Sup Forums utterly BTFO

Sup Forums utterly BTFO

how will they ever recover?

their racist arguments of confirming debunked racial stereotypes have no meaning to someone who cannot see.

Yes! Exploit the handicapped to further our agenda goyim!

And your post is basically
>what a retard thinks of racism

Who is exploiting him??


i don't understand what this is supposed to prove

>white man claims to not see race

you're only racist because you see black people

How can he hear if he is blind?

He's a redditor

He's not really blind though.
Fucking liberals will believe anything

He can't see his culture being wiped away. He can't see the state of Africa and the Middle East. He can't visit Prague and see huge castles, age-old buildings and grand gothic castles. He can't visit the sites of our ancestors knowing they built this structure 5000 years ago and see with his own eyes our own ancestors toils being tore down to build more homes, to see more vast forest of Europe being cut down, the flattening of our hills and mountains for more homes for immigration.

He can't see the destruction that our future holds and neither can the liberals pushing this who have their eyes but may as well be as blind as this man.


He's literally handicapped and they're saying because of an impairment and the conclusion he gets out from it that others should follow.

Might as well have a deaf man say he doesn't get why people like certain types of music.

So basically he's the exact same as every "racist" on earth.
99% of people that are "racist" don't judge a person 100% based on their melanin levels. We looks at their actions, their opinions, their manners, their morals etc etc
Even a blind person will hate nigger culture because it is objectively rude, ignorant and criminal at its roots.
I bet you my entire life's worth that, if this guy got his sight back, he would come to find that all those people he didn't like while he was blind also share a skin color.

Well he's obviously the goddamn dare-devil, haven't you read any marvel comics? All the muggers/murderers/rapists/ are cis-gendered white males.... just like in real life :^)


This fucker just has his eyes closed

You cant shill me!!

I'm not fucking blind am i

>Were all the same underneath our skin

Racism is simply pattern recognition. To deny the very real differences is to stick your head in the sand.

Nice video op, ignore the Pol tards
Damn sister fuckers


Wouldnt he be cannibalized if he was born a blind nigger in Africa or somewhere shitty?

You can blame all that destruction on yourself and your "people" james. Meanwhile ill keep fucking the white out that blonde chick i see every week

>t. white with cuck fetish

Why do you do this to yourself ?


Do not engage with OP in any form! This is a paid shill post, its only purpose is to flood this board with pro-hillary shit.
Leave this thread immediately, DO NOT REPLY AT ALL, even if OP tries hard to bait you. They are being PAID to waste your attention.

(replace spaces with dots)

Glenn Beck will do anything for attention.

But liking a black person and disliking another proves your point wrong.

Nah, man.

He thinks having his eyes open is pointless and exhausting

Is this how low the globalists can go? Trusting a man who can't even see?

He's as blind as anyone willing to believe such nonsense

Thanks for #CorrectingTheRecord! $0.01 has been deposited in your account.

It would be nice to save on my electric bill by being blind

>Blind person can't see racism

He still has a nose, doesn't he?


Someone should tell him that blacks in the US are %16 of the population yet they commit most of the crime. Plus IQ differences between the races. Plus genetics. The "Warrior" gene, etc etc etc. (Please correct me if my stats are wrong. I pulled this from memory)

let him live in nigger central for a few years and ask him again. i'm sure he'll get tired of those melanin enriched gentlemen relieving him of his possessions every time he steps out of the house.

>Deaf man doesn't get why white people hate rap so much

Yeah and lets ask a deaf person what they think about fire alarms

wtf, glenn beck is blind now?

>really makes you think



That's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life.

Stop posting this.

and that's how obama was conceived.


Fkn lmao, a blind person commenting on racism. Thats like normal people commenting on 4D beings... it just doesnt make sense and cant be comprehended.

Literally someone who can't see crime, yet we're supposed to take his word that we're all the same.

Actually id wager Sup Forums is more in mind with this blind man then SJW

I dont wanna account skin color or ethnicity into your attributes, but SJW WANT you to consider people's skin color and ethnicity so you can judge their privilege and how hard it is for them on average compared to yourself.

They hate when people say "i look at people's race blindly"
They want you to look at people by their race and ethnicity and treat them with extra privilege because they have less on avg in their minds.

Actually, its because I see crime statistics.

So wait, can I get a blind person to say that guns are OK because he never had to deal with all the bullshit surrounding them, and use it as an argument?

What if I get a blind person that got shot and thinks guns should be outlawed?

Then what if I take those two blind persons, give each a gun with no bullets and put them in a ring?

Who would pay to see that?