Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates


>Trump Rally in NC 8/9/16
>Trump Full Economic Plan Speech in Detroit, MI, 8/8/16
>Trump in Windham, NH, 8/6/16
>Trump and Pence in Green Bay, WI 8/5/16
>Trump and Pence in Des Moines, IA 8/5/16
>Pence in Norfolk, VA 8/4/16
>Trump in Maine 8/4/16

>Trump With Fox & Friends On "Tax Revolution" Economic Policy 8/9/16
>Paul Manafort on FOX 8/7/16
>Ben Carson on Hannity 8/4/16
>Oliver North on Hannity 8/4/16

>Trump cares about YOU
>Wall Street is #WithHer
>Did you wipe the server?
>Compilation of Liberals Predicting that Trump Will Win the Presidency - Michael Moore, MSNBC, TYT
>Hillary Clinton: A TOP TEN Breakdown
>What Trump Must Do to Win
>How Trump Trolling Hillary Clinton Emails is Genius
>Hillary calm and collected around protesters
>Hillary has something wrong with her
>Hillary Clinton is Evil! (Remix)
>Hillary's Health

>Wikileaks Leaked DNC Hillary Voicemails

Other urls found in this thread:


Praise kek



Trump rally at 6PM ET

Stream links:






>Trump still isn't buried in Ohio and FL
>Gary #FeelTheJohnson still hurting Hillary


Hillary: We came out of the White House dead broke

AWOO posters are literal autists

mfw I migrated illegally


Insider info about congress trying to deny Trump access to classified intelligence briefings

I know you guys are gonna spin this into 4d monopoly, but why the fuck did he say that about the second amendment?
No seriously. Why? He reset his campaign yesterday after the Khan fiasco with his speech, and then goes ahead and says this.

Added for appropriate time OP.

How big is the rally gonna be at 6pm?

What's the 5D chess in Trump making that Second Amendment comment?

I know he wouldn't make a statement like that unless he had a plan

Is this true? Did he step out of line with that 2A comment?

True, I actually researched it when that first came out.

DWS was also the chair of Hillary's 2008 campaign. So it was clearly being rigged by installing her.


What'd he say?

TFW Keith Olbermann has tweeted 15 times in the last 20 minutes about the new controversy

TFW its all over for trump


This is going to be a rough week.

The backlash from this statement might embolden the Dems to attempt to double down on it and try to push for complete gun control. "Just look at how dangerous these people are, trying to stifle peaceful political debate by threatening assassination".

This would be a bridge too far and people would rally behind Trump to protect the second amendment. I could see this working out for the better, but in context of the media's shilling really starting to find its legs and doing damage to Trump it's going to be a tough sell to get there.


you have to go back

It's a shill thread by the democrats.

Daily reminder nobody knows how to poll VA and they are the home of poll failures like Ed Gillespie and Ken Cuccinelli


That looks extremely legit.

Fucking greasy cocksucking neocons all need to hang.

The hurdles are on the wrong side, clearly a shoop


gas them on the spot

Not everything he says is part of a multidimensional super genius plan. Didn't look like he put too much thought in that comment.

Prepping the electorate for the situation that could arise from voter fraud in November. Trump won't take any fraud laying down, he will go public with it.

>Rudy Giuliani

He's rasciss

What new controversy? Haven't been keeping up with the news.



TUESDAY, AUGUST 09, 2016 6:00 PM
Donald J. Trump
Crown Arena
6:00 PM
Donald J. Trump will be holding a rally at Crown Arena
Doors open at 3:00 PM
TUESDAY, AUGUST 09, 2016 7:00 PM ET
Governor Mike Pence
Heinz History Center
7:00 PM
Governor Mike Pence will be holding a celebration at Heinz History Center
Doors open at 5:00 PM

Why would they do that

it took me a moment

At least post the actual picture faggot libcuck

He wants to people planning to rig the election to be scared to do so.

He wants them to know the consequences of such would be far greater than letting him win.

