>beach volleyball in 2016
Beach volleyball in 2016
> beach volley 2016
What happens if a man sees a Muslim woman changing clothes? Is that considered Haram and she is punished by death??
Why doesnt she just wear a greenman suit already?
Weren't you autists complaining the day before the olympics about how they showed to much in the olympics?
She looks hot and sweaty as fuck. I feel like it's a hindrance more than anything.
Does anyone follow beach volleyball? How are the absolutely haram teams doing? Is their stupid restrictive clothes causing them to get BTFO?
Literally nothing wrong about looking modest
Jesus Christ the Greeks have gone mad
>feminists will literally celebrate this
does anyone understand why?
>Representing her home country
>Home country is majority muslim, as is she
>Thus wears a hijab and covers up accordingly
I fail to see a problem here unless Denmark or some other European shithole also adopts this dress code.
Is there offside in volleyball ?
Literally no problem with this, Paul Joseph Watson was having an austistic rage about this on Facebook but its the fucking Olympics and this woman is from a Muslim country, complaining about pushing Muslim ideologies on the West is one thing, but forcing your ideology on them, in a neutral multicultural sports event is retarded.
>multicultural sports
>beheading isn't one of them
The west hates muslims
it's just funny to see how reluctant they are. if in islam it would say that you have to walk on 1 leg as a women, they would go to the olympiads doing it. it misses the total point of sport and is hindering to the athletes as you can see. hinders sight, is annoying as fuck to wear, sweat shittons. kek
I'd pay to see that.
Maybe we can use computers to greenscreen her out for an attractive lady instead.
she's german.
Imagine all that booty sweat
Imagine the stench
True, but in that region of the world, we both know that their faith supersedes everything, if they want to handicap themselves, then more power to them. Besides, she looks like a brown Amy Schumer, I'm not really sure I would want to see her in a two piece desu.
wow that egy sure is edgy wearing that shit
this would be hot if they were white and not dunecoons
What was the score anyways, I'm only assuming it was an abysmal Egyptian failure
>I feel like it's a hindrance more than anything
Just like their presence in every country they inhabit.
If all women wore this kind of clothing it would mean the end of female sports. No audience, no sponsors, back to kitchen.
And before you say the egyptians somehow managed to make it despite their clothing, in egypt this is quite sexual. It's tighter than what they normally wear. You can see their general body outline making sexy poses in those tight pants. I bet they pull in crowds at the beach volleyball competions. It's like stripper joints for the men, and these women get called whores.
>inb4 perv for objectifying female athletes
I don't give a fuck about watching female sports or any sports in general.
SPF 10000
Turkish national team doesnt wear that shit. Egyptian team shouldnt accepted first place. There clothes are offensive to women's dignity.
Why are muslim women so ugly? They cover them selves up to be "modest," but they have nothing to be modest about, they are disgusting.
/pol is quick to point out differences, but not similarities. Muslims are human too and that's the only thing that matters.
The only reason a lot of women even care about looking good is cause or society incentivizes it
The fact that they prefer modesty over looking good just shows that their men are losers whose sexual frustration manifests in a hatred of women
Gross. Imagine how bad that sweaty swine smells?
Why arent sjw up in arms about how mudslimes oppress their women?
Way under-rated.
Please, does anyone know how to filter canadian posters? Can we make a petition to range-ban them? Anything, please!
Needs Merkel stood in background with her hands rubbing together
Painted nails? What a whore
But remember goyim, silly tongue in cheek video games are the real problem with misogyny in today's world!
Remember to donate to my patreon and kickstarter! Hehehe
It is funny beacause both of them are german
Egyptians are allowed to show feet?
Aren't those tights a little too tight as well?
Remember when these pics came out and Sup Forums was having it's anniversary? Everyone thought we were celebrating that kid dying.
persian women are pretty hot.
Cecilia berden needs to use her sword on this muslim volleyball player
Who is this semen demon?
I see a big problem when someone wears the insignia of a criminal organisation.
They say every woman has a right to choose what she wants to wear. So if she wants to cover up then it's fine.
>Non degenerate way of playing volleyball
>/Pol has a problem with this
>Literally what
who are you quoting?
>Wearing ill-fitting clothes for the sport you're playing
Go home Achmed
Now if only all the players looked like this...
based modest egyptian women
In 2026 all European teams will look like that. Damn feels good.
>Implying swimwear on tv where millions will be watching isn't degenerate.
Why do they wear eye makeup?
fuck you
Which one is the German?
fuck you both
I came here for the volleyball asses
Debts bringing the bants kek.
I know, she has a nice ass
Egypt was only recently highly islamicized. I don't think the 'gyptians like it.
hmmmm really makes you think huh?
Jesus Christ, why is that abomination allowed? Most people watch beach volleyball to see sweaty fit girls running around half naked, not these ugly things.
>I'm only assuming it was an abysmal Egyptian failure
It was. It's their 1st olympics while the other German team has been there 3 times already. ain't even mad.
Not complaining so much as I hate women being allowed to have rights.
I agree with OP's pic being standard for Olympics
I'm also hoping terrorists will do something so Trump can get elected.
Well, she is from Egypt... Why do you care how she play? What, you wanna see her ass?
>hur hur someone is wearing a hijab, I'm triggered
They are also holding European Cup Sup Forums btfo.
I wonder how many black men would actually find that attractive?
>Egyptians are allowed to show feet?
I'm fairly certain feet and hands don't need to be covered according to the hijab dress code. That being said the clothing shouldn't be that tight.
Yes indeed. God bless you Spain.
t.Muhammad bin Akbar
Her feet literally look like the rotting feet of a corpse.
anyone dedicated enough to their ideology to wear a special piece of cloth 24/7, is too dedicated to be a normal member of society.
This is how it starts, seemingly innocent enough. Next thing you know all of Europe is covered in allahu ackbars. Gotta stop this shit now before it becomes a plague you dumb faggot Argentinian
We're not all raging homosexuals like you
I really don't see the problem with this
>B-but why aren't they naked like my women
Not our fault you're cucks
would squeezee my peenor inside of her
She is not living in Europe or America m8... She is a Egyptians living in Egypt where they are Muslim.
Don't want Muslim in your country, fair enough but you shouldn't say what is allowed to wear for an Egyptian citizen. The Olympics always embrace that, the diversity of cultures in the world.
Stop being such a pussy and enjoy sports.
Spotted the femanon.
Women use their looks to extract benefits from men. Older and unattractive women hate young attractive women.
moar plz senpai
OPs image makes me so hard. You can see her hands!
We'll see what Isis is making them wear this year.
would you, France?
Anais Zanotti
I know what I would do.
I would beat her.
at volleyball..
i'm yellow fevered since i'm 4
I know, because it's really cold in Egypt....they had NO clue what it would be like to wear a hijab in the heat....*eye roll*
God bless
a fucking bomb man how could you fuck it up