Why doesn't he show us his tax returns, what is he hiding?
Donald Trump tax returns
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Lying Donald overestimate his net value and if he released his tax returns everybody would find out.
He's waiting for the debates so he can release it and show to the world that he's worth even more than what he said he was worth.
he is worth 40 billion, rapefugee
Thanks for Correcting The Record, he's really worth 50 billion shill.
B-because trump is a real white man
He wants to make a deal with them. By withholding them he's got leverage.
Maybe get Hillary to release her health records and wall street speeches in exchange for his tax returns.
hes probably done loads of borderline legal shit.
id understand why he doesnt want to show them.
Borderline legal is also known as legal.
That would be so awesome if true
I don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to.
You guys are allowed to post again
>1 post by this ID
Why do i need them?
>give us a real reason to think you're unfit to be president... please.
Actually this.
Also: they killed romney for doing quite normal stuff after he showed his tax files. Even if they don't find anything they will make something up and rape your pooper
There is no way he is worth the amount he says he is.
It's 15 posts, are you retarded?
probably some illegal as well.
You guys really try to rationalize his every move. Furthermore, you give him way too much credit.
The simplest explanation in nature is almost always the one that is true. This is the principle of parsimony/Occam's razor.
The reason why he didn't release his tax returns is because he simply isn't as rich as he claimed. He lied, just as he lied with many other affairs (pun intended). Trump University (which is much like Pheonix University) is further proof. It's a downright predatory way of making money, reminiscent of Suze Orman. Billionaires don't try so hard to pry shekels from vulnerable people, thus he is not a billionaire (or maybe he's a Jewish one, idk). Regardless, he is still a better alternative than Hillary, but I cringe whenever you guys suckle so valiantly on his dick cheese.
Inb4 you dismiss this just because "A LEAF"
₪0.02 has been added to your account
North American Marlon Brando Look-Alikes
>"because he is still under audit"
>0 results
Because he is still under audit, ya dummies.
By the ID shill. Come back when you're more educated about our site.
What the hell does an audit have to do with releasing your tax returns? Oh he can't release them cause he said he can't? There is no law that prevents him from doing it or any court order.
This is exactly true, he just isn't rich. It's not about hiding secrets, it's about literally hiding the fact he isn't rich, which is half his campaign.
I'm guessing you're accusing me of being some kind of clever Israeli/Jewish shill for Hillary, but I clearly said that Trump is a better option than Hillary. Also keep in mind that no one is more PRO-ISRAEL than Trump, which isn't necessarily a bad thing goy.
Who cares?
He should come out and say he will publish his tax returns when Hillbary will publishbher medical records.
Let's start with making yours public first. Put your money where your mouth is.
That's borderline illegal then
>inn4 you dismiss because A LEAF
Too late
Come back when you don't have a nigger brain. Complaining about the OP (me in this case) writing 1 post when there had only been 15 posts in total at the time is retarded.
why doesn't hillary show us her prescriptions? what is she hiding?
You got zero results because nobody who posted before you was as stupid as you
If you ignore your enemies, they win
What is he hiding? Why not release them if he's got nothing to hide? He's hiding something.
Thank you for correcting the record :)
Reddit is trying to force the meme that he is hiding donations to nambla and they keep spamming this shit all over political subreddits.
It's almost like being president is more important
It's not as if you and I were under an audit you fuck
Go back to jerking others in trump general shill
To clarify (and summarize the article none of you will read) tehre is no law barring him from releasing his returns under audit, however it's very ill-advised from a business perspective because outside factors (ie individuals with grievances against you) may file complaints with the IRS in attempt to interfere with the audit process.
He's hiding the fact that he isn't a billionaire.
The guy who Trump sued for libel a couple of years because he wrote an article about him not being rich, wrote an article about why Trump wouldn't release his tax returns.
Now this guy saw his tax returns in court, but he can't talk about what he saw, so he can't go out and say "yeah he is full of shit". But read between the lines, he has seen the tax returns so obviously he wouldn't set himself up to be laughed at, he basically confirmed Trump is lying simply by bringing it up again.
Because it's none of my business to know about his finances. Any adult you ask on the street isn't gonna give it to ya, what makes you think he would? That's invasion of privacy.
Look up the law of bulilding a cult
Step number 3 specifically mentions hiding your source of income
All the other steps fit Trump´s strategy...incredibly perfectly. Its a true redpill.
The book is called 48 laws of power and the chapter is about clans.
Look it up faggots.
Didn´t think so, you guys are too much of a pussy
He's likely made little in actual income, aka what is taxed, despite owning billions in properties.
Most Americans aren't intelligent enough to understand that you can be rich as shit and be taxed very little. For instance if a lot of your wealth is tied up in real estate that's appreciating in value but that you are not going to sell.
He deflects this by saying he's under audit. Which may be true. I don't know. What I do know is that if I were under audit, I would listen to my lawyers and not reddit or MSM analysts saying "nuh uh man you can release them while under audit".
But if Hilldog was refusing you guys would be raging by now
Fucking faggots
Because he is running for President, it's been the tradition for the past 40 years.
He demanded Mitt Romney do it in 2012, why does he oppose it himself?
Mitt Romney also made a good point that all the other politicians receive public scrutiny for their military service, voting records, tax returns etc and Trump who only has his business doesn't even want to show his tax returns.
True. Also Trump can easily take Warren Buffet up on his offer of exchanging looks at each other's tax returns. That would also make Warren and everyone who doubted Trump's finances look like a fool and help bolster his credibility and rank in the polls. The fact that he hasn't done so makes it clear to me that he's just a vainglorious liar who isn't as rich as he's claimed.
inb4 "behind every shitpost is a LEAF"
>70 year old billionaire
>being stupid
>when he first humoured the idea of running for president 30 years ago
>daily reminder
Many people are saying that Trump won’t release his tax returns because he donated money to NAMBLA. Sad.
>48 laws of fedora
I love how like 90% of the anti Trump shit spewed here isn't even done by people who live in the United States.
Why do you guys care so much that you constantly shit post about a guy you apparently hate?
Oh right the hired shills.
Pretty sure he is worth 60 billion, leaf.
Trump has no obligation to release them. But he can choose to demonstrate his supposed success by showing us his finances (i.e. via Warren Buffet's offer) which has the added benefit of giving him more credibility and helping him surge in the polls. A lot of things cast doubt on his claims and it's in his own best interest - assuming he's telling the truth about his wealth - to make the record straight.
inb4 "slide thread xd go back to Jerusalem"
Yeah, someone would spend money on a 95% alt-right forum with a couple of thousand daily users to "shill" for someone they hate.
You've lost your fucking mind if you think this is the world you live in.
If he doesn't release them when the audit is complete, THEN you can bitch and moan
Which could be well after he's taken office so what is the fucking point?
Yeh welp..you guys are so dense, its impossible to get trough to you
Well that's his main excuse and he has, inherently, expert economists stating that it's a bad idea to release them during an audit. So the point is that he SHOULD do it when the audit is complete. This whole audit business could be well-timed too for this election since it could be Trump using it to his advantage, if he actually does have something to hide, or it could be implemented against trump to make it seem like he is hiding something, who the fuck knows