[Dumb question from a nigger]

[Dumb question from a nigger]

Why do white people care so much about weither or not theyll be the majority in 10, 100, 1000yrs?

I legitimately dont understand the panic...

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Because every time whites become a minority, we're targeted by other groups. Also, we're concerned about WHITE countries. How would you feel if Africa became majority Chinese?

Im not an African...
Why do you think you become targeted?

I just like living near other whites, or asians. Blacks and Hispanics are too loud. We're already a minority in the world since always because we don't breed like rabbits. My fellow whites that cry about this shit are half-retarded and don't represent the rest of us.

Because your race is ugly and smells bad.

IQ distribution and it's impact on society.
Fear for the loss of western/european culture
Historical occurrences of white people becoming a minority in given societies. Examples being South Africa and parts of Turkey.

Genuinely not wanting to see your people go extinct is also kind of a big deal, I don't understand why there are people that worry about a species of animal going extinct but not the race of people responsible for western civilization

White people can run countries and societies to be peaceful and functional. Brown people generally cannot. I don't want to see America turn into Mexico 2.0.

Because minorities only have rights where whites are the majority.

The only white people that care about this are poor. I'm rich. I don't care about living near blacks or arabs or whatever. I do care about living near poors


1. Loud
2. Obnoxious
3. Don't know how to use a fork and knife
4. Eat garbage
5. Don't bathe
6. Talk about money like uncultured swine
7. Don't understand art

In short. Sup Forums is filled with prototypical white trash. They're poor and pathetic, so they try to act superior based on their melanin. The true discriminator though is, and always will be, wealth. A wealthy black man has more in common with me, a rich white man, than any poor white man.

dumb nigger dumb questions

1. We care about what's going to happen to the world after we are gone.
2. Every country run by blacks is a fucking shithole.
3. We don't like the idea of our country being stolen from us.

Because it seems like white people only understand the concept of limited government and personal freedoms

Pretty simple nig

How would you feel if we colonized dinduland and squished its "native" population down to a minority?

Minorities love nothing more than to kill whitey

There is a reason why higher densities of white people are desirable places to live.

So you believe class to be more important than race...
Does education factor into your view at all?

See what your wealth does when your country turns out like downtown south africa did
Your money will mean nothing when the third world hordes come

Other races are honorless parasites by and large

We we're gone, the world will be gone too. Unless the asians in China can get there shit together faster.

enjoy your wealth while you can mountain kike because when socialist yurope is through with your little haven over there you'll be flying running for your boat to sail away to argentina

And all the guns over there wont help you one bit.

If only

because questions like that are the reason immigration is ruining Europe right now

We're smart, attractive, productive, inventive, and create the best countries. Everyone should want white people to be the majority if they know what's good for them.

Not white. Chink.
It's security. ""Liberals"" with zero family attachments will completely be fine with no security though.
I know if for some reason I'm hunted out of my country, I have the 1.6B people landmass to fall back upon.
Whites no longer have that option, well... Australia remaining (questionable future too). So I kinda see the point of the Sup Forumsfags.
And this:

whats good for whites is good for the entire world and whats good for shitskins is bad for the world. we want good things for whites and everyone prospers. white compassion at work tyrone

>Why do white people care so much about weither or not theyll be the majority in 10, 100, 1000yrs?
Look at any country, literally any, where whites aren't the majority and you'll see why my friend

I know this is purely anctedotal but I grew up in an area where it was 10% white. The other black kids were relentless and harassed me constantly. Even if I minded my own business it didn't matter, and if I tried to fight back they would gang up on me and outnumber me at least 4-1. But of course if a black guy is a minority in a white neighbor hood he would feel welcomed. There's also tons of evidence online where blacks and Hispanics would target whites for no reason so there's that.

Of course. The poor often lack education. They're just monkeys to me. Wealthy families send their children to good schools enabling them to become "human". You are not born human, it is earned through proper education and upbringing.

