What do russians on Sup Forums think of the russian civil war? What is the public opinion in Russia do people support the commies or the white guard? Also what do people think about tsar Nicholas II? Do people hate commies in Russia after soviet union collapsed?
Russian civil war
For you last question: I believe communists are the second most popular party right after united russia ( conservatives led by Putin and etc. )
Interesting. I'm guessing that's old people nostalogic to soviet days.
>What do russians on Sup Forums think of the russian civil war?
It was a suicidal foreign-inspired mess, like any other revolution and civil war.
>What is the public opinion in Russia do people support the commies or the white guard?
Apart from a relatively small amount of die-hard commies and even smaller amount of monarchists/liberals, most probably empathize with both to some extent.
>Also what do people think about tsar Nicholas II?
Most probably consider him a decent person but a bad Emperor.
> Do people hate commies in Russia after soviet union collapsed?
People hates commies for several years until Soviet Union collapsed, and for a couple of years more, then they started dying from malnutrition and overall hoplessness. Now most are neutral towards commies and somewhat positive towards USSR i guess.
I can't say for sure, since I lived in Russia for only 4 years, but from what I can tell but what I got told by parents and relatives is that the S.U was a mistake and that the Empire was better. From what I've learned Nicholas II was a nice guy but he's one of the reasons that the Empire fell, poor choices in war, and trouble keeping Russia up with the rest of the world. Personaly my family is against Communism but I've met some that are pro S.U, but not many. Oh and I come from a Chrisitian family,
In general from the Russians I've met the attitude towards the USSR seems to be: the Bolsheviks and early USSR- bad, the USSR from the 50s-80s: nostalgia
>What do russians on Sup Forums think #
i think you should fuck off.
>most probably empathize with both to some extent.
I see you Russians have internalized the bolshevik double-think pretty well.
Heavily financed by the German banks(on the orders of the Emperor) and several American and probably British businessmen.
My grandpa was a fanatic about it, couldnt shut up. He was part of the whites, an officer or whatever, and he escaped to Belgrade and started a family here. No one in the family gave a shit about it and this pissed grandpa off extremely.
He was 80 and I was something like 10 and he would drill my head about it day and night, he could talk for hours about it and he wanted me to one day return there when its time and rejoin the movement because my father was "a seronja" (an insulting word literally meaning 'he who shit himself', implied meaning 'someone incompetent, weak, dumb).
I was just a kid and he feared I would not understand fully what it was all about so he wrote me like almost an entire notebook and told me to just keep it somewhere, not show mom and dad, and read it from time to time after I am done with highschool.
He died when I was 15.
>What do russians on Sup Forums think of the russian civil war?
It didnt happen for no reason. Life of the common people was awful before the revolution. Kinda like in Africa now. Famines, illiteracy, epidemics and destitute. There was a person who tried to reform and build capitalism (Stolypin) but sadly he was murdered. Commies used barbaric methods and they killed helluva people, but living conditions of an average joe improved significantly.
>What is the public opinion in Russia do people support the commies or the white guard?
Different people hold different opinions, its kinda obvious
>Also what do people think about tsar Nicholas II?
I personally think he was a weak idiot.
>Do people hate commies in Russia after soviet union collapsed?
Only liberals do
>and he wanted me to one day return there when its time and rejoin the movement
Your granpa 93 years late.
> he wrote me like almost an entire notebook and told me to just keep it somewhere
Thats pretty interesting. Is it in russian or serbian?
Fucking based grandpa. Can you show us some of the things in that notebook if you still have it?
Did you served in the IDF?
Somewhat pro White Russians, and Anarchist, however Stalin for the win. He put an end to the internatiolist plans...
According to him, for a white movement, you do not need to acquire an entire state tomorrow. He wrote that its a process that has to be carried out by multiple generations, that I should start it just as a small organization, something like 10 or 20 people who share the same ideas and values and visions for the future, and start businesses at first, be honest, law abiding, hard working people and just keep focused on our businesses, and later on start very local political parties focusing on the neighborhoods, helping out local communities, building hospitals, interesting more and more people blah blah blah blah....
