What is /moe/'s opinion on the upcoming Sinister Sqaud?

What is /moe/'s opinion on the upcoming Sinister Sqaud?

Do you think it will be better than Catman v Supperman?

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I already feel a greater drive to watch this than the Suicide version.

>that Enchatress/ joker knock off in the front

That's....not Sean from Boy Meets World, is it?

Fuck you Catman v Supperman was great

Is this the porn parody?

he wishes


That guy in the middle. Is this what Milo does when he's banned from Twitter?

How do these come to exist? Is there a movie studio out that the boss is like "Hey, there's a movie coming out called Suicide Squad, so lets make a knock off of it for a few bucks?"
And who the fuck is buying this shit to keep them in business?

Asylum ripoff.

How do you know my brother's name?

>And who the fuck is buying this shit to keep them in business?
syfy channel mostly

even better, The Asylum

It's called Asylum. It's essentially free promotion for the official stuff

>Is there a movie studio out that the boss is like "Hey, there's a movie coming out called Suicide Squad, so lets make a knock off of it for a few bucks?"

Yes, it's called Asylum.


Avengers Grimm was better


To me,this is their masterpiece

>"Hey, there's a movie coming out called Suicide Squad, so lets make a knock off of it for a few bucks?"

Yes, that is exactly what happens.

The Asylum is a film company that specializes in creating 'mockbusters" (Some of their movies: Atlantic Rim, San Andreas Quake, Ghosthunters, Independent's Day). Along with that, they are the creators of the Sharknado franchise and the television show Z Nation for SyFy. They also make cheap teen and stoner comedies, Lifetime movies, and low-budget horror. From a GQ article in 2013, their average budget for a movie is $500,000 (up to a million if it has a partner like SyFy). And as of then they had never, not once, not ever lost money on a movie.

Surprised at people still not knowing about Asylum.

best way to launder money


This looks like a sequel to "Mystery Men."

confused grandmas buying christmas presents are the main market, i guess people who ironically enjoy them too

Don't care. I'll be watching Izzie's Way Home with my nieces:


Is that fucking Kirk Cameron in the front?

its not but i am really looking forward to the porn parody

Looked this up on IMDb.

Apparently they're all fairy tale villains; Rumpelstiltskin, the Big Bad Wolf, etc. I was wondering if they were public domain characters and you can't get more PD than that.

>you can't get more PD than that
one wonders why Disney keeps trying to trick people into thinking they own the rights surely there not fooling anybody

>When a supernatural cult threatens Earth, Alice must assemble a team of fairy tale villains to face the literal forces of Death.

Sounds fun.

is there like a synopsis or something ?

>at walmart earlier
>walking through the movies
>seen this shit
>had to do a double take
>on bluray

I knew it had to be the Asylum before I even picked up the case

i was checking their titles:

>Little Dead Rotting Hood

reminded me for a second to that guy who was making a webcomic with an edgy Little Red and other fairytale characters as some sort of magically derranged runaway inmates or something

can't remember the name

aren't those just the yoyo robots from the Battleship movie?

nevermind, found it...

>When a supernatural cult threatens Earth, Alice must assemble a team of fairy tale villains to face the literal forces of Death.

i don't know why i was expecting anything better

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeah okay I get it now.

>Z Nation
>show ment to be a TWD ripoff but is much more entertaining

It is already out, along with some reviews.

Sure you do.

It was done better here

>How do these come to exist?
It's just the movie version pic related. Parents will buy their kids knockoff products and be none the wiser.

Everytime I see the torrent of this I'm tempted to grab it.



>Mr. Knife
>Captain Pickaxe
>Black Woman
>the Yellow Sash
>Zombie Bitch
>The Prankster

You're the kind of person who thinks knockoff movies like this are a modern thing, aren't you?

>Kevin Nash

Is that fucking Ainsley with the knives?

Yes, it is that Kevin Nash. He plays Odin.

I bought this movie in a truck stop for 2.99$, totally worth it

There was a scene where you could very clearly see Nash's name brand knee braces under his costume.