Fresh Off His Campaign to Make Socialism Great Again, Bernie Sanders Buys $600,000 Summer House



Donald Trump is the real deal!

Bernie Sanders the hypocrite conned you dopes!

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not that this isn't funny, but a lakehouse for 600,000 sounds like a pretty good deal.

>implying a politician doesnt have his own money to afford another house
>implying Donald Trump, a businessman hasnt blown more money than an average man in his lifetime

Just think of all those hard-earned EBT and minimum wages sacrificed in order to help him achieve his American dream :')


It must have been a really shitty one.

Sanders was broke before the election m8

My chef has cars moee expensive, so i dont know

What happened to his debt. Hillary paid it off or his reddit army?

is he a chef at Wendy's too?

Rule of Thumb: Don't trust a Jew.

Jews always have money stashed somewhere

t. dedicated donor and perpetual bernvictim

don't feel bad, you're not the first socialist that got ripped off by a (((communist leader)))

I mean higher up of the company not the cook
What do you call that?

Yes, they keep their emergency money supply in your pocket.

To be fair, he only had $10 million or less left over.

haha that's gold, one you reddit frequenting faggots should get this going over there so we can dine on the butt-hurt

honorabre bantz and dubs

That honestly sounds like a post campaign crisis. I could see him killing himself soon.

The rest went into the pockets of his wife and himself


Apologize for the shit source, can't find the other ones on google

Damn, SandersForPresident is closed already

And yet people will still defend this and the democratic party. See, look at Trump, he's an idiot, and a racist, and rich. Boo fucking hoo.

Isn't this illegal?

you can't use primary funds for shit like this.

>Implying that $10 million isn't a decent lump of cash to walk away with

Considering what Trump did with $1 million, I would say $10 million is a pretty good amount of money; you could buy a nice house in Newport Beach or Malibu with that lump of cash. Besides, the man describes himself as a socialist, he should be redistributing that money if he has any principle left, but alas he's a career politician and crook like the rest.


You can't make this shit up

All those shitheads who gave all their money to him and supported him purely for the hope of lowering their debts
Fucking shameless, it's so good seeing all that money being burned

unexpected from A JEW

You know banks are not giving out 600k notes to 80 year olds either

He paid cash

the greatest ponzi scheme in Reddit history.

If only s4p was still open i'd like to see them justify it.

>Hey guys I'm only worth 600k! I'm one of you guys!
>Buys a 600k house after he loses the nomination



Is this on reddit yet?

>Besides, the man describes himself as a socialist, he should be redistributing that money if he has any principle left

Ha, I loved trolling his supporters with this logic saying if their their lawsuit against the DNC is successful, the money should be distributed equally to donors.

>what weekend can I come up and stay Bernie?

Just a reminder that when politicians retire, they get all of the money left in their campaign contribution fund TAX FREE.


Reminder that as soon as he drove it off the lot, the car's value dropped 40%.


I heard Bernie shot his mouth off about Brazilian politics he knows nothing about and pissed off a bunch of people. Any brazibros confirm?

>what kinda paint job u want on your new sports car pham?
>commie red of course!

chief? nobody says that though, unless you're referring to the "chief executive officer" which you'd just call the CEO

you're looking for "boss" or "manager"

I am willing to bet he recived a hefty "donation" for endorceing Killary.

NO REFUNDS!!!!!!!!!

>One thing's for sure: Upset candidates can't console themselves by putting the dough toward a new yacht and sailing off to recuperate. The Federal Election Commission has strict rules about what federal candidates can and can't do with leftover campaign money, and the biggest directive is that they can't pocket it for personal use.

Right, you can't. Which is why there's nothing to see here.


Can you describe what's wrong with a person buying a house with money they earned themselves?
Can you point out exactly wherein lies the hypocrisy? I don't see any at all, other than in OPs desire to suck the Donald's penis while purporting not to be homosexual.

Barney Sandals did it again

Under rated

>tfw bernie will be forgotten and trump will have books written about his campaign even if he loses the general

loving every laugh

Commie red lol 10/10

>b-but were still getting our contributions back right? I g-gave the last of my student loan to bernie REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

All those people who donated their childrens' college funds to him (because they wouldn't need it anyway when President Bernie makes college free), and now the money gets spent for Shillary's campaign and beach houses.
What a disaster.

I believe it. For how much he attacked her, he changed his opinion pretty fast.

These fucking pieces of shit gave all their parents money to Bernie Panders ahahahhahahahahhah

Suddenly, after endorsing clinton, he has 600k to spare

pls post reddit reactions

I must feast upon the despair of bernout's sellout everywhere

Wrong, you need to listen to some TCR.

