What a fucking coward

He's already setting up is eventual skipout of the debates.



Is he aware that he needs the debates more than Hillary does. What a pathetic candidate...

Other urls found in this thread:


Or if you ever listened to someone else talk you would know he wants the debates scheduled on days that will bring the most viewership.

Just my two cents to help you "correct the record"

He just needs the right time so he can play this card.



Hillary aint right in the brain, obviously.

I am now a #JebHead



>he wants the debates scheduled on days that will bring the most viewership

Nonsense, especially in the days where every presidential matter is on youtube in minutes and available to all.

This isn't 1950, where if you missed it, it was gone forever.

Everyone knows the schedule quibble is a pretense.

fuck you nigger

Yeah but if nothing else is going on that day like blue pill sports ball.... more people will be enthused to watch it as it happens. Live entertainment has value shill but you probably wouldn't know that

Drumpf has never sent an email in his life and still uses snail mail do you expect him to understand this?

1. A lot of people watching it like the sense of the real-time action. Being able to say "did you see that?" the next day.
2. Going into it post-live gives shills like you a chance to correct the record.

Actually hillary got baited into locking into the debates.

9D chess.

Only hardcore fans look up recordings of events. People typically families watch things live only.

But you already knew all that. Just correcting your record

Little hands has little balls.

It's getting shilly outside

>1. A lot of people watching it like the sense of the real-time action. Being able to say "did you see that?" the next day.
I didn't watch a single republican debate, but being able to watch clips posted on Sup Forums and youtube I was able to discuss them during the next day of work, which reinforces what that user originally said

You are a fucking idiot if you think everyone is using youtube. And even then, whats the difference? Why dont they just schedule it on a night that will bring in more immediate viewers?

>CEO of mega company
>never sent an email in his life

That's literally what CEOs do mate, they answer emails and visit clients.

How deluded are CTR?

That's nice but thats not up to him. Presidential debates have been set since last year, Trump should accept them and stop making excuses to at best feed his ego and at worst avoid a 1 on 1 debate because of his child like mentality

>mfw Sup Forums actually thinks Trump would "crush" Hillary in the debates

So you didn't fucking watch it twat but it was the most viewed thing on fox ever... look it up. Shit broke all kinds of tv records

Hillary wants to look strong by challenging him to debates that are already scheduled

Hope Trump retorts by challenging her to 5, adding two when no football is on

What you don't understand is that you are not the same as the general public.

You are a sweaty neckbeard with presumably decent internet that cares enough to download it.
Others do not

So why not pander to everyone and make it live on a date that everyone can see?

Fuck off shill

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Shoo shoo ackmed

Allah looks like an outline of a dick and balls kek

In Trump's own words he is not a fan of email. I'm sure he uses them at times, but he prefers face to face meetings or phone calls.
Can't say I blame him. People can get emails (As we have seen) and it's very hard to misconstrue someone's feelings when you can hear and/or see them.
Turmp is very approachable and not scared of interacting personally with people, it's why his rallies draw huge crowds and why he does frequent press events. Where as Hillary just emails everything, puts people to sleep, pays off the media, and degrades Secret Service agents.

How's he racist?

Pol we must assemble to stop fighting shills and just start making, shill tier threads for everything ctr doesn't stand for and also live relevant news(I have noticed shills stay very quiet and have weaker comebacks in these threads)

He debates 16 of the top Republicans how many times? To get the nomination, and wins hands down. Having never debated politics before. Yet you think he is afraid to debate a little old senile evil woman? Whatever.

He wants to re-negotiate the dates because he knows if people see Hildebeast debate they will see her true colors. Also, he knows a lot of his support are football fans and why should they have to chose between football and the debate? He is being kind to his support-base.

Trump afraid of Hilary. That is funny.

Yeah this is all true, but he can't avoid it. Face to face or phone calls hold no water in times you need a record, unless of course you record the phone call but not everyone does that.

My boss is much the same than Trump

Sup Forums is unable to argue against that. They'll just resort to name calling and memes.

That's laughable must be sarcastic, SIDES LEAVING GALAXY, HOW.... CAN.... HILL SHILLS. ... SAY THESE. ... THINGS HAHAHHAHA
2 fed investigations
Irs investigation


WTF I hate trump now

No but seriously, have you heard Trump in interviews when he actually has to think on his feet? It's laughable, he always resorts to repeating the same empty platitudes.

He was pretty aweful in all those debates and without a crowd his edgy name-calling would've just came off as childish and whiny. Plus the fact the lack of 1 on 1 debates only helped him

Have you heard hillarys interviews? This is laughable as fuck my friend

>presents not an argument
>expects an argument in return
here's an argument for you: kill yourself

Definitely a time and place for emails. Like, as you said, when you want to keep a record of what was said and when.
I may be wrong, but up until his candidacy and campaigning Trump was mostly a figurehead. He wasn't in charge of running every business, himself, just authorizing things and communicating that his grand visions were. So for that a simple phone call to ask a question or give a notification was fine. But for running for president, he can only be one place at once, so he's probably become well versed with emails by now,

I don't think so, Hillary is an experienced politician, she knows how to talk to the press whereas Trump so far has only put his foot in his mouth.
Granted, the shitstorms created by that only helped him in terms of media attention, but in a debat it's not gonna work.

