Conservatives reportedly planning "drastic" anti-terrorist measures, including a ban on burqas.
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Isn't that offensive?
Merkel will nix the burka ban but keep all the police state stuff. She was born in the DDR, she knows how to control Germans.
It is, but what else do you expect from a right-wing government, beside racism and islamophobia?
Oy vey
Heil fucking Hitler. I hope the make so much anti islam shit because of the fear of the AfD, that the muslims racidalize and civil war starts.
What's gonna happen?
Someone shits out an idea and the first one to protest are the fucking Green. After that probably Die Linke will protest as well, some other party will be deeply concerned, CDU and SPD won't be on the same track and so another idea falls into the dumpster. But let's wait and see what evil things Putin and Trump will be saying again!
It's the same shit, day in and day out but atleast we get juicy statistics like that the hate against refugees is rising. As if that is a fucking surprise.
I hate this country and so does anyone else. We're fucked. It's over.
Fourth Reich fucking when?
radical would be banning islam from the west
as it deserves
soon i fucking hope
soon i hope
i have been waiting for so long
What do you think the European Union is?
>Heil fucking Hitler.
Wtf i love merkel now ... NO WAIT IT'S FUCKING NOTHING.
'''german'''-turks now becoming ''''german'''' only.
We dont need more police. We need less terrorists and other uncivilized mudpeople if you know what i mean.
>Whatever bs catches a few votes next year
Germany 2016
> i seriously consider voting AfD so CDU/CSU loses power
> when CDU/CSU loses power the full blown socialists will gain even more power and we will be buttfucked even harder just like the last time those fuckers were in charge with stuff like reuge-aid-tax and white-male-privilege tax
> AfD will just be silenced and ignored
There is no way to win this game. Might as well vote CDU
too late, too little war schoen