Jewish peple r bad becuz they hav more mooney than me

>Jewish peple r bad becuz they hav more mooney than me

>Jewish pppl r reel

Just need an expropriation, that's all.


>we w*ites a smarter people look at the iq stats
>but don't look at jews iq plz


>jews are not bad and they love the goyim

I hate it when people blame other people for their own personal problems. It’s such a feminine cuck tier mentality. Sorry if I hurt anyone’s feelings

>Look I'm no just racis an biazd cuz id sayz da ajuns are the smertr then uss wites


Nobody says Jews aren't smart. They are really intelligent but evil. That is a bigger threat than niggers by far.

Cry about it some more wh*tey

Why don't Jews just stop giving every other ethnic, religious, and national group on Earth a reason to hate them?

~2,000 years of massacre, pogrom, and expulsion can't be wrong

>expelled 109 times since 450AD in countries all around the world
No, it's just pure coincidence of course :^))

>Stop being smarter and richer than us REEEEEEEEEEE
Ah yes a well justified reason for a pogrom or expulsion.

>Wow, we're hated by practically every other grouping of humanity we've had extended contact with. Are we so out of touch?
> It's the goyim who are wrong

Jewish people are the chosen of God and all countries should serve the Jews, it says so in the bible.

Coping wh*Teoid has to reference a children's cartoon

>j*de can't even form a proper rebuttal
Get out of my cunt

It's our country now bitch

>j*de just confirmed Sup Forums is right

Get a job you neet creature

back to the deserts you go sand nigger, go fuck a camel kike fuck

>Coping wh*Teoid has to reference a children's cartoon

>Stronger races deserve to conquer inferior races, it's survival of the fittest and you can't argue with nature
>REEEE why are Jews oppressing us whites, this isn't fair!

I unironically work in the gas and heating industry :^)

But Judaism generally holds that Jews are superior to non-Jews

the only evil race are wh*tes. (Yakub's creation)


Jews get persecuted for being different.

It's called copying your neighbors

It's called jealousy, simple as. Same as when communists chimp out about people being richer than them.

go poo in a loo
oh wait