I could say the same about shillery.
But in her case she resorts to seizures to avoid the question.

Wow if only he wrote a book where he details how important repetition is in negotiating

Yeah without a doubt, he's at a point where he's got people essentially doing his job for him.

He won't need to. Just wait for her to short circuit and have coughing fits every twelve seconds then call it a night.

And yet you retards have Merkel.

sage please

Whats there to say to a old demented granny?

Yes a business negotation is exactly the same as talking to a journalist.

You thank recording the correct for.

Give me a break. He held his own just fine. That is why he got the nomination and the American public behind him. He beat 16 life-long Republican politicians. Trump was always calling for smaller debates, meaning, he thought it was absurd to constantly have so many debating at the same time. He is not afraid. You don't become a billionaire in NYC real estate by being a scardy-cat, give me a break.

v what the fuck I hate trump now)

>implying voting for Merkel was wrong


Oh boy we got someone that liked mummy Merkel.

You're literally a. A massive liberal numale or
B. An actual mudslime dooncoon


That's a bunch of Malarkey, Saturday night is one of the busiest times for TV views. He's trying to weasel out of the debates like the malarkey jabroni bitch he is.

You're a waste of breath oxygen thief paco

Should have stopped three words into your post. Mentally ill hill has contradicted herself more than anyone else in politics and has had longeat creepiest most uncomfortable looking social intractions in her interviews(pls prove me wrong so I can prove me right and post the videos you hate. The ones that talk about how sick we all know she is)


Or someone that has enjoyed 11 years of economic prosperity and dont think some questionable migration policies invalidate everything.

His audience will be watching the NFL. He wants it on a day that they wont be

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..


Why the fuck would he want to skip the debates when they're his only chance?

This man is correct. Register to vote, and vote Trump.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..

If you don't think the impending socio economic collapse of Germany detracts from Merkel then you indeed are 100% clinically retarded.

Also funny enough, your argument can be applied to Trump,
>or someone who has witnessed many years of corporate success and don't think some questionable migration policies invalidate everything Trump stands for.

But if course you would pick and choose the good and the bad, ie making you a liberal

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..

Check out dem shill bots kek

lmao what a low-energy loser

correcting the record super pac

The same one booted up in other threads too

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

We haven't met our monthly post quota yet, you lazy fucks, say goodbye to that August bonus unless you pick it up.

t. CTR Social Engagement Manager

You're all fucking dipshits.

Bernie agreeing to do debates that would air when ABSOLUTELY NO ONE WOULD WATCH THEM was one of the big fucking reasons he lost.

Now they're doing it again.

Team Killary want to do all the debates during football games and shit.

Trump needs to refuse to do any debates unless he gets decent moderators and air time when people will fucking watch them.

He can't let shillary cuck him the way she did bernie.


Trump is a business man. He tries to milk all he can and get all he can so it is in his favor.

Don't be stupid, of course he'll debate on whatever terms, but he's going to try and get what he can.

Nice meme

Keybind spam go!

blah blah raycis. Its current year, that argument died a long time ago.

Damn Hans, I got a gash in between my legs and I feel like more of a man than you.

Germany is doomed.

the republicans have been doing this for years

sage these CTR post Sup Forums for the love of god.

>impeding socio economic collapse
wew lad

Also government shouldn't be run like a business.

Jose Christmas, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail...

>if you dont hate foreigners youre not a man


It is


Except the government is a form of business. They provides mainly services for legal tender.

Not an argument. I guess you ran out of things to say liberal. Dont debate against the Trump.

Only pussified faggots will allow millions of foreign men into their homeland, rape their women, replace them demographically, subsidize it all, and argue about the virtue of their "noble act" on a chinese cartoon board.

Yes and we are all so impressed that establishment politicians formed a committee that scheduled 3 debates in terrible time slots. Why shouldnt trump try to negotiate debates with more exposure? Its kinda his thing to negotiate and not accept losing deals

Germany is just choc full of cucks, what do they put in the water?

Enriched semen imported from somalia.

I didn't run out of arguments, it's just the best response your unfounded claim deserves. It's hard to argue against "the sky is falling tomorrow".

And government is only a form of business in the broadest sense. It should not be run with the aim of profit.

Everything sounds better when its enriched

Should not, but it is. How deluded are you?

Nice strawman, but importing millions of people coming from startlingly different cultures will make something give. Ie Brexit.

Are you guys really that brainwashed?