They are all pilling up on him for this comment.

>Liberals ACTUALLY think the second amendment is about hunting and not about violent revolution against the government


Anyone else kinda scared for Trump in Fayetteville (aka, Niggerville) and Pence in Milwaukee?

When Hitllary encourages comparisons to Hitler, she gives moral cover to violence.

Trump has actually done nothing but copy her offensive tactic in defense.

Oh, look! It's literally nothing! You shills are low energy as fuck, enjoy prison.

What's with the bitching about a 2A comment?
Is everyone just falling for media spin?
Haven't heard it, just woke up.

>mfw this is going to be the safest and most polite election we've ever had.

basically liberals have to admit that the 2nd amendment is there to stop government from being tyrannical/overstepping its bounds, or admitting they're total retards

Get em outta here

People think he's calling for the assassination of Hillary, when he's really just stating that if they try to get rid of the second amendment through the supreme court, there will be blood to pay.

The Trump campaign released pic related in response though, which is kind of weak imo

Trump's a pussy.



a completely biased supreme court is cause for rebellion tbqh

its like they wanna get merced. fuck these stupid fucking bitches.

At the last rally, he said there was nothing you could do if Hillary appointed the SCOTUS judges. Someone yelled out "Second Amendment", and Trump said "You Second Amendment people might, might be able to do something." Or something similar to that.

He was responding to something the crowd yelled, basically.

Anyone that says Trumps line about the 2nd Amendment is out of line or dangerous needs to listen to Khan and read the constitution.

>OK, that's it, I'm convinced now that the tinfoil-grade "Trump does not want to win, he was a Hillary plant all along" conspiracy theory morons have been right all along.
>As a candidate who knows that everything you say is going to be blown up out of proportion, how fucking retarded do you have to be to try and joke about having your opponent shot?

Well first of all let's get the obvious out of the way: why would try to get the person he supposedly wanted in office instead of himself murdered?

More importantly, though: you're basically saying if Adolf Hitler were alive today and got into office and started doing all of the genocidal WWII stuff all over again you'd do nothing about it? You wouldn't try to stop a psychopathic tyrant trying to take over and destroy your country?

As other people were trying to tell you indirectly, but I'm telling you more bluntly: the 2nd amendment is mainly so that if the U.S. government goes to shit, the People have the right to take it back by force.

Hillary has a very real possibility of being a tyrant. She's literally a sociopathic compulsive liar, who wants to give our country over to illegals and muslims. It's not really any wonder people are worried that they might need to take matters into their own hands to try to stop the complete degradation of the country.

Funny how people think we will go dem just because criminal Kaine is on the ticket. Delusion is strong.

He's doin another one?!


This is art

How many democucks have posted they literally wanted to assassinate Donald Trump, we have a shitload of tweets from them. The more this year goes on the more Donald was right about the MSM being so completely full of shit

Right wing leaders should become as comfortable with promoting violence as left wing leaders.

I'm not bitching about it. I'm just saysing that it probably wasn't a comment that he planned to make.

To concentrate on the message in the thread: "Trump will lose, it's all over, give up, hurr durr.

I would not be surprised if it were a real intern, acting under instructions.

look at Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg

she needs to be removed from the court

those 2nd amendment people (NRA) have some very aggressive lobbyists.

they wont let hillary take control of the amendment.

the msm is a bunch of fucking retards and will spin the comment 10 different ways so that it makes trump look like hitler.


>Its over

> "Has to withdraw"

>Its over

> "Has to withdraw"

>Its over

> "Has to withdraw"

>Its over

> "Has to withdraw"

Dems mentioning the second Amendment and how they hate it is toxic, they'll lose more white males and independents

>we're gonna take your rights
If you try I'll shoot you
>omg im like totally can't even right now

This meme is on par with Florida being "unwinnable" by Trump that the Democrats are trying to push.

like vote?

I don't watch the news

Are they taking about Omar Mateen's father?

