Seriously, is she suffering stroke-related dementia or some other mentally debilitating disease?
Because the bitch be acting funny.
Do we want her to be our President?
>Fuck no we don't.
Seriously, is she suffering stroke-related dementia or some other mentally debilitating disease?
Because the bitch be acting funny.
Do we want her to be our President?
>Fuck no we don't.
Hillary will just piss herself and run to the bathroom at a debate with the Donald, like she did at the DNC debates.
Donald needs to ask her about her incontinence.
Something, at any rate, is going on with this bitch.
Donald is mentally strong and mentally resilient.
Hillary is clearly neither.
Donald doesn't drink and never has.
Never smoked.
He will live for decades.
And he punked the shit out of Jeb Bush, a man much younger than him.
>Jeb is such a cuck
Have you not seen the webms where she looks autistic ? Ofc she has mental illness'
>mental illness
its called H-Illary
very dangerous, inoperable and most of the time lethal
Look at her misaligned eyes, user.
Something is going on in her head.
that injector is actually a flash light.
hillary has eye problems and cant see in slightly dark areas for some reason.
That something would be.
>I can't believe they are still dwelling on this
>why isn't this over yet
>why aren't they buying it.
>is running for the president of the United States
>is on TV for everyone in the nation to see
>she fucking shits herself
>it's just a prank bro!!!
Liik at his cheeks, he must have sufgered a stroke at least once. I actually feel bad
reptiles can see in the dark just fine
Why is she resting 20 hours a day?
Where is she hiding?
Something smells.
Did she actually poop herself?
Bump for interest
>Seriously, is she suffering stroke-related dementia or some other mentally debilitating disease?
Holy shit. It will be terrible if she gets elected. This is scary.
i absolutely hope she doesn't become president... but i'm also starting to feel bad for her. she doesn't need to hold office; she needs help.
Thx for making laughing great again Sup Forums
holy shit
u wot? that is a smirk. it occurs when you know you're right.
Hanz bringing the Bantz, kek
lmao mfw a candidate who is shitting their pants and having strokes is murdering trump in the general election
Kek that's the doctors office I went to as a kid
also wondering. Pls confirm hillary shits pants.
Video pls?
atleast she already likes the color orange
>dat jewtube filename
lurk more faggot
no 0.05$ for (((you))) this time
What chores will she get, do you think?
Will she cook, like Martha S did?
this twitter page doesn't exist...
Clearly something is wrong.
>Doing them
Watch this
Big Bertha the Guard may not take No for an answer, though...
Here is the original image.
Trump will win this motherfucker.
Hillary is unfit to be secretary of a sewage removal company.
too rapid for parkinson's you cucktard. brain tumor.
this letter says in 2015 she was fit.
and 1 year later she is a human pudding?
"Her routine health maintenance is up to date and has included a normal colonoscopy, gynecologic exam, mammogram and breast ultrasound" ewwwwwwwwwwwwww
You mean Hillary won't take no for an answer, she'll be doing the raping.
Trump also has excellent genes.
Hillary didn't produce a goodlooking kid (with whomever the babydaddy is).
Trump did. Pic related.
Long absence during a staged debate with no explanation offered. People are speculating she had an accident.
A lot of post menopausal women have some degree of incontinence.
As long as we have a highly competent VP it won't be a problem.
tfw Bill wont take her collect calls from prison.
He only would if she gets a phone that can call people beyond the grave.
I shit myself today
To see if I still feel
Let's go through the facts.
She's a white european woman that wants to...:
1. ... control the european peoples through brainwashing, propaganda and indoctrination, to the european peoples detriment.
2. ... swamp european nations with hordes of non-white peoples, to the european peoples detriment.
3. ... and thus exterminate her own race, the white european race.
She's clinically insane and quite literally evil.
god dam that things cute
>A Tooomahhhh?
It looks like a pissed off tribble.
I heard that in Johnny Cash's voice, user.
His voice somehow makes incontinence more bearable.