Go for a run

>go for a run
>run next to town pond that turned into a faggot pokemon go meet up place
>smell the green death aka "weed"
>see teens drinking beer on a tuesday evening


Relax Achmed, Germany isn't a caliphate yet

do it and report back

you should have "confiscated" the beer and weed

Unless they are white, your police won't do shit.

Sounds fun.

Cause you're a newfag

Call the Sharia police, chances are they'll get beheaded for using haram substances

call the sharia police, FAST

Are they white or brown, if they are brown flush it down.

mine hived

dont be a faggot narc just let them be teenagers

Don't ever come here then. It's dawn to dusk, east to west. I've literally had to stop and ask myself about second hand smoke and if there's potential for side-effects because the smoke is everywhere.
Vancouver BC.

Neither a criticism nor an endorsement btw, merely stating facts that may be of interest.

pls b in Berlin

spot the virgin

none, report a infant was seen near the pond playing too.

There is none, call the cops and let those little shits figure out the hard way to avoid breaking the law

Wow! Are women lightly dressed as well? Call the cops.

You're a hero, Hans, the Great Caliphate of Al-Emania wouldn't be a success without your collaboration.

You get a 5% discount on your kaffir tax for the good will.

Allahu akbar

>dude don't be like that man. Man weed is great man
Fuck off degenerates, get a job


Do it for the good of your country.

Remove degenerates.

I've called the cops on kids not wearing helmets at the skate park and watched them get kicked out, you're fine OP

There is none, unless you're a coward who doesn't want to report crimes. These degenerates are criminals, do society a favor and report them to the authorities.

>Green death
Can't tell if satire or not

Can't tell if can't tell.

>go for a run
>one of my favorite locations is infested with edgy teens who piss on the playground there and smoke weed
>refugee crisis happens
>refugee home is set up near this location
>edgy teens are replaced by shady refugees who sit on the back rest of the bench and shut up and stare at you from the moment they notice you until you're out of sight
me in the middle

im going to take a hit of hash in your honor OP

Call the cops faggot

Spark one up for OP

since pokemon go was released I see more and more groups of people sitting around at my local park at the evening. It's a bit creepy honestly. And when they walk the constantly look at their smartphone, just take it away fro once you dumb cunts.

I don't see the problem, it's summer holiday. They're not doing anything harmful to anyone else. Just having some fun.

>Drinking beer when you're a teen is illegal

You should call the cops. Public intoxication, minor in possession, felony possession of narcotics, etc. limit the enjoyment of a recreation area intended for everyone. They can do that shit on private property.

Not being a complete faggot maybe?

Oh no teens having fun near a pond during summer, quick call the anti fun squad.

I dont even love weed but theres just so much here, you cant avoid it.

>green death
>tuesday evening
>arthur image
are you a retard


>smokes out of a crack pipe
Get off this board you fucking hippy

Humans socializing and enjoying life in nature.

Better call the nanny state.

Have you ever seen a crack pipe, sheltered user?

Send those dirty hippie degenerates to jail, Hans.

Do it for the white race!

Weed is degenerate, and kills cognitive functions. Call the cops, it's better for them too.

> doesn't know what a crack pipe looks like

> leaf

>it's a 1 post by this ID thread

Weed is so good you can look like that and still be happy, terrible stuff.

Do it! Ordnung muss sein!

Why does weed piss you off so much. Are you pissed that all the Stoners get pussy while you're all online bitching about how you don't

WTF is wrong with your thumb?

boast of their familiarity with crack

uh ok

Not a crack pipe. I bet you believe everything wants you to think Isnt that right authoritarian cuck ?

there are refugees fucking up our country and you have nothing better to do than to shit on these teens.

People like you are the reason why I smoke only at home

Because there's no reason to. They're hanging out in public, having a good time, not bothering anyone. Are you that upset by the idea of people having fun while you're not?

Oh great one of these threads again. Bring a gun and shoot them up.



I fucking hate poke mongo players so much.
They destroyed parts of our local World Heritage Site because "GOTTA GATSCH EM ALL RAIGHT?? :D"
They're also squatting a sepulchral monument next to a graveyard while smoking le weed, drinking alcohol and blasting loud music.

>Teens genießen ihre Jugend
>Hans hatte nie eine erfüllte Jugend
>will wegen Kummer ein Arschloch sein

99% of Sup Forums

Germans hate fun, they start two world wars just to get ride of any form of entertainment.

You guys still don't get our kind of humour, do you?
World Wars were all about fun.

Call the cops, those degenerates should be punished for smoking the wacky tobacky.

Dogs face is cracking me up.

Crack pipe? Damn you leafs are almost as retarded as niggers.

That's not a crack pipe, it's a dildo.

You would be distracting them from something serious like rape by refugees and knifings.

Lol jk they don't care about those crimes.

This bong rip's for you, faggot.

Is that a block of hash in a fucking corn cob pipe?

What the fuck, Norway? Smoke weed normally.

Fucking leafs

Underage faggot, also snob, detected.

Kek, we just aren't fucking retards

Double Jointed people are the true master race user.

that's germany for ya

dude, jogging is supposed to improve your mood, relax.

shut up OP

I smoke pure hash all the time faget

Go have fun at a mosque.

>all of these degenerates itt

show them what a real German does when he sees degeneracy

every last one of them, Hans

this pic trigger me so hard EACH FUCKING TIME

do you really just let hash roll like that? thats so wasteful

>The only people complaining about weed are buttmad wasabists that are fucking up germoney

Do it.

i dont waste anything desu

>the only people not complaining are degenerate stoner monkeys who think muh fun is the highest thing in life

Can't wait to leave this shithole with people like OP living here. Let people smoke themselves into lazy pieces of shit, who cares, it's called freedom.

t. mohammed

Just do it, faggot.

>muslim getting triggered by someone drinking beer
nah abdul just take a dip in the lake, but not before tieing cinder blocks to your legs

t. Sven Cuck

>bullying kids

You again????

Fuck off forum slider!

Every night you or someone of your ilk comes on here and starts a topic

>wahhh I smell weed
>teens drinking beer
(Btw that's fucking legal in Germany you idiot proxy fag)
>gunna call da cops hurr durr

After 100 replies you'll be like
>lol pol full of dude weed
>lol pol easily triggered

GTFO faggot.

anscheißer sind die miesesten alter bist du behindert was bist du 45 und seit 20 Jahren ungefickt ..als nächstes sitze dann am Fenster und schreibst nummernschilder auf wenn jemand zu schnell fährt

remove this letter kraut, i have no idea how to say that


If it's Berlin the police won't do shit...if they show up it will be hours later

>friend of a friend throws a rave in his wg
>150 people, 50 cases of beer and enough drugs to stock a pharmacy
>large PA system
>actual professional djs
>cops show up 3 hours into party
>turn down music
>cops leave, music turned back up
> cops return 3 hours later
>pay fine cops leave
> turn up music
If rhis is Berlin, Hamburg or anywhere in north Germany in general the cops don't give a shit.
Get a life r9k

it's basically a double s



Neukölln? Uberreise nicht. MACHT mich verstehe

Careful Ahmed, they might discover your latest rapevictim. Better leave the cops out of this. Take your explosive belt and take them out this way.