Post the best things about your state

Post the best things about your state.
>Our soil

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no mention of Steve King?

Nebraska has better corn.

Your state cucked for cruz

Fuck you

I don't need a car to get around in the city

Fuck Steve King. He was the main guy shilling for Cruz.

>Fuck Steve King
get out faggot



>California (Southern)

Holding the record for most corrupt state in the US

>We used to be cool

Got some nice furniture, hiking trails, cheerwine, and ribs.
But stay away from my state, nobody wants you here.

>the roads out of Ohio



>Knowing a guy who can sell you the grade of maple syrup they're not allowed to sell in stores under the table.

>Our Hipsters generate more rage than Bill Cosby telling dead baby jokes outside of a Planned Parenthood.


>Superior in everything
>Didn't go bankrupt during the economic crisis like Cuckifornia

Feel good to feel good bros


>Several Different Biomes
>Cool Wildlife
>Thriving Music Scene
>Olympic Rainforest

>Still white
>No permit concealed carry
>Mormons control the politics which keeps the California refugees at bay

Northern Idaho is nice. I have family from around there.

>colonial history
>confederate history

North Florida has the best oysters too

>No open carry

Free shit

>Gun laws

>no open carry

Wrong. You can open carry long guns without a permit, you need a CHL to open carry handguns.

>New York
>Center of the world, baby
too bad it sucks here

is that a racial euphemism? because tally and jacksonville

>hot latinas to put your churro in
>can open carry firearms, and open carry handguns with CHL

>no state registration for firearms
>no waiting period for purchasing them
>can shoot anyone on your property thats threatening your life or stealing your property

>largest oil refineries in the nation
>get fucked with your inferior economic models other states

I'm talking about apalachicola oysters bro

>We're gonna go for Clinton in November

fuck you trumpkins

damn those quads hurt

yea our politics are fucked!

>rebirth of a state when?


>its not ohio


I got much respect for Iowa.

Studied there as an exchange student during highschool, very conservative people and also very kind.

Would love to go there again.

As long as you didn't touch any of our womyn, you're always welcome.

Texan here. Only reasons to go to Louisiana are gambling, NOLA, or gas station liquor stores.

Sorry user, but I did. ha

>not cane's

Fuck off

>Best tacos in the region
>Highest suicide rates
>Mr. Hands

Hey ameribros. I come here to get some information. Which arre the best states from
>pic related
and why? I tried to pick the states from the U.S.A's "white belt".

I am not a socialite. It's a good feel.

>Deer hunting


>best soil

No, all your best soil gets washed down to Louisiana. You have inches of topsoil, we have feet.

>best thing about Louisiana.
When a couple hundred black people walk through your neighborhood following a jazz band and having a traveling party.

I'd say wyoming if you want unspoiled wilderness and less people to deal with. That and if you're unafraid of being incinerated as soon as yellowstone erupts.

Didn't this used to say something about out of state people go missing innawoods?

I fear niggers more than Yellowstone. A few minute suffer is more acceptable to me than living in my life in fear.

>When I feel bad about my photoshop skills
>at least there is someone worse than me


>Legal weed
>Constitutional carry
>Lowest state intervention
>Cold all the time

>Our weather

Not worth my 1 bedroom apartment for $2200 a month, but still, it's nice.

Also, good Mexican food.
But on the flip side, bad Mexicans.

>My farts

>i can jump boat to Virginia when the state legislature really goes full retard

I love my home, but it's gotten consistently worse in the past few years.

I guess it depends on why you are asking, I live in CA and have been to Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana on that map.

Montana is fucking GORGEOUS. Lots of whites, beautiful weather and sky, it's a nice place. Considering moving there, but I can't make as much money as I do here.

ayyyy what county?

Then go for it. The hunting in Wyoming is amazing.

Ive got family in pennsylvania. Hows life there? Are you guys based?

Who's the Mexican who pooped on my flag?

378 reporting

>temperate climate
>muh crab & clams & cutthroat
>muh local diner where the waitress tries to hook you HP with her daughter

feels good brah

oregon has a good mix of people & open areas, & has both cheap & expensive places to live. lots of different climates too.

I thought we were friends Kentucky

yeah its a different and more autistic version
dick wolf is raping us in taxes and importing slimes but besides that yes
>majority german italian ancestry
>no wait time to buy gun, get it the day you buy it
>neighbors getting pissed if you try and sneak an new gun in the house without showing it off
>massive segregation
>no niggers
>no spics
>very few chinks and most of them speak english
>everywhere outside of the city and colleges being right wing
>police dont give a fuck what you do if your white
>people generally friendly because don't have to deal with niggers and spics
pretty great state to be honest, the only downsides are taxes, the lack of good weather and our governor

>I guess it depends on why you are asking,
Escape plan.
Our dear Prime minister is not so based as you westerners think. Just limited nformation got out from our country to the west and most of them are cherry picked to show us "razist" and "fazizt" but the truth is worse. Our leader govrement is bureaucratic as fuck. They are profit politican just the last govrement. They will be ,and mark my world FULL FUCKING COMMUNIST if benifit them. But since the pinkos did more harm to my country than the germans being """conservative""" is give you more voters.

>Missouri not in the "white belt"
>Illinois in the "white belt"

>I tried

look up the demographics for Illinois and Missouri senpai also Illinois isn't the only mistake on there.

>New York

Chill state
Lots of guns

>Our education and muh white cliffs of dover
>Special: Anglican HQ

Florida here
>Bean Boots
I've hunted in them for years.

Maine was awesome.
Bangor is pure cancer though.

>muh mountains