Question Session

Daytime edition

How many babies do the Rockefellers eat on a daily basis?

They don't eat children, but often have sex with them.

Where is the SJW Minority(PC'y) : White nationalism(racisty), divide that the Jew/globalist a have engineered going.

What's the plan within this racial/idea logical divide

What's happening on the 14th as many are saying to be

Division is the end game of strategies of tension. Division keeps the masses in a state of being conquered.

It is incorrect to think of this as divide then conquer. Better to describe it as the conquered stay conquered when divided.

Is Rothschild the end boss? Considering he is so well known, who is the real 'end boss'

I know how how Hillary sucks up to Rothschild as a god in the wikileaks, even considering wikileaks is controlled opposition where the state department even admits to be funding it.

Are modern NatSoc movements, including the Skinheads and their likes a form of controlled opposition?

Are they a plant?

What are the predictions for the Globalist vs Nationalist divide? What's the current state of affairs?

The Clintons work for what can be loosely described as British intelligence, as do the Bushes. The Rothschild house and the monarchy have merged both in terms of intermarriage and deep cooperation.

The US government has been their biggest enemy ever since the revolution. They'd like to continue to gradually strengthen China and fade US power.

The longer view here would be that after the US is weak relative to China, the Chinese government can be easily toppled (it isn't domestically popular) and replaced by the British oligarchy.

Yes. It's fine to say something like the border should be closed because the US is already in dire straits. Closing it because you think latinos are an inferior race is silly.

Whenever you allow invalid motives to be associated with valid policy, you are hindering any chance of good policy.

>the Chinese government can be easily toppled (it isn't domestically popular) and replaced by the British oligarchy.
I told you all the sun never sets on the British Empire. I told you so!

Quite true.

What of the second question?

Can you tell us how the Chatham house relates to the CFR? And what relation does the Chatham house have to the alliance between the Rothschilds and British Monarchy?

How long until they chip us?

Will Donald Trump win??

Do you know anything about "Project Greenlight"?

Ive heard basically that as soon as martial law is declared or the economy crashes (or anything that breaks domestic harmony) the military is going to go Coup and detain the president and most of congress for treason.

As well as taking down the corrupt corporate elements like the rothschild and so forth.

Globalism will ultimately prevail. In the long run, it doesn't make sense for mankind to be divided up and opposed to each other.

In the medium term, we think strong nationalist movements coupled with robust economic development is a better path forward.

Globalism, as it comes, should be derived from the success of the US as a city on the hill, rather than the collapse of the US leading to stateless oligarchs that run the world.

when will it all be over??

oh hey its you again. how's tricks. you seen this yet? any truth to it?

I take it the senator was agreeable?

There is a lot of cross membership between CFR and Chatham. It's similar for many of these organizations.

What they are doing with these groups is pretty closely analogous to paid shills on the internet today.

In the past, you had the same individuals pushing similar propaganda from 10 or 15 "different" organizations as a means of amplifying their voice and the public's perception of consensus. Most people here are pretty familiar with sock puppet management software and the like I imagine. Same thing, different medium.

This is true, I mean when humanity reaches the stars we always see it being a united earth in the storyline and the new division ends up being space colonies.

Like alot of things it seems doing a certain thing can be helpful or damaging all depending on how its done and who it favors.

Like electronic money - if done corruptly it can be used to destroy dissention. But if dont correctly it can be transparent, establish a paper trail, make money almost impossible to hide, etc.

Hillary is the preferred choice of the establishment, but they won't give it to her if it is obvious to everyone that she doesn't have any support. There is less than 10% of the population that likes Hillary, plus another 15% or so that prefers her over Trump.

To achieve victory (make a potential Hillary win obviously fraudulent) he needs to soften up the anti-Trump crowd and hammer hard on the lack of actual Hillary supporters out there.

There are elements in existence that are prepared and able to fight, but it won't go down the way you perceive.

Instead, the breaking of the current regime will look fairly ordinary to the masses. You'll get a protected candidate that can speak the truth, which will be impossible to stop because most people are sick and tired of the lies.

Many Zionists over the past 100+ years have fought hard to reclaim Israel and it would seem that those Zionists are now the dominant power in the world.
Can you give us an insider's perspective on what is the real goal is with Israel? Additional insights as to how the Catholic or especially Jesuit factions relate to the Zionists would also be appreciated.

That's correct. There is no reason for the widespread gold fetishization in principle, for example, but that isn't to say it is completely without merit. Viewed as a mechanism for constraining the power of corrupted interests controlling currency, it makes sense. Viewed as a "true" store of value, it is just superstitious thinking.

Fulfilling religious prophecy opens the door to both an exit plan and radical and rapid transformation of society.

