Is Kentucky part of the south?
t. Kentuckian
t. Kentuckian
t. Kentuckian
Can you repeat the question?
t. Kentuckian
There is insufficient data for a meaningful answer
t. Kentuckian
yeehaw howdy whippersnappers
t. Kentuckian
Barrack HUSSEIN Obama is not my bresident!
t. Kentuckian
What's a kentucky?
t. Mongolian
The South as in culture? Yes.
The south as in geography? Debatable, but I don't think so.
Reply hazy try again
t. Kentuckian
no, its a mongrel stuck between the north and south
t. true southerner
No one gives a shit about Kentucky.
t. Hoosier
t. Massachusettsian
t. Mississippian
ebin thread XDDD
It's a kind of fried chicken.
Nobody gives a fuck about Kentucky.
Kentucky is a very confused state. In fact, they shot at both sides during the Civil war. So I don't really know
Not even niggers to be part of the south
lol enough*
Yes and no. Neutral during the civil war, but plenty of fighting for both sides. Both sides of my family owned slaves in KY.
Nice phone
You're not the boss of me, now
t. Kentuckian