I like ramzpaul, but when he denies the holocaust he looses all credibility.
There is so much evidence it happened
I like ramzpaul, but when he denies the holocaust he looses all credibility
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failed get
holohoax btfo
>do you even know where you are?
Are you guys saying you you don't believe the holocaust happened? What the fuck is wrong with your brain?
Talk about multi-multicultural
That-that is actually interesting. Anymore reading on that or a source? That almost seems too coincidental.
Some other guy posted these on Sup Forums, but all the 'death camps' were on the Eastern front (I.E the Soviet controlled zone), the Western front was under control by the more honest people of Western Europe and America so they were not so prone to big lies.
>when he denies the holocaust he looses all credibility.
He specifically doesn't deny it because he wants to go to Europe still. Op is fucking retarded. Go learn about the holocaust and then come back and tell me about how lol it happened. What happened, the roller coaster cars dumping Jews into a massive oven, an electric floor, using fat women as kindling for fires? What part of that horseshit was real? Anne Frank? The bic pen diary that was completely fake? The tattoos with numbers that don't break six digits yet millions died, and millions survived? Gtfo retard.
Ia this your argument?
Lool no way, they were all Jewish except for only 2? Quite a trend going on there.
>not posting the Deutsche version on a Neo-Nazi imageboard
Can I have intelligent people please explain to me the evidence the holocaust didn't happen.
visit a revisionist website. you won't have that much luck here.
It's not that it 'didn't happen', it's that the actual results/methodology of the event were grossly exaggerated and misreported.
The 'gassing' of Jews is widely promoted as having murdered many millions. The evidence of 'Gas Chambers' that is provided are shower facilities that had holes in the roof from which Zyklon B and other gasses were dropped to kill Jews/other prisoners. This evidence is accepted with little scrutiny.
When people actually visit the sites and camps, they find shower chambers with incredibly flimsy wooden doors, thin pane-glass windows that look to the outside of the showers, and a complete lack of air-tight sealant within the construction of the building.
Why would the ultra-powerful and über-schemeing Nazi Death Squads be so careless in the construction of their gas chambers? That makes no sense. They would have them be of perfect design with thick, steel doors and zero ventilation. More efficient killing. Instead, there are shower rooms with flimsy walls and doors that were supposedly used as death chambers.
You can hate Jews all you want, but to say the holocaust didn't happen is dishonest. You could be mad hitler failed but it did happen
Holocaust is the name of ethnic cleansing of 6 million Jews with gas chambers, if there was a small ethnic cleansing with no gas chambers and no 6 million, then it's still not holocaust. therefore Holocaust didn't happen, some kind of ethnic cleansing might have happened.
I agree
It's another, make a holohoax thread by refusing to admit the holocaust was faked, episode.
I love this episode.
>non argument
Fuck off moron, I don't hate all Jews. your post is nothing but mindless wast of time.
this is my favorite meme
Quit making Ramz look like a denier. At the most, I expect him to be a revisionist in private, bu he's never said anything about the lolcaust other than defending this old woman expressing her option of it then getting shitcanned. Ramzpaul is af and has Jewish friends. He literally dindu nuffin.
Other evidence for the Holocaust is eyewitness testimonies from survivors/rescued prisoners. This testimony includes reports of giant ovens used to disintegrate and burn up the bodies of gas victims, in order to dispose of the bodies and to remove any evidence of the Nazi's evildoings.
The issue of this is when the process is examined. (Admittedly my own numbers are off, but some research should correlate it.)
With perfect heat efficiency, pure and constant fuel sources, and a giant conglomeration of ovens/strong workers moving bodies, shoveling coal, and removing ashes 24/7, it would have taken years more than the camps existed to dispose of the bodies of those supposedly killed at the camps.
Another place to look for discrepancies would be census numbers in Europe pre-1935. According to Holocaust historians, nearly 6,000,000 Jews were exterminated systematically by the Nazis over the course of the war.
