Was he a socialist ?
If so, why are Christians more right wing ?
Was he a socialist ?
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He's anti-poverty
He wasn't a socialist.
He wanted us to be charitable, he never wanted the government to be involved. He never wanted to be involved in politics at all. Christianity is a highly personal believe system.
>If so, why are Christians more right wing ?
desu, christians that say "because jesus wouldn't want it!" against things like gay marriage are retarded.
But I get where they come from. If you believe something is right you will try to get other people to live like it.
I still think Jesus himself was small-government. Nothing should be forced.
Is it true that he once kicked butts of people who were stoning a women ?
Socialism didn't exist in the year 33 A.D
Christians aren't right wing.
Leftists are psychopathic.
Christians are usually not Leftist because Leftists literally don't believe in right versus wrong. Even when they do, it's a superficial belief, and based only on feelings and nothing objective.
Objective truth ==religion which is practically evil itself in the eyes of leftist
He was the King of Gondor in the end I think.
he also kicked the butts of people who wanted to sell salvation from religious sin. the ten commandments are opposite of socialism thats why marxists hate christianity but love islam.
Yes, he was Socialist.
>thou shall not steal
oy vey, TRIGGERED!
He didn't knock on people's door forcing them to give him their money with threat of violence.
Charity should be voluntary.
b/c they ignore history, the world around them and their own hearts. their hearts do not grasp the basic teachings
This man has the right of it. You can't be forced to be charitable otherwise charity loses all meaning.
No. He believed in free will, something that does not exist in socialism
except He's a monarchist...
Give unto god what is god's and give unto caesar what is caesar's.
>nope, never politically involved.
"Socialism is Aryan, Marxism is Jewish"
That, I see, is a clear distinction between matters of God and matters of the State
What legitimate complaint could you have against having the Jesus Archetype as the Monarch, if you had to pick one?
maybe socialist was the wrong word. I think what he's trying to ask is:
Was Jesus cucked?
Yes, he believed in nations (races), he believed in your duty to your people, he believed in destroying degeneracy etc..
Back in the 70's hippies were hardcore Christians.
I guess Christianity just became too establishment during the 90's so they turned away.
Yeah, was Jesus a liberal ? (it's the same, I know)
I guess the case can be made, and in the end the label doesn't matter.
>destroying degeneracy
How did he want "degeneracy" destroyed ?
And, there wasn't a lot of degeneracy at the time, right?
Democracy had been around for hundreds of years before Christ, and you will find nothing in the Gospel or in the writings of the Church Fathers advocating a democratic revolution over monarchy or anything of the sort.
Romans 13 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4 For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. 5 Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.
People who claim he was a socialist should be shot in the dick desu
Here's the thing: Something like socialism wasn't even possible back then because there was no state who could implement it. All the necessary bureaucracy was simply impossible at that time. Jesus lived in a fucking desert where the king didn't even know who lives where and who pays taxes and who doesn't. I doubt that Jesus wanted to expand the state and its bureaucracy so much.
>Christianity is a highly personal belief system
This. Buck-up and be a man. If you need help, there's an inbuilt support system: the Church. They help the poor find work and feed the orphans with donations, etc. That's the "charity" bit sorted. It's not even remotely "socialism."
He was literally crucified by the state. Palestine was a part of the Roman empire.
There's a very important distinction between Socialism and what he preached. He preached that rich people should, keyword should, donate money to charities, which christian conservatives are well known to do. Socialism holds that people should be forced to do so. Moreover, he never advocated for any system of government, and said "leave what's Ceaser's to Ceaser leave what's God's to God".
Uh, yeah there was. Literally every society in the history of ever has a lot of degeneracy. Prostitutes, sodomy, etc existed
>OPs questions are fucking retarded
Charity is no longer charity when it is enforced by goverment.
People become lazy and rely on goverment to be the bearer of their virtue.
yes but not in Marxist sense
>He was literally crucified by the state
that state was still not comparable to modern states, the romans just exploited the country and killed some people now and then
Desu, after +200 years stop being a fag
>was he a socialist?
the kingdom of god is within
lol have you even seen the cover of the bible?
kingdom of heaven. and Jesus is the King