Blah blah blah. No one will take my money, and I could care less if they try, you subhuman poor will never again be able to step to the upper class. Soon enough we'll be able to crush your hovels with robotic death squads.
Race means nothing. Unless you're poor, in which case your race is super important and you should 100% use that to divide and fight amongst yourselves.

Why should blacks care if they're a majority in Africa, it's not like the world needs them

Look at blm. They already declared open season on whitey and if we are the minority expect more groups like that

History my friend, history. You would do well to look it up. Whenever White Christians became a minority they were, without exception, persecuted and/or oppressed.

Mudslimes run the country? Well now, pay that tax and if I see you constructing a new church I'll have your head! Also, the prophet was cool with raping your Christian women, or just women in general so yeah, we're gonna rape your women. Get used to it.

End Aparteid? Great! Now you get to see that they weren't fucking kidding when they sang "Kill the Boer" at their rallies. Too bad for the dindus that they didn't ask the boer how to farm before they killed him so now they're starving. Poetic Justice on that one.

You look at the history and time after time after time this becomes the case.

The problem is that rich people corrupt the society so that they and their offspring don't have to do jack shit to both remain rich or get rich.

This leads to hyperstratification of the type that becomes hereditary. You are either *born* rich or *born* poor and nothing you do will ever change that fact. Once this point is reached, the civilization that spawned it falls. Either it is conquered because the poor people are so pissed that they'll side with the invaders just to see those pompous elites slaughtered, or they will revolt and kill em' off themselves.

If I were you, I'd move to the countryside. Those gated communities your type lives in are the new walled cities and us "white trash" are the new barbarians. History should tell you what's about to happen to those in the forts. Swiggity swooty, we're coming for that booty!

Why do people care when the hardest working, most intelligent and ingenious people that created all our wealth and technical advancement die?

I just dont get it. I would gladly live in a mud hut and starve to death before my aids kills me.

>Soon enough we'll be able to crush your hovels with robotic death squads.

I knew rich idiots like you live in their own little secluded "realities"but you take the cake, mountain kike.

Dont worry comrade, when reality bites hard fucks like you feel it much much greater than the average poor fag.

your hour glass is running thin, swisserland will get devoured and there is nothing faggots like you can do to stop it. :D

You could easily find screen caps of people saying kill all niggers as well. Aren't the left supposed to be the ones with cognitive dissonance?

Why do black people shoot each other at a significantly higher rate than any other race in America?

>You are either *born* rich or *born* poor and nothing you do will ever change that fact.
>Once this point is reached, the civilization that spawned it falls.

This argument that history will repeat itself, ignoring that within the next 10 years I will be able to buy, own, and operate my own squad of fully autonomous robotic military weapons is beyond idiotic.

The wealthy will win. We will crush you. You will be born rich or poor, that's the only part of your post that is true.

You uneducated, poor, unwashed, uncultured, subhuman filth will serve as fodder for our factories until we can fully replace you with robotic surrogates. Then for the best interests of the real human race we will unleash a simple virus to terminate you. But yes, you being white is super important and something to be proud of. Keep carrying that flag, we wealthy will carefully consider the color of your skin while deciding your fate...

lol. Why is a third world country of toilet cleaners even talking to me? Know your place subhuman

Because white people's superior way of living will die if they become minorities

lol swissershit

your banking racket of the past is not effective anymore in this day and age. do you feel it?

Its a changing world, and not in the positive direction for "neutral"shitholes like yours

is it?

why with all the competition out there taking away your business and potential customers.

I'll be laughing at you pissons in a couple of years. :D

Thats not true. I am well-heeled and educated.

That is why I see the importance of race and culture that enabled our wealth to begin with.

Money is just a brittle cement that hols multiracial societies together.

If it crumbles you have Brazil.

You are basically a simple minded nihilist, the opposite of a communist.

There is a reason why we have to fight thre reds and reactionaries like you to survive.

Funny thing about robots, you can reprogram them. Trust me sir, there are plenty of poorfags that know how to code and build/repair robots.