That faggot roach is a disgrace to human beings everywhere.

Trumps speeches are so on point right now, can't wait for the debates

someone yelled that? makes it a little better, just riffing off the crowd which could make pic a little more believeable

lel Bernie just bought a $600,000 lake house with all that donation money

PROOF FiveThirtyEight rigged their polling average over the past week in order to manufacture a fake post-DNC bump for Clinton. Between July 29th and August 7th, *every* poll going back to Nov 2015 was re-adjusted by an average of 8 points in favor of Clinton.

I'm actually excited. Trump and or Kaine have been rallying here every week.

You wish they were.



Let's bring up Leland Yee again if they keep pushing gun control

Seems we've covered everything else about Trump, so can we just talk about how fucking dumb he is for a moment? Like, I mean literally a fucking retard... dunno how you can stand to listen to his meaningless drivel. And he's a conspiracy theorist, big surprise! Believes in all the tinfoiler shit like chemtrails, vaccinations causing autism, 9/11 "truther" conspiracies... flat earth theory... you fucking name it, and he believes it! You better watch out. If drumpf becomes president, expect America to start a war against aliens... the extraterrestrial kind... though the mexican kind probs better beware of drumpf too. And he barely has any education! Like what is he, a bachelors graduate? Pathetic... in a perfect world POTUS should have a doctorate... and Trump is a god damn mongoloid CIA retard, I tell you what! Why you would ever vote for someone who just sticked his dad's inheritance in a money sink of a business is beyond me... if I was in charge of Trump Org I bet I would have become 10 times richer than he is! Talk about a waste of space... I sincerely believe the man is some kind of a fucking oxy-moron.

When is Breitbart going to publish polls?

No, that's literally the point of the second amendment

My state primary is today. Help me decide who to vote for for governor.

>Phil Scott, left, is the current Lieutenant Governor of Vermont, and the ultimate cuckservative. His one positive attribute is that he is very popular even with progressive Democrats. He is the only one of the two who could actually win in the governor's race, which is a big deal in a solid blue state like this.
>(((Bruce Lisman))), right, is a Wall Street executive who has never held public office, and is running on an anti-establishment platform. He is a scheming kike whose attempts to pass himself off as an "authentic" Vermonter are nothing short of pathetic. He is extremely unlikeable and would never win. The local media paints him as a monster, but they are the same sites that use terms like "fiery bigot" to describe Donald Trump.

Scott on Trump:
>“I'm really looking for a leader that will pull people together and unite us rather than divide us. And I think he does just the opposite. He incites that fear and anger in people and he's good at it. He pushes all the right buttons. Somebody that is acting like a child, somebody that isn't in control of their emotions, in that respect, I don't think deserves to be president."

Lisman on Trump:
>“There are some things he has said that I find repulsive. I don't believe in separating people by religion. I don't believe in calling people names. But the other thing is that he has appealed clearly to some kind of need in our country. What I do hear and I've been hearing it for a while is, ‘This government isn't listening to me and they continue to experiment on us and they continue to do things that I don't understand.’ And the chorus that says, ‘They aren't listening to me’ is as real here as it is, I think in other states.”

Normally I'd pick Scott, but at the same time I think any Republican politician who rejects Trump needs to be punished. Apparently the race is closer than anyone thought.

What would Sup Forums do?



Why couldn't Trump mention something about Mateen's father being at the rally?

How is this a controversy? He was talking about voting against Hillary, stupid roach.

Dat lemon squeeze 2016


lol liberals deserve what's coming

Nate Silver needs to retire from polls like Gallup did


Pence is a big boy and trump gets a kick and a half out of them.

>OH NO! We have to talk about the purpose of the 2nd amendment for a week!!!!
Lmaoing at the libshits, this just got the Cruzlim vote back

>Why couldn't Trump mention something about Mateen's father being at the rally?

I think he is smart not to. Drudge, Breitbart, Hannity, Rush have all been hammering it today. That's a good one to not touch, let proxies handle.