He also wrote about how it is extremely important to have technical education, that only hard sciences, medicine, or being an officer is going to help the society or whatever, there are a whole bunch of pages on how to build and maintain this thing he wanted, and how you must have kids and how the kids must also be involved in it later on.
Its written by hand, in cursive, he wrote it in serb but he still uses a lot of russian letters. Entire thing looks like it is written in old church script or something, there is a soft sound here and there (we do not have that symbol in serbian) and so on.
Stop spewing bolshevik propaganda.
The most catastrophic famines in russian history were all caused by incompetent and genocidal commies.
They literally killed as many russians as the nazis.
Do russians suffer from stockholm syndrom or something?
So it is some ideological book, not war diary?
Yes, I have like most Israelis. Why?
>They literally killed as many russians as the nazis.
More actually. A LOT more.
Why are you living in Israel as a Christian and serving in the IDF?
Are you one of those goyim that got to go to Israel because they had one jewish grandparent?
Do proper jews look down on you?
Yes its much more an ideological book than a war diary.
He also thought some elements of the white movement are very primitive and should be reformed but he extremely hated communism.
He also left my dad a silver gun with family name engraved in it, dont know what my dad did with the gun, hope he kept it somewhere.
Famines happened regularly before the commies. There was a motto 'We will stay hungry ourselves, but we will export (bread)'. And I'm not a communist or a leftist for that matter. Russian history of 20 century is very tragic, but as I said, revolution didnt happen for no reason. Commies did a lot of good and a lot of bad. Besides from white and black there are other colors.
>They literally killed as many russians as the nazis.
More actually. A LOT more.
>If I say so it makes it true
Kill yourselves, plz
Your grandpa sounds based. Have a Farage.
Who was he? From what estate? My great great grandfather was a cossack and was for commies (a minority among cossacks). Some other relatives were for whites.
It's true however.
It's a century of tragedy for everyone involved, bolsheviks included even if they were major instigators
My family moved here when I was 4, not like I made a choice to live here, but nonetheless I still live here, it's my home and I will protect it and serve the army like the rest. I follow the Druze way of being loyal to the country I live in, I am not treated badly, as said maybe only by Haredi Jews but they hate pretty much everyone. Would like to move to a move northern country in Europe because I enjoy cold weather, and build a family there but that seems like just one of those dreams that will never happen.
Yes, My greatgrand mother was Jewish hence my mother is considered a 'Jew', moved here because of the fact that post USSR Russia had a pretty shitty Economy.
I dont want to say my last name on Sup Forums... it just seems like one of those things you dont do.
He fought in Karelia and Minsk and mentioned that Brits and Germans armed his group a few times. He told me he wanted to go to the eastern front but most of his friends actually wanted to go to United States but they ended up in Belgrade sometime after 1st and during 2nd world war.
Пo-pyccки-тo гoвopишь хoть?
Nicky was never fit to be King, he married the wrong women, was considered a sissy by his dad (who was a big guy), lost to the Japanese, the instability was already there, queen Victoria compared Russia to a volcano ready to erupt, he promoted peaceful protesting for workers who felt they were being exploited and then they all got fired for protesting anyway. Nicky done nothing right.
The peasents were pretty loyal to him anyway, Russia needed a big guy to keep stability, Nicky wasn't that.
>hurr durr you can have only black and white vision, derp
I am genuinely interested in what the oppinion of your average Israeli is of Europe, Europeans and "the goyim". Do they feel neutral about Europeans? Do they like or even identify with their culture? Do they identify as white Europeans? Or is "muh six gorillion, every white man is a Nazi in the making" ingrained in their heads?
You personally seem positive about Europe and Europeans, since you want to move there.
Famines were a regular occurence in early modern times. The last one in Switzerland was in the 19th century.
The USSR on the other hand was the only major country to expirience horrible famines with millions dead until well into the late 1940s.
Cheers to your grandpa.
Your grandfather sounds very interesting to talk to
You misunderstood me. I asked from what estate was he.
