If the Jews are trying to destroy the white race by manipulating whites and blacks to racemix...

If the Jews are trying to destroy the white race by manipulating whites and blacks to racemix, then surely they're also trying to destroy the black race too? You all act like they're singling us out and that black people somehow benefit from this while it's to our detriment, despite literally the exact same thing happening to both of us.

Blacks are so weak willed and stupid they dont have to be destroyed

>the exact thing happening to both of us
no they upgraded, we're the ones downgrading

But, according to your theory, they are also being bred out of existence too.

I don't know how you can manage to differentiate between the two.

Mixed race people almost always identify as Black

What happens to black americans is a non issue because the pure blacks in Africa are now at 1 billion in population meaning they vastly outnumber whites on earth.

>surely they're also trying to destroy the black race too?
They are, their endgame is a mixed population of serfs ruled over by a jewish nobility.

Jews don't care about blacks on account of them being easy to control as is. Independently thinking whites are the problem.



Who cares lol in 209 years, there will be a genetically modified or clone white pussy for all

black are too dumb to be a threat to the jews

The jews are not behind it, women are.
They love brown dick, period.

Want it to stop? Stop making taboo, girls want what daddy says they shouldnt have.

They are using blacks as a biological weapon.

Welfare and racemixing have devastated blacks that live in white countries.

This. There's a shitload of blacks in Africa so it doesn't matter.

Also, recessive genes, 1 drop rule, etc.

there are roughly 14 billion blacks on earth
there are around half that many whites
if every white breeds with a black there are still 7 billion blacks to breed with each other. Your thread is shit and your a moron
fuck off.


Think Jurassic Park. If scientists could clone dinosaurs from fossils, they would. If the last white person dies, someone will bring the frozen white eggs and sperm out of cryostorage and start making white people again.

The white race will become extinct only if all races become extinct.

you're forgetting this is in combination with specific replacement policy for Europe while the same organisation for example (the UN) feeds Africans to a 6 billion projected population by 2100, thats just blacks in africa!

The practical implementation of progressive policy is an almost entirely Afro-Islamic world ruled over by those who are allowed to remain pure....

If you put a piece of poop in a glass of water, it ruins the water.

If you pour some water on a piece of poop, it's still poop.

>7 billion humans
>14 billion blacks
>not even that many monkeys

I don't think the strategy is as well thought out as this thread implies

on a worldly level, no one really needs blacks for anything, they are not producers, innovators, or culturally relevant

the real purpose of miscegenation is to diminish white cultural power, then the blacks and mongrels can be enslaved or annihilated at the leisure of Satan/jews

There's a billion more blacks in Africa you idiot. Whites are the global minority.