Is it immoral to steal if you have nothing and the person you steal from has so much he won't notice it?
Is it immoral to steal if you have nothing and the person you steal from has so much he won't notice it?
what is it?
Thou shalt not steal.
That depends, is it immoral to kill you if no one would miss you?
I imagine your answer would differ quite a bit from the guy you stole from.
Yes, You should barter with that man instead. Trading low and Selling high is how that rich man probably got everything anyways.
Yes, but if you're doing it for survival then I'm sure you can reconcile it and most moral people wouldn't think you were an evil person for it.
If you're doing it to buy crack though you should be executed, or at least institutionalized.
it's immoral if it goes against what you consider immoral
Its not, you gotta do whatever you can to survive, otherwise you're betraying yourself.
>inb4 this coming from a gypsy
This is a very well put together sentence for a nigger
I mean moral*
depends on how he got his money from
Somalian rapefugee detected.
pick one
Unless you placed yourself in poverty, in which case fuck you
its hypothetical
maybe 10 bucks form your dad or a secret nuclear missile from the government or whatever you want senpai
>maybe 10 bucks form your dad or a secret nuclear missile from the government or whatever you want senpai
kill yourself
dont be mad desu
>is it ok to take things that don't belong to me?
Did your parents raise you this way or did society make you a degenerate?
Just steal from big stores.
They are already charging everyone a little more to prevent the loss of shoplifting.
If you think about it, it is actually immoral if you don't steal from them.
Only if he gets to kill you if he catches you.
In order to get money you must earn it with either risk, effort, connections or the combination thereof.
Only that way do we not break the only rule of nature: survival of the fittest.
If I was rich, I would organize a pack of dogs to get released only when intruder walks halfway through my yard so he wouldn't be able to get away.
Get caught or not - whatever the outcome, the thief deserved it.
You could offer to trade something with the person, or offer them a service in return for what you need from them. But that sounds a little too much like a job, doesn't it?
It is moral to die out of hunger.
Inb4 David and showbread
OP you dumb fuck. Put yourself in the other's shoes:
Is it immoral to not let a thief steal your possessions because he has nothing?
Your scenario leaves out other options such as borrowing money, asking for help, working odd jobs, etc. It's also equivocal on the term nothing, which can mean any degree of destitution, even relative wealth. It also assumes that this state of poverty was beyond their control, and if their first impulse is to blame someone else, like you seem to be doing, then it's likely the case that their nothing was a result of some poor choices.
Is it immoral to kill another human being if you really don't like them and their family will only grieve for a few years?
You disguting thieves have the same logic with assurance money, which is why it costs so much. Fuck you. Please drink bleach faggot.
is it immoral to suck your wifes sons dogs dick
what would the rich want from you? they have everything, while you have nothing.
is it immoral then to put the scum against the wall and redistribute their wealth? or would you rather go and starve because surely they worked hard to earn all of that, right?
You know its bad when only person with a working moral compass in the thread is a mexi.
Yeah, poor big companies. They almost make no profit, right?
Yes faggot.
if he got his wealth through hard work (so not by taking it from other people/ directly harming other people) yes, if he got it through other ways, no.
The price you pay for stealing (if you aren't caught) is the pain in your heart. It will weigh on you, you will live with the burden.
t. Thief
Yes, why not just ask them for help.
lol faget
t. psychopath
more like
>t. twisted fucking psychopath
I haven't into full psychopathy yet. I used to think I was a good person. I know now this is not the case. And yet, life goes on. I am troubled.
It is morally ok to steal from megacorporations like McDonalds etc. walmart type of food-chains. think that you are stealing from the same Jews who exploit you
do not steal from small stores owned by some guy who is trying to living: but if you see american products in mega-corporation store: steal this freely: you are not exploiting anyone there that money is going to the fucking Jews at any rate
You´re just another clap m8, nuttin to worry bout!
learn to controll your anger boy
use the dark side of the force
are u fine with the inverted situation? do you belief if you worked hard for your shit, someone poorer than you as a right to steal it from you without hard working?
I'm not angry. It is strange to see that the 'dark side' runs decidedly more parallel to my thoughts and actions than any code of ethics or 'the light'. It hurt me to realize this. I have less worth in my own eyes, but I can't simply deflate like a balloon and give up on life.
dont be afraid
to embrace the dark side is only accepting that the weak should fear the strong
your journey is almost complete
What I did does not make me stronger.
>people responding to a question straight outta the red flag questionarre
Wew laddies
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
only through strength will you ever be free otherwise you are a slave
I am generous but I would kill you if you steal one cent from me.
>Peace is a meme, there is only memes.
>Through memes, I gain good boy points.
>Through good boy points, I gain chicken tendies.
>Through chicken tendies, I gain victory.
>Through victory, my memes are reinforced.
>only through memes will you ever be free otherwise you are a slave to something greater
Yes. It is not as bad as stealing from a homeless person tho
good poste friend-o
Its immoral if the rich man has different ideas than you on what constitutes a "need". It's not immoral if both of you agree on what is a "need".
Therefore, if the rich man tells you it's immoral to steal his TV because you don't need it to survive, he would be right.
>the Brazilian promoting petty theft
Yes. Stealing is stealing, no matter how you slice it. Amoral and unnecessary are two entirely different beasts, though.
>tfw used to be a massive drug addict
>tfw stole probably close to 1000$ in either cash or valuables from family and people I know
>tfw just finished paying it back in double/replacing the items
Sorry friend, replace strength with money and your post works.
Unless you're implying you physically and mentally get more magic power or something which by all means famalam vril it up but don't come knocking when your masters break their toys (you) in their last fit of rage.
Me, I live righteously through memes :∆)
i live through our chaotic meme god Kek and I live by the dark side
i spit in peoples drinks and stuff like that all the time
Only time when it is morally acceptable to steal is when you are dying of starvation and stealing food.
Yes, you should ask and give the person the choice to help you.
When you steal in this situation, you take not only their property, but their position of responsibility. Neither are yours for the taking.
No, that's not how it works at all weirdo. You're just a personality-less freak who pretends to be someone you're not for reasons unclear
Keep doing your thing though
Ownership and needs are two diferent things.
Stealing from the rich and from the poor violates ownership in the same way.
Yes it's immoral. Doesn't mean it's impractical
do as thou willt faget
What were ya on senpai. Sounds like an opiatefag sort of thing to do
So if Usain Bolt kidnapped your daughter to turn into a sex slave, he deserves to have her because he's a nigger that runs fast?
That's literally your logic.
You know that the loss comes out of the employees pockets right?
They aren't gonna just say "dang, we lost $1000 today in goods"
They're gonna cut $1000 hours in pay for the cashiers and floor workers to recoup they're losses
Now fuck off and die you greedy degenerate
>gypsy talks about how stealing is ok
This board is making me racist
Look m8 we know, we get it, you're justifying your disgusting infestation of stale memes because you're so disconnected from the source but once the source hits you and you don't die you're going to wish you could
>Is it immoral to steal if you have nothing and the person you steal from has so much he won't notice it?
If the theft involves a hungry person and only food is stolen then no it is not immoral. Further to punish someone in this instance for theft is immoral.
If the theft is simply greed based and involves stealing wealth then yes it is immoral. Further to not punish a thief such as this is also immoral.
lol who cares
Fucking pleb