For example, you have a situation in society where many people could be persuaded that a messiah type figure has come. You might exploit this opportunity as a mechanism for peacefully removing the old guard by "forgiving" them - neutralize their fear of fading, thus remove dampen their strong incentive to resist being removed from power.

Of course it also opens the door to more sinister exploitation as well.

Gee doesn't this sound familiar (hint hint folks).

Protected? a top notch hitman just got caught trying to assassinate him. That must have been a million+ job right there.

And most of the people support him but are afraid to say so, so they say they support the other person but only to avoid the equally fervent wrath of the supporters of the other. Who may be their girlfriends, wives, moms, employers and so on.

Some guy just got crowbarred for speaking publicly about that.

Rome is definitely burning.

Trump is not this person. It is virtually impossible for anyone to lose to Hillary, but he's done everything in his power to make it possible. You've really lost touch if you can't see that.

How big of a threat is the SCO to the US and our currency ?

what are your thoughts on bitcoin?

Hillary would like to end the US reserve status via SCO strengthening. Trump wants to cut a deal with Russia to knock out Saudi Arabia, send petro prices back up, and use that to rent extract on China / weaken their economy.

Oh wow! The Super-high level insider! THE HOPE IS OVERFLOWING !

If he's doing it on purpose, why?

Do you have any information on the Fukushima incident? Is the radiation contained? Is there an ongoing problem with the area?

Things like bitcoin, gold, libertarianism, etc., all further the idea of weakening the state. Anti-authoritarianism is good, but anti-statism serves sinister globalism.

There are too many people who make the leap from the NSA shouldn't be reading your emails to the existence of a nationstate is inherently evil. You need to use it constructively, i.e., build highways. This is your best path forward to robust economic growth, therefore leisure time and education, thus a more potent and aware population.

Cell Earth.

Trump never expected to win the nomination. His original intention was to be a spoiler for Hillary a la Ross Perot.

That's not as strong of a condemnation of Trump as it might seem at first.

Ross Perot was an actual America first nationalist, and so is Trump. They both consider the Clintons less dangerous than the sinister exploitation of the religious right by the GOP though. So as in the 90s, Perot had legitimate issues and concerns he wanted to advance at the same time as knowingly help Clinton beat Bush. Trump was going to serve a similar role this election against someone like Cruz, but ended up winning despite his best efforts.

are illuminati jewish or not ?

Is Mexico going to rise or fall in the future?

Also, is it safe for me to visit my family in Monterrey??? :(

Fukushima suffered catastrophic meltdown and severe contamination into the ocean. The core was never contained, explosions sent much of the radioactive material into the air / ocean, and a melting down spread the rest into the ocean from underground.

It's not an end of the world scenario by any means, but certainly an environmental and public health catastrophe.

is earth flat?

Was Fukushimi responsible for the many stories of the death of sealife that have appeared in the news for the last few years?

You guys are right that jews have disproportionate influence in the world, especially in spheres where it really matters like finance and the media.

Where you are wrong is that you confuse cause and effect. The jews were put into these fields by non-jews as patsies originally. Christians were not allowed to engage in usury, but jews had no problem with it, so "Christian" monarchs/governments used the jews to steal from the population, then blamed it on the jews.

Today, with the widespread weakening of the nationstate, international finance is emerging as a shadow state. That gives the jews increasingly more power, but the nationstate is being destroyed by the same people who put jews into finance in the first place. So, many are right that there is growing jewish power, but generally wrong about why and how we got here.

Answer us!

I can't believe that. Why would he spend tens of millions of his own money just to allow Hillary to win? Don't tell me something about "greater good" either... he's adamantly opposed to her foreign policy decisions.

People try to tell me that boxing is all rigged, that fighters take dives etc... That may happen at the lowest levels where guys are just trying to pad their records against bums, and judges may be influenced to decide certain ways in larger fights, the fighters at the highest levels have way too much ego and pride to throw fights.

I don't think Trump's ego and pride would allow him to take a dive against Hillary, or anyone for that matter.

Mexico will benefit tremendously from a resurgent US. The development of 21st century infrastructure has as its first natural extensions into Canada and Mexico. Rational pro-development activity of the state also removes the need to run cons like CIA drug trafficking, which will ease the burdens on Mexican society tremendously.


It certainly resulted in a lot of death and mutation.

Trump isn't in financial trouble at the moment, but would be if we have another real estate crash.

His original intention was to shift into the media business after the election with a Trump News Network type thing. He'd make billions a year off of such an enterprise.

Again, you don't have to see that as necessarily sinister. Trump is actually a pro-America nationalist, and the network was going to be more like infowars on steroids than Faux 2.0


Can you give us information about the Shadow government, who it's major players are and its current geopolitical objectives?

