any oldfags here?
Any oldfags here?
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I've been a regular on here for about a year now. That count?
Do you renember the internet back in 1995 - 1999?
Yup. I was on Napster the day the chat rooms went chaotic when some dude got a admin credentials and gave everyone else mod rights. We were all muzzling and banning each other.
i remember downloading Nirvana from napster on a 56k and then trying to save my money to buy a dvd burner to listen to it
good, this thread is for you
>Welcome to demon's bane
it was a place where you could download SNES ROMS
You remember floodster? the napster client to flood rooms and shit?. It's homepage was
I was more into ICQ, comic chat, mIRC and shit like that
used to download movies from
Remember Netscape? The fuck were we thinking.
Netscape was good
they came up with javascript and java applets
netscape was 1990's firefox back in the day
This shit was the 90's wikipedia
You remember when scrolling and blinking html was all the rage?
yeah, fucking geocities teen angst
If you owned an ORIGINAL windows 95 CD, this came with it
I renember having a hard time, trying to play it from my HP Vectra 486 33Mhz 4 MB RAM, 200 MB HD
This fucking game
anyways... now that I have set out the 1990's mood.
We all new in the 90s not to give out our personal information to the internet
What the fuck is wrong with us?
We are getting cucked by facebook really hard!
Well, truth is I didn't really know that. I was too young to know much at all about actually needing to pay bills and buy shit and I only had a faggot 56k modem which actually ran at 26.6k or some crap. I used to wish to god I had ISDN or something. I think that's what it was called. I used to get a hard on just because I could download tiny winamp skins from my school's T1 network fast as hell.
I was just learning about firewalls too. I had no idea the internet was so unsafe.
There's no longer people creating their own fucking website
Renember back in the days where people used to make their own geocities or angelfire website?
Now all we do is create accounts with OUR PERSONAL FUCKING INFORMATION
WHATSAPP (cellphone)
and the list goes on
Jesus Christ, we handed out all our personal information, including conversation and pictures to anyone who knows how to hack/ask any social media server
I feel you mexibro
>tfw i made a geocities for resident evil
Can we still find geocities webpages?