The outcome should be obvious to you. You send them out, we'll cripple/disable them, then haul them back to our garage, then send them to kick your ass. Just one problem, most richfags don't know how to fight because by that point you've just left that to the robots.

Or we can just EMP the fuckers. Poorfags like me know how to survive without electricity or modern conveniences. You don't. That's going to be your downfall. I bet you can't even navigate with a map and compass. Without your GPS you probably couldn't even find your way home from work!

Please find some screencaps.


Nice fantasy, loser.

>Muh Heritage
>But i am a proud German/Irish mix

Because whites established a democracy and freed you from slavery. A majority of subhuman retards running the world will everything to shit, see Detroit.


They still belive they are the smartest and the responsable for the world

Yet now many arabs, chinese and blacks are getting smarter now.

Also autism

>will everything
will turn* everything

I literally cannot even read your post. I just see a hairy subhuman wearing cutoff jeans plunging a toilet in a dirty british pub.

If you're poor you are not educated, or cultured. You probably don't even know how to hold a wine glass, what side of your plate to place a fork, how to pour wine, or even know how to eat with your mouth closed.

Race, country, etc, mean nothing. All that matters is wealth. If you are wealthy you are one of us, we can discuss, we can relate, we can empathize with one another. If you are poor the only thing we can discuss is why you're on my property and how long until my dogs tear you limb from limb.

Beep Boop I'm going to hack your robots with my matrix powers here's my boring long winded hypothetical about how I will totally win.

>angry & poor
I don't ascribe agency to the poor because you aren't actually sentient humans, but if I did I would pity you.

Use Google.

You blacks don't understand that the white civilization is literally the HUMAN CIVILIZATION. If all whites suddenly died, human progress would stop and people would revert to living in mud huts and eating bugs. Non whites in white countries slow progress and grind the economy to a halt because they aren't smart enough to take care of themselves and require the aid of white people. If whites become a minority, humans WILL NEVER reach the stars, and we would probably die out shortly after when chinks and other "developing" countries continue to spew shit in the air causing world wide extinction.

Sauce on gif?

You sound like a sociopath.

Generational hate. If they knew the real story african americans would understand.
1. The biggest slave traders in Africa were the Arabs and Berbers. Other africans sold them out for being pagans.
2. If they were muslim they'd have to go through their closest muslim kingdom and plead for help. You had to know how to write to even proof legitimacy. Theyd usually help with the paperwork. There was a legal system tied to it.
3. Most of the americas were split up and divided by ownership and had very few owners. Lets put the number of around 1000 owners. Land was split as inheritence. So those 1000 owners could be made even smaller by families.
4. The europeans made reservation systems as soon as they got here. They chose the land by its fertility, proximity to sea, and how flat it was.
5. African-Americans in general, in return would take land from the reservations.
6. It wasnt until industrial age when people gather and live in cities to broker goods from their inherited lands.
7. It wasnt a strange occurrence for a family to inherit land in canada, usa, mexico and jamaica. Or any other combination.
8. White people chose to in cities and in fertile soil. It was good to raise a family and bring in money. Natives chose to live in the wilderness because they didnt believe in cultural progression. Neither did the african americans and those who did were educated in the industrial system, raised in the industrial system due to being a descendant of a savvy person, or saw the treasure that lurked in it.

Read some historical documents that stated that most native americans were educated between 1920-1960 due to exposure of an education system.

As for white becoming a minority they have always been. They conquered and educated with iron. And they multiplied just to wage wars. They were systematically the most loving of war. Why do you think their numbers are low?

>arabs, chinese

It's the blacks who will inherit the earth and turn it into a giant Detroit.

Look at my flag.

This is what happens.


>As for white becoming a minority they have always been.

Not to this extent.

>I legitimately dont understand the panic

Blacks will not carry on the traditions and culture or traditional America.

1. Monogamous marriage does not exist in black culture (few even get married before having children and often have children from many fathers... super Majority off ALL black children are born out of wedlock)
2. Fatherhood does not exist in black culture
3. violence, theft drug use are all common in black culture
4. Hard Science education is not stressed, black children dream of being entertainers (musicians, actors, sports, etc)
5. Community giving is absent... very rare to see ANY blacks at environmental protests
6. Culture of victim hood... blacks rejoice in their feeling of persecution

Etc. Etc.

