Tfw you will live in a Scandinavian country

>tfw you will live in a Scandinavian country
>you will never get free healthcare, free college, and $20 minimum wage
>you will never get to work less than 40 hours a week and get lots of vacation time AND still be able to make a living

>tfw no 40-60% tax rate

you fucked up

I'd rather work in USA.
I'm an engineer with a M.Sc. in Power Systems working for 44 k€/year. In USA I would be making double that with less than half the tax percentage.
That would make up way more than having student debt or having to pay for medical insurance.


minimum wage in Swedistan is like $11.50.

That's how you knew Bernie was insane propagating for 15 buck nationally IN THE U.S!


what about nigger and fat insurance?

As a truck driver I don't think I could make it in Europe.

>free healthcare
The government healthcare is a disaster. You pretty much need private healthcare if you want anything fixed.

>free college
Can be good, if you select university and program well. Most of it is shit.

>$20 minimum wage
No such thing as a minimum wage. The unions decides all the wages. Currently, I am making $13/hour, way less than I should because of these socialist bastards.


Ironically, even in Sweden the minimum wage can be loopholed through pay for effort- system and not wage/hour system.

Our system worked great and was the best in the world when we had a native, homogenous people who were hardworking with just the occasional hardworking and integrated yugoslav or whatever

Nowadays? Not so much

It's pretty fun to live in Denmark when you're a kid and college student.

Once you're a qualified man with a good job however it sucks.

We're literally carrying the whole fucking population.

Everyone gets free world class healthcare and education. Welfare is high and so are public pensions.

Basically in Scandinavia it's very hard to not be middle class, either in the positive or negative anomaly.

Sure, it keeps a lot of people from poverty but if you work hard and have ambition you're punished by the state.

I'm probably moving to the US when I'm done with my degree. I don't want to be slaughtered with a +180% tax on a car + enviromental tax on a car + 40% tax with another 10% once you've earned the first 60k in the year.

Might come back one day, but want to try and actually make it in the big world.

A 15$ minimum wage would allow more people to invest in the economy while big business sucks profits out of it. More money in pockets of working people will mean more money spent locally reinvesting in our economy instead of profits being moved to the casino on Wall Street. A 15$ Minimum wage would be a GOOD thing for the economy

>>live in a Scandinavian country
>>never get free healthcare, free college, and $20 minimum wage
>>never get to work less than 40 hours a week and get lots of vacation time AND still be able to make a living

Makes no sense.

>do you even into english?

>Tfw low wage job in Finland
>Actually drop out of workforce
>Living on welfare and got as much money end of the day when I was working

I gotta say that if you don't actually make money in this country it's zero equals zero if you go to work. Car expenses, eating more food, all sorts of stuff and shit. You drink more beer and use maybe drugs in the weekend more because stressful work week.

When I stopped working all my expenses fell down. I eat less food. I sleep more. My electric bills are less, water intake. I'm going full NEET for a few years, holiday holiday :)


I'll make you a deal OP.

I'll personally pay for your college up to a PhD and health insurance for the rest of your life. I'll even give you an allowance while in school, enough to cover your rent. All out of my pocket!

All I want is 40%-60% of your future earnings forever, and 25% of every purchase you ever make.


Socialism sucks, Bernie cuck.

Why not raise it to 50$? People will reinvest even MORE money in the economy!

Are you forgetting the increase of prices and decrease in the work force that will inevitably come from a $15 minimum wage?

>It's pretty fun to live in Denmark when you're a kid and college student.
Yeah if you can find a dorm that is affordable.

>mfw the CTR shills who made this thread get redpilled by the end of it

saged anyway

>Might come back one day, but want to try and actually make it in the big world.

You go, Big Boy.

Come back crawling when you face the reality kid, I went to America during the Klondike Gold Rush and guess what Kid? It wasn't worth it by a long shot. All of my friends are dead, my hometown ruined by fucking cucks and immigrants and all I have left is this fortune made out of cold empty, shining metal just like my soul that was drained and flushed away in the debauchery of the American Dream.

You do understand that when people say the US is the "land of the free" it doesn't mean you get free things.

Even the jews aren't asking for welfare.


I'm so hungry
I haven't eaten in 4 days
I don't think I'll be able to make rent next month
thank god for that great scandinavian welfare state

you don't magically turn into a fat negro when you move to the US

>$20 minimum weight with 20%+ tax
> $10 minimum wage with ~10% tax

> free health care

My health insurance costs me over 1000$ a month.