Estates were legal groups of people with different rights and obligations, for example nobles, merchants, priests, serfs, free peasants, city dwellers, cossacks etc.
Гoвopю, и здecь ecть дaжe ypoки c 7гo дo 12гo клacca пo Pyccкoмy языкy.
Oh shit he talked about this for long too.
He mentioned that dvoryani will be replaced today and that peasants also will be replaced, and that clergy should still exist but that most of white priests in his time were greedy parasites....
He was a military officer and he had education in mathematics and engineering. He was a lower class military and wanted to get into the urban dwellers, but he wanted to make a whole another new class of these urban dwellers, where army would protect them instead of nobility..
He was basically lower class of military, wanted to become urban, and wanted to eliminate both peasants, nobility, and half of the clergy.
The most horrible thing they have done to the Russian people is that they have intertwined patriotism with soviet identity.
Russians still believe that exposing the crimes of the soviet regime is the same thing as denigrating Russia. In fact its the exact opposite.
I mean, a significant portion of the public still believe that the nazis are responsible for the Katyn massacre.
>I mean, a significant portion of the public still believe that the nazis are responsible for the Katyn massacre.
I assume proofs are nonexistent, right? Cant say for others but I dont think its nazis.
Well... The holocaust is over exaggerated here going through school you often are reminded of it and later in highschool study it and WW II, ofcourse part of the creation of this state was to shelter jews from the antisemitism of Europeans, Modernday Israelis are ok with Europe, enjoy visiting it and it's beauties. I know for a fact that alot of European jews, atleast the older ones hate the French for handing their jews over just like that to the Nazis, but it's more of a mistrust than hate. Other than that, the average Israeli likes Europe. Personaly I wish Europe would get its shit together and start taking action against the immigration problem they have (I know ironic because I want to move there, but I want to move to Europe and not Middleeast2.0)
Unfortunately it's too easy for the left to silence opposition against the Islamization as "xenophobix,racist, blablabla". They just need to pull the Nazi card and equate muslims to Jews and all that. But it's working less and less the more terror, crime and cultural destruction the islamization brings.
Truth be told: Germany was poisoned from the inside with holocaust propaganda for a very long time, the left reaped 2015 what they had sown. And Merkel destroyed conservatism in Germany.
Turning it around, getting healthy and a strong nation will be very hard, if it can be done at all. At this point the EU is so weak, it can be held hostage by a wannabe Hitler like Erdogan.
Europe is not one country, there are many countries like Ireland, V4 etc with low or very low immigration
Your birthrate is still fucked though. And let's see in ten, twenty years, if you have become wealthy and more people will move to Poland. I hope you remain the bullwark against the Islamization which you are now.
Oh yea it infuriates me that someone like Erdogan holds the whole continent hostage, and Merkel makes me rage, how could you ever elect someone who hates her own people so much? Really baffles me.
I'm Irish lol
Oh yea Ireland is one of my dream places to live in, beautiful accents and culture.
What do Israelis think about Britain?
Merkel is a riddle for many and a speculation topic for all kinds of conspiracy theories. Blackmailing, CIA plant, Coudenhove-Kalergi plan, World Zionist revenge and white genocide, blackmailing, etc., etc. - She wasn't extreme like this when she got elected in 2013 btw.
But a fact is that the German churches, the leftists marching through the institutions, the old GDR politicians taking over positions of power, the americanization especially under Obama, the "anti-fascist" indoctrination have dragged this country sucessfully to the left. So the Merkel CDU capitalized on that and got more votes by dragging the """""conservative"""" party to the left in 2013. We also had a prolonged episode of nihilism in Western Europe on which a new totalitarianism could grow: the "no borders, no nation", "refugees welcome, bring your families" ideology is part of this.
Lol, I think that we over here have fundamentally different mentality about foreigners.
For example I have a sister that likes to go out with her friends to a popular park and they all wear short shorts and tight shirts, they dress like absolute sluts. Anyway one day they put a refugee camp near that place, and one evening I receive a phone call from her, and she says to me that there are some refugees are looking at her and here friends, saying to them stuff like 'hi' and 'you girls are pretty' and that she did not like it.