>I legitimately dont understand the panic...
I have three answer.
South Africa


mountain kikie

we'll see how smart your yapper is in a few years

were working on bringing you down, into the shitter along with us. :)

You ever lived or been in a nigger majority country say like Iberia or Zimbabwe?

I suggest you try it out for a month, it'll answer your question.

K. have fun discussing with some Saudis or subhuman oligarchs.

I will stick to my poor/rich Volksgenossen.

Robert Mugabe is also really rich, you seem to be on the same level. Culturally and racially of course :^)

Is white culture better or different?

>I suggest you try it out for a month

this cocksucker wouldnt hack it in a real world, hes a tough keyboard warrior and thats about it, displace this fuckboi out of his pussy "country" and he'd off himself in no time.

which would be a fortunate outcome.

Best post.

Since I lived in Brazil in the early 90's I can confirm.

South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Oh look, it's this thread again.


>t. Albanian toilet cleaner in Switzerland

I mean show me tweets advocating for the killing of black people and other minorities. I'm not going to research you're arguments. Thats you're job, bud.

One idea is that Whites will be severely persecuted by former minority groups. They come to this conclusion due to always seeing groups and comments disparaging white people as evil etc.

The other idea is that minority groups tend to vote Left, and that once whites are a minority the country will become a leftists hellhole.

Personally I don't know if any of that will happen, but it seems like the general ideas are reasonable concerns judging by history.

Justin being funny today

desu i would be openly advocating for nig holocaust in public if it wasnt illegal

Easy answer, your race sucks.

No blue eyes, red hair, blonde hair, heritage, culture, language, etc.

It's essentially the fear of bastardization that has happened to many great people's and kingdoms throughout time.

Mongols bastardized Chinese
Arabs bastardized Persians
Germans bastardized Romans
Russians bastardized Germans
Spaniards bastardized Latin American Natives

And so on
And so on

Depends on. I don't really know about traditional african cultures but what I saw from afro-american cultures are either based on the bitterness of slavery ,anger and paranoia of ghetto culture or afro-centrist delusion.
White culture is an other intresting topic.
It's kinda like the non newtonian fluid.
If it's threatened as a whole it becomes hard ,but when not attacked as a whole it"s flows away.
In my theory white culture made out three different thing.
The local pre-roman pagan culture of the are/folk+Antique culture+Christinaity.
Most of the white cultures can be co operative and peacfull to each other thanks to the roman influence and same(-ish) religion but can different and competitive due the fact that only the 2/3 are the similarites from other white cultures.

we're already targeted by SJWs. Also we have a self preservation instinct.

For example if your house was inhabited by 100% members of your family, would you allow them to be replaced by some other family, by for example the government?

I don't think so.

Because you "people" have a tendency of destroying every country you are given control of, with no exception.

Both better and different.
Our worldview is christian which mean a linear view of history, which allow progress.

The other civilizations(indian, chinese, japanese, african, etc) are mainly cyclicals which doesn't allow progress, and is blocked in a never ending cycle of Creation-Destruction.

As for the islamic civilization this is basically a parasite civilization which can only grow from the plunder and the destruction of other civilizations(persian, aramaic, assyrian, egyptian, phoenician, byzantine, etc).

Nonwhites' lives improve when they live near white people. The opposite does not hold true.

you know the funny thing is, is that you assume all rich people are gonna be on your side, that all smart people are rich, that there won't be rich people with a good heart who will eventually fight you.

That you will come of this alive and that society can survive when it consists only of snakes like you.

One thing is for certain. there will be a conflict, i don't know which side will win and neither will you, but the way you're unable to be rationally, i don't think it will be you.

>uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh why do white people care about the future???

This is a concept a nigger will never understand.

>legitimately dont understand
>a dumb nigger
Pick both