What went so RIGHT?
do you work for Correct the Record or are you just an enormous faggot?
The next election.
This is a gift for (((you)))
Also I now understand that my previous answer was ambiguous. But suffice to say it didn't go left
in what universe does a president not look more haggard into their presidency
If hillary is elected she will become a withered old cow
I think a lot of us Sup Forumsacks are more aware of the fact that she represents us and our unfiltered bigotry and hatred towards inferior species.
Meanwhile, diddling Donald is busy fellating kikes daily whilst proclaiming to be some kind of anti-pc hero. What a joke.
lel what is this? a picture from 1993?
your candidate is rife with medical issues, including those that effect her cognition.
President Stein just sounds so fine
a fucking sheepshagger
This is what shills believe we actually think.
>muh satire
Fuck off back to the_donald kike.
At least this one had an American IP.
Everything went right.
>Makes a tread about Madame President Le Pen
>Posts some random senile war criminal photo
What the fuck, OP
A fair portion of her cerebellum on that side from the brain damage.
She was put up against the weakest presidential candidate since Barry Goldwater. Republican incompetence now means that she will be the next US president. Sup Forums contributed to this.
If it happens I it won't be right, it'll be back and to the left...
Adult diapers???
>she will become a withered old cow
As opposed to the withered old cow she is right now?
Awww, the cutest president ever
If she wins I will be proud I had a hand in making in blatantly clear that saying nice things but doing horrible things behind closed doors is better than saying somewhat mean yet honest things and having almost no closed doors is completely fine to the common man.