Give me one good reason without using muh feels why Human-Dog marriage should not be legal

Give me one good reason without using muh feels why Human-Dog marriage should not be legal

marrying my dog is a violation of the non-aggression principle so I'm going to have you executed

because its a fucking dog

What does dog pussy feel like bros?

A dog is an intelligent being that can identify itself in a mirror

They should be afforded some personhood, yes?

If someone called your daughter a dog, you couldn't punch his face in.

Because I have a monopoly on the churches and refuse to marry you.


Can the dog sign the papers?

How close do you live to the Canadian border? Is the degeneracy contagious?

>Marry a dog
>dies 2 years after marriage
>I'm entitled to a widow pension by the government


Yes, he can just put some ink on his paw and put it on the paper

Would you marry this wolf, Sup Forums?

Will the dog cook your meals, do your laundry, do the groceries... ?


Doges are incapable of consent

I can be the stay at home spouse

Does a dog consent when you neuter it?

That's what I thought.


wow not only do people want to marry dogs and let fags marry but now they want to have fag marriage for dogs smdh

Bigot specieist

It feels just like Mr fbi's hand on my crotch :^)

Are you sure a horse wouldn't be better?


love >>>> consent.

what am I gay?

because muh feels

Where are the proofs you caninophobist?

How can human men even compete?

>the eternal doggo

Horse pussy, user.


Horse pussy looks so yummy

Would in a heartbeat given the chance

It shouldn't be an issue of legality, just like human marriage. Not the government's goddamn business.

>tfw no big-titted half-dog gf

too much interwebzfor you guys, go take a break and think about what juste happened.

Paging Barneyfag

Why can't you just be happy with fucking your dog and keeping your mouth shut, you disgusting degenerate?

wow...dogophobe much

The only beastality allowed is animal on woman, anything else is rape

> he wants secretely to fuck a dog but is too insecure to admit it
> like all dogophobes do

In a heartbeat.