Told you so. There are no real socialists in mainstream Western politics today.
Next prediction: Trump, if elected, will be nothing like you imagine him. Don't get your hopes up.


Dear faggots,
Do you realize this is his own money and not electoral campaign money? Do you realize this is entirely legal? Do you realize it's not rare for a professional couple to be able to afford a $600,000 property late in their lives? Do you know how poor and butthurt you are? Are you aware that the Donald is not going to make you more wealthy or less butthurt?

> Americlap doesn't know about European business vocabulary


American politics ladies, and gentlemen.

It's a shop, but I imagine that's what they're doing.

I'd say I feel bad for the parents, but they should know what their retards are spending money on, especially if they signed off on a loan and their kids are supposed to pay it off.


Nothing yet, SandersForPresident shut down about a week ago after the convention.

>that damage control

Sorry you're not going to get that $27 back cuck.

>Suddenly, after working for many decades, he and his wife have money to spare for a holiday home.
>Suddenly user is wearing a tin hat.

No refunds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Politicians are fucking cancer. Can't wait for the Don to shake up the shitty establishment of dirty whores all in bed with one another and their lugenpresse lapdogs.

You realize that donations to Bernie's campaign don't go into his pocket, right?
Do you know anything about American politics and its legal constraints?

I just had a look, reddit's still in denial and creaming over this article


>Man buys home after selling another home!


Trump supporters are fucking retarded.

Bah, he has a net worth of $500,000. I doubt he's going to be around long enough for a 30 or even 15 year mortgage.


(((Boynie ((("no refunds, goy!"))) Sandahs))) sure does love telling the plebs to give for the 'greater cause'. One might think he's a capitalist in communist's clothing, or perhaps the kind of communist who likes to be at the top of the pyramid and exempt from the rules the plebs are bound by. Boy he sure does have a lot in common with the Clintons!

so its his own money.

which means hes lied about having a 500k NET worth?

or is his kike scamming wife paying for it?


Proletariat of the world unite! Every cent you donated to sandys """Movement""" was worth it!

You think $200+ million was spent on his campaign, ads, and travel?

Some say his kids were hired, so who knows how much they were paid.

I think there was a picture of him at a restaurant with $100 meals.

Sanders probably knew the dnc had Hillary picked out in advance and they planned for him to run, soak up millennial donations because fuck those retards, it's not like they're the future or anything (we actually aren't), then he gave most of it up to Hillary, siphoned the rest off for himself because fuck America, and for good measure he backed up Hillary in case the dems have any more schemes he can profit from.

I was never a Sanders supporter, but I'm still butthurt because as a generation, that's all we are to these people, just idiot sheep to be fleeced and abused. We might as well be the battery things from the matrix. Nobody will ever care about our well being, which means we should kill ourselves, or everyone that isn't us, I guess. Fuck it

It's not like he was broke before, his salary was about 200k

yes but, I wouldn't be surprised if he thought he was financially secure.


He doesn't realize that his socialist savior Jewed the fuck out of him.

>selling another home!

[citation needed]

If you had any kind of thinking skills at all, you could easily find out that his wife sold a home that had been in his family for generations. Only children think this is scandalous.

him and his wife are bad at managing money.

>American politics
>legal contraints


how is this any different from when the donald begged that he needed more money

So cute and yet so disgusting to think of all the cocks she swims in
Thank god for 2d

It's called a loan. Banks are quite happy to help if you can provide 50 percent upfront. But you've never bought anything large, so wouldn't know this.

Definitely Sanders pulled political conversation to the left. Being on the left doesn't mean you have to live in a yurt. Where is the confusion, user?


>then he gave most of it up to Hillary

Surely there is a record of all spending.

Are you guys retarded? He gets a healthy 200k salary, he didn't use the campaign funds for this.


>"My family had a lake home in Maine since 1900, but we hadn't had the time to go there in recent years — especially since my parents passed away," she said. "We finally let go of it and that enabled us to buy a place in the islands — something I've always hoped for. ”

>Are you guys retarded?
Retardation is extremely prevalent here atm.

If there was, nobody would care. All the shitty things we know politicians do, this scam isn't even that extraordinary.

$600k house is not that much you know ... have you been to california?

Hahahahhahhhahahh his reported net worth according to "Politicafact" was 160k

Hahahah he just shelled out a 600k cash briefcase

>Now I'll spend the rest of my days in comfort
truly the vanguard of socialism.

Omg we still have butthurt Bernouts on here, your money would have been better spent on buying him a free helicopter ride than actually helping a commie

>visiting commiefornia