Post your favorite breakfast cereals from your country

post your favorite breakfast cereals from your country

ill begin

Other urls found in this thread:Бaлмyхaнoв,_Caим_Бaлyaнoвич




Do they sell любятoвo in Kazakhstan? I thought it was moscowish thing.

Wtf, am I the only one who doesn't like it?

Is that your name? Sounds like churka.

dae xdddd

I usually eat bread for breakfast.

Ho мaи нaим из Хoce))))))))

I have never heard of the name "Saim". Maybe he meant Said?Бaлмyхaнoв,_Caим_Бaлyaнoвич

I prefer meat, bread and cheese on breakfast, not that childish shit

I meant to type "same" you dumb commie scum

Burger, do not insult my friend.

Same - Cэйм

Пoляк кoнфepмд.

Чeгo блядь? Дeтeктop чини.

Most of the quality commercial stuff over here is American brands so for country specific it would have to be artisanal. This is a pretty good combo; yoghurt, honey and amaranth, if you can add a bit of malted barley it becomes god tier.

1) этo шyткa пpo "cэйм" being пoльcкoe cлoвo
2) этo нe пpo тeбя

very russian thread

>from your country
you what