Trump lost

Trump lost.

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goodnight sweet prince, Drumpf.

so how is Sup Forums going go drumpfplain this one?

Is Trump encouraging murder here? Wow, we all knew he was a fuck up but this is a new level of FULL RETARD.

he is saying what we are all thinking

I for one would love to unload a clip into many politicians

according to Sup Forums it doesn't count because "leftists hate the constitution"

i'm sorry, is he wrong?
i've been saying this for a fucking year and a half now, although specifically against ginsburg and not shillary

Polls just got 10% lower

I think he wants to lose.
He doesn't want to govern.

wtf i hate trump now

Good to know he's willing to lead the revolution even if he somehow loses. Unlike a certain Jewish senator who just bought a new Summer Home.

the difference is, you're not running to be the president of USA you retarded trumptard

Nice digits

rlly makes u tink

Leaf. If she elects a thoroughly liberal supreme court, they will come for our guns. And we won't have that.

and you aren't american
so fuck off, leaf

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Thank you for Correcting The Record™

5 Shekels have been deposited in your account


Good game trump, This was fun. I just hope he doesn't an hero after losing.

>this is a bad thing
What? He just implied we should use our second amendment rights for what they were meant for.

>h-h-he meant gun rights advocates, i-i-i-i swear

You plan on losing the senate?

How does that make a difference? If anything it shows that he really is a man of the people.

me too

This image is photoshopped. He's not actually carrying a gun. He has never been spotted carrying a firearm of any sort until he began his pandering campaign; pandering to the likes of you, though you lack the intelligence to realize you've been brainwashed by Drumpf.

Quite ironic how this is the same community that uses the term 'cuck' to critisize opposing beliefs.

wtf I hate trump now

Trump is now very openly inciting violence. This is way beyond joke even for me. Fuck it was a good ride, not even 1243th time nervous cucker saying this, but one that has been on TrumpTrain since last autumn.

Can you hear Trump support going to zero folks? That's it. He has lost it. No way out of this.

>someone who is in charge of ensuring the nation's laws are upheld has less rights than I do
>what is a joke

>wanting to restrict Americans from purchasing certain firearms
>while actively supplying AND TRAINING people around the world to use said weapons to overthrow governments

Fuck liberals

He's making sure that even if he loses, he doesn't lose.

I'm reminded of a time.

With Drumpf's daily damage to the GOP, this will probably actually happen.

I don't think the congress or senate has to get involved. The supreme court can reverse DC v. Heller which protect the individual right to possess firearms. The decision was 5-4. Adding liberal judges, then this can easily be reversed.

Congress isn't going to block supreme court justices for a full 4-8 years.

Are you a shill?


This is why the second amendment was written. Trump will gain support for this.

>increasingly nervous homosexual.jpg


List of "Second Amendment" People:

Washington, George, VA
Franklin, Benjamin, PA
Madison, James, VA
Hamilton, Alexander, NY
Morris, Gouverneur, PA
Morris, Robert, PA
Wilson, James, PA
Pinckney, Chas. Cotesworth, SC
Pinckney, Chas, SC
Rutledge, John, SC
Butler, Pierce, SC
Sherman, Roger, CT
Johnson, William Samuel, CT
McHenry, James, MD
Read, George, DE
Bassett, Richard, DE
Spaight, Richard Dobbs, NC
Blount, William, NC
Williamson, Hugh, NC
Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, MD

King, Rufus, MA
Gorham, Nathaniel, MA
Dayton, Jonathan, NJ
Carroll, Daniel, MD
Few, William, GA
Baldwin, Abraham, GA
Langdon, John, NH
Gilman, Nicholas, NH
Livingston, William, NJ
Paterson, William, NJ
Mifflin, Thomas, PA
Clymer, George, PA
FitzSimons, Thomas, PA
Ingersoll, Jared, PA
Bedford, Gunning, Jr., DE
Brearley, David, NJ
Dickinson, John, DE
Blair, John, VA
Broom, Jacob, DE
Jackson, William, Secretary

Trump is fixing the GOP. There was nothing but neo cons in the current one.
Didn't you hear? You already lost the republican nomination. Nobody likes you neocons. The vast majority of republicans like the Donald.

look at the amount of shills. Sup Forums is turning to pure shit.

oh my god, how could he refer to the intended use of the 2nd amendment!!

has he ever read the constitution! I know it says that the 2nd amendment is to do that exact thing he was implying, but guess what? It ALSO says (somewhere) not to be mean!!


Exactly. What's the point of the second amendment if it can't be used to purge abusive politicians. There is reason the elites want to chip away at the 2nd amendment.

Yes, because using an insult like Drumpf, which you got from the crooked teeth current year comedy man, makes you far more enlightened.