The only issue with this is that fewer than 3,000,000 Jews lived in and around Europe pre-WW2. (Please check that number, that's the one I recall of the top of my head.)
So we have overinflated death-tolls, extremely unlikely stories of the disposal of corpses, suspicious 'gas chambers', just to start.
Read into some of the 'survivor stories' and you'll find some really mind boggling stuff, from human-dog rape cases, to the Nazis using Jewish skin to make lampshades and other items.
isn't there some way to just look up all the jews that "died" and see if they actually did die?
Right, and while I agree that the extent of the 'Holocaust' is grossly exaggerated, there still was a (tiny) number of Jews killed by the Nazis, either from neglect or disease. I don't believe there was a coordinated slaughter personally, but from a so-called academic standpoint we have to consider each side
Revisionism is holocaust denial.
yeah like just see if they are still posting on facebook
Oregano goes into all fields.
Neck yourself.
Even if the holocaust was just as the jews said, they deserved it and worse.
>I like ramzpaul, but when he denies the holocaust he looses all credibility.
>There is so much evidence it happened
>he looses all credibility
>so much evidence
doesn't post any evidence
I don't know shit about the other death camps but treblinka didn't happen
Like come on you gas 750000 Jews in a fake train station bury them all dig them all up and conveinently burn the ALL to fucking ash bones teeth and all, with no accelerants you just lay them over some ghetto barbeque put a bit of wood underr and turn 750000 people to ash?
And this is based on the eyewitness testimony of like literally maybe 9 people, not a single excavation has ever taken place, you know to find the thousands of tonnes of bone fragments and teeth. Etc and some of the bodies missed when being dug up after original burial
Oh and the whole things just been paved over anyway oh and Jews forbid disturbing the site as well
And by whole thing I mean almost nothing was there, there are no foundations no fucking nothing a few bits of concrete here and there nobody really knows what for, nobody knows where the gas chambers were even supposed to be, nor the original mass graves, nor the ash graves
But all this is evidence of the homocid slaughter of logs basically, because bodies jus burn like that entirely to dust
And you'll go to jail for questioning this. Oh and there only one or two barbed wire fences that prevented Jews escaping from the fake train station and death march, but none ever did ....
>how to spot a newfag
I bet you're one of those ctr shills, aren't you?
Read treblinka extermination camp or transit camp
Also it's called revisionism not outright denial
No idiot, national socialism. Hitler printed money based on enterprise, and after being bankrupted and fucked, Germany went to being the richest country in Europe in 5-10 years.
Why do you think you hate him? You've been programmed to. He threatened the banks.
The Bolshevik Jews took over Russia from the inside, murdering the royals and ~60 million people, mostly Christians. Than Stalin seized power from the Jew-Bastards.
Jew-Ninjas were also trying to take over Germany with the same movement. Hitler said, 'fuck that' and made Germany the best damn nation in the world. After the JooNinjas in the banks ruined his country and ass-fucked his people he said "Nein!"
He put them into camps with swimming pools, theatres & hospitals. He even punished 4 SS commandants that broke his rules and indiscriminately killed JooScum (they were mad they'd been treated so well)
After the UK firebombed the German cities and trade routes, ending all rail travel, starving out the reich (and their prisoners) they came and cleaned up in massacre fashion.
10,000 Jewbies died when they fed them sardines. Some fuckface traitor said "hey, lets take pictures of this and then make up a giant lie of systematic killing of Jewbies"
"But what about evidence?" Said Patton
"we'll give the Soviets some Rubles" Said Churchill.
So the Soviets came and installed chimneys that don't connect to anything, and holes for where "gas" canisters were 'dropped in'...
Then Patton said, "Im blowing the lid off this whole damn thing" because he was a god damned war hero. And he was hit-TWICE by a military truck, in a DMZ, and still he lived. He was that fucking tough.
But they injected air into his IV.
Holocaust didn't happen. I'm sorry to be the one to have to tell you this :(
The reason Soviets kept camps from inspections is because they continued to use them after the war for German POW's and political dissidents
Get out of here you fucking kike.