Is the all-seeing eye actually ur thurd I?


The Bush and Clinton families both work for the House of Marlborough in England. They are the major influencers of US politics at the moment, and in turn serve British monarchy that is a conglomeration of several old European banking houses.

Trump is flat out broke
his money ain't long like Gucci Mane's
You must be dumb stupid if you think he isn't in deep doo doo

He isn't broke, but he'd be over-leveraged and facing ruin in the event of a major and sustained real estate downturn, which is coming. He's fine for now, but understood that it wouldn't be true 2 or 3 years into the future when he entered the race.

In your previous AMA you said that the Bush and Clinton family had made their fortunes in drug trafficking. Does this mean that the House of Marlborough is the drug trafficking kingpin? If true, I assume this means that the House of Marlborough made their fortune through the East India company. Can you provide more details about the House of Marlborough?

>a major and sustained real estate downturn, which is coming.
why is pol and biz and everyone talking about this all the time. if we know this is coming why don't we do shit

Yes. Pamela Churchill (Churchill family is the House of Marlborough) was Clinton's major backer in '92. The Chinese funded the '96 campaign, but recall that Chinese finance industry is controlled by British interests (dating back to opium wars and retention of Hong Kong).

You're right
I also heard he broke Hillary's back in half he fucked her so hard

Just tell it to us straight doc, are the elites going to fuck our shit up?
Do they hate the mass or just fuck with us for sport? Or do they believe what they do is for a greater good or is it just solid old competition with the east?
Why haven't they just wiped out humanity save for themselves and just live as the sole god beings on an empty Earth? We're but bothersome pests to manage in comparison.

In the past, the idea that the world is overpopulated and needs to be controlled has been very popular. Eugenics movement and birth control had state sanction.

It's only a recent development that depopulation has been seriously considered as we move more towards automated production and less need for worker bees. They are many years away from being able to rely on these sorts of things though. You are still needed for now.

Why and how did we get back under British control after we broke away? Can you point me to any history books that cover stuff like the House of Marlborough etc?

I recall in a thread where Pamela Churchill previously was mentioned that there was some talk that Bill Clinton having direct relation to the Churchill family and the Rothschilds. At times he comes across as brainwashed/mind controlled and a complete moron. It's hard to figure out who he really is, and if he is even someone important or whether Hillary is the more powerful/influential figure. Who is Bill Clinton?

British control was cemented in WW2 when the US allowed the British to create the OSS (later CIA).

Before then they only had substantial, but far from a controlling interest, via influence peddling. For example, many ivy league universities get their original endowments from families that worked for the British East India Company as opium smugglers.

They purchased the ability to shape university mission statements, pick faculty, and so on with all of this money.

I've never had much interest in bloodline type stuff, but I am aware there is uncertainty over who Bill's parents really are. It isn't hard to believe that he is related to Marlborough house.

Hillary has always been a sinister opportunist, so her picking him as a spouse is as good a reason to believe she knew he was somebody as any.

The history of the East India company and the fortunes made from it are behind vast amounts of the history of the past hundreds of years, but between the now established huge fortunes of the jews and the massive fortunes of the East India company that probably initially financed the jews, it's difficult now to really tell who is in power. Jewish names dominate the banks and the central banks, but English names dominated the drug trade and the massive fortunes looted from China. Who is really in power now? And I also want to know what influence Britain still holds over Chinese finance. Is the PRC a puppet government?

1. What is the real purpose(s) of GMOs?
>human DNA in some beef and rice
Devolving humanity to be more easily controlled?

2. Aerosolized metal particulates are meant to hide some programs from prying eyes, yes?
>2 "comets" went through solar flare in 1988 to the shock astronomers & intelligence agencies

Spill it, please.

Why is Julian Assange such a goddamned attention whore? Is he ever going to release new material?

Depression caused by the hedonism of your parents and biological disposition, what should I do?
Also, my godfather is a muslim 33rd degree mason. He told me hillary was prophecised and went on to say 'because there have been female presidents in the media just like there were black presidents in the media before barrack". He's into third eye kinds of stuff and recommended meditation. Probably a good guy?

bahmp for interest

>It's only a recent development that depopulation has been seriously considered

Is this why homosexuality is being promoted heavily in the media? As a form of birth control?

Why the hell are they bringing in refugees if they want to depopulate? Why not leave them to die?

The middle east has one of the highest birth rates in the world, is that why were bombing them?

How much do they want to depopulate? 1/2? 1/4? 1/10th of what we have now? Why not just have a war over a shithole with no infrastructure to depopulate?