Pull your head out of you're ass and realize how fucking shitty a single Clinton administration would be.

He just keeps on shooting himself in the foot. And the trumpshills jump to protect him, no matter what. What a shitshow

a fucking leaf

I know, isn't it!?

He's wrecking our brains!

we have to vote for hillary guys!!


Guns have clips you know.
Its like saying you want to empty a mag in someone. Same thing.

>remind people of what the 2nd Amendment is there for
>Trump loses
I don't think you Correct the Record fags understand Americans.
You got to go back.

kek he actually said something funny

I'm not even a Republican, retard

He said if they come for their guns (which they will) they should protect their rights.

literally nothing wrong with what he said.

>t. FBI

every shitpost in this thread is from a leaf

the leaves will all die in a third holocaust, but only if you post "FUCK OFF LEAF" in this thread


He's talking about setting up state laws the override federal law :^)

lmao how many times have we've been through this

there's literally nothing he can say that will harm him

this train is not stopping

Trump supporters, imagine Obama saying this about his opponent and honestly tell me you would agree with his public demeanor.

Nothing wrong with saying that.

Citizens need to be aware that this will be the last election if Clinton wins.

I would totally want my opponent killed if I lost an referendum on freedom

Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys.. he's not suggesting anyone take up arms to murder Clinton.

>“It’s called the power of unification – 2nd Amendment people have amazing spirit and are tremendously unified, which gives them great political power,” Jason Miller, a top Trump aide, said in the statement.

See? You see guys? He was just trying to say.. the thing is, he's just trying to say the 2nd amendment people are really good at getting along. And that's why they'll stop Hillary. Because they're so good at cooperation.

Makes total sense. Totally. What did you think he was trying to say??????????????

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail......

t. scared shillary

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..

You do realize the goal is to win the presidency and not the nomination right?

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..

Nice repost

No it's not.

Why would obongo do that? He is one of the many people that need to be killed.

>Trump advocating the murder of elected officials
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Nothing wrong with saying that.

Citizens need to be aware that this will be the last election if Clinton wins.

I would totally want my opponent killed if I lost an referendum on freedom

Did you know that sandy hook was a good thing?

Liberal kids taken out of this world.

Should happen more desu.

Even if trump loses. A lot of people will die :)

We won't have to stop it; that idiot is crashing it himself.

I'm definitely voting Trump. Eat shit Hillfags


It's ogre. Blow it out your ass alt-right conservacucks AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Summer, Summer, summer tiiiiime

they don't

but let them continue.

>implying taking up arms against clinton is bad
The only people who think this statement is outrageous are good goyim establishment liberals.

these here are my problem solvers

Doesn't fucking matter, he said something that is clearly intertreable as inciting shooting Hillary. Down the drain.

read the title, freaked out

then i watched where he actually said it and couldn't care less

just another mountain out of a molehill. the media loses credibility for every real attack when they attack him for every "outrageous" saying

We'll see what happens.

The purpose of this dog-whistling is, of course, to get him back in the media spotlight.

The question is will people support the 2nd amendment or will they think Trump is a lunatic.

If Trump had just said "Hillary Clinton will elect a Supreme Court Justice who will take your guns."
Nobody would care.

>Crooked Hillary pick crooked judges
>Remember you have guns to defend yourself from tiranny

It's almost like he's trying to lose. When will you brainwashed cucks wake up. Think about it, why would he say this when he's down in the double digits?This isn't 4d chess, its suicide. Trump was a Clinton plant all along.

The best hope we have is him dropping out our else we WILL have a a liberal congress and supreme court.

false flag shills now too? Too bad its impossible to false flag a bunch of edgy teenagers. People will probably just agree wit you.

>The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. ~ Thomas Jefferson

Our actual founding fathers encouraged violent revolution if things ever got out of control. The media are going to have to meme hardcore to make this look bad for trump.

vvvvv>Trump advocating the murder of elected officials

This man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail

Of course libtard pussies are gonna make something out of nothing. Stupid fucking lib retards.


The American people deserve to die if they elect hillary

The same way I wanted the British people to die if they voted remain

We even killed Jo cox! :)

Why are there so many shills recently? I took a break from Sup Forums for like a month, and I come back and every other post is like this.

Your country is founded on violently opposing the government.


>Remember you have guns to defend yourself from tiranny

This is haram according to the left.

No fuck you. Sure the clip is the thing holding the bullets but so is the magazine. Meaning emptying a clip/mag in someone is the exact same thing.
>summer fag thinks he understands the clip meme.



They're just Correcting The Record for you you fucking dingus limey cunt.

Can he go one day without saying something batshit insane? Seriously?

>0.15$ were deposited in your account