy and maybe an army.

OP is retard

.t Serb
Explain why.

you think after all the effort we'd just go back to being British? Also, Kosovo gon chimp out

can't tell if you like it or not


What is Hungary doing?

Fucking traitor, we're not part of Germany. Belgium is rightful Dutch clay.

>PoznaƄ, Gniezno and Katowice outside of Poland
lol what the fuck do you smoke?

Montenegros are just red croatians

>Ukraine not part of Russia but Belarus is
>the border between France and Germany isn't the Rhine
>Dat Balkan nightmare
>Thrace is Bulgarian



Here's my best shot..

This might be a bit better

>ukraine keeps crimea
no way jose

>US in charge of dividing Europe
I do not know why but this map is not precisely surprising.

What are u gonna do user?

Nah, like 35.6% of Czech males have haplogroup R1b, and every other surname is German. Especially in the Bohemia region.

Autism, my favela monkey