Anyway I have no clue what to do, I just tell her to stay where she is, I call a friend who lives close by and ask him to come with me pick her up, he says he has an even better idea, we both walk into a sports club place (tennis, boxing club/gym, aikido, basketball), we dont even know anyone there but we ask them if anyone wants to come help us with some refugees harassing my sis, along the way we also stopped at one football club and those guys by far called the most people....
Anyway something like 40 minutes later me and I dont know how many other guys, some I've seen before, some I've never seen before, we all went to the refugee camp, started shouting, few guys started beating few of their guys up (I just threw a bottle at them like a pussy), they all picked their shit up and left and never showed up here again.
Police shows up some 15 minutes into this whole thing, asks us why are we breaking these tiny boxes with UN stamp on it they use as houses, we tell them they were harassing girls nearby, police just tells us "fine but finish it up quick, 10 more minutes and after that we start arresting people".
Definitely visit and decide for yourself, I would tell you that my country is fantastic but I know I'm very biased
Post more based grandad white revolutionary ideology, based slav.
>What do Israelis think about X?
It's a tricky question to which the answer changes depending on which people you surround youself with. My friends and myself love the U.K as a place, it's beautiful plus rainy weather is like a dream come true for me, since I as a person who loves cold weather suffers alot in Israel where its hot af. Politicly we were pretty happy about Brexit, and pretty mortified when the first Muslim mayor of londor was elected. Other than that pretty neutral
Oh man, that was a great story. Yeah, I really know what I miss in Kekmanistan. Stay kebab free for as long as you can! In case of doubt, you will become the new Eastern Roman Empire to carry on after the fall of the West.
Yea, generally when Obama was elected everyone was pretty happy about the first black president and all that progressive greatest ally shit, later on everyone hated him and his approach to Israel and support of Islam, and basicly him hiding his head in the sand on the topic of Islamism.
Not a lot of people know about Roman von Ungern-Sternberg. He should be a mascot of the Alt-Right.
I am too lazy to rewrite entire notebook on the internet, I will just write a few sections I guess:
He wanted to be neutral and friendly with Britain and Germans, but he said they would never accept them if they see them as weak, so they had to have a competent movement before even talking with outsiders.
He hated fat people.
He also thought that having an absolute monarch was old and outdated idea, and wanted some sort of council of experienced and successful individuals to form leadership, and you lead for the entire movement on issues that are in your profession, and let others lead the movement in the field that is their profession.
He hated idea of money landing and "parasitical" income (also included clergy in this). Said there should be priests and there should be banks, but almost half of them had to go.
He was also kind of a drunkard but hated drunkards, I mean he drank a lot but he said if someone cant control himself or is addicted he is unfit or whatever.
He said a traitor is worse than a thousand enemies and all that.
He also wrote about virtues that every man should have. Virtues for men and women are sometimes different, but most of them are kinda the same.
Basically the most important thing of all is "the nature" (when we say natural over here, we sometimes think "common sense", for example natural sciences are chemistry and physics and so on). He said that no man is above natural law, and he said he was unsure about other races what to think, he knew blacks are mentally unfit and that those Siberian non-orthodox asian peasants he met were untrustworthy, he said he didnt make his mind about what to think about peoples of the world.
But basically natural law was to be respected and followed, and according to natural law males and females had different duties. He liked normal family, said it was the best way to raise children.
He also read the protocols of Zion and said he didnt know what to think about Jews.
It's strange though. His mother is Jewish, so he should be a Jew according to your laws. But he obviously chose the islamic side of his father, who, surprise, left his mother. He is also mixed, but was considered black.
Kinda on topic question: would you be happy, if Europe became an islamic, black continent? Would the Israelis be happy about that?
That's awesome. If only we could do that shit over here.
I don't know any person that might be happy if that happened, even some leftys I know wouldn't want to see that happen (even tho they indirectly support it). And personaly even the thought of an Islamic Europe or the extermination of the white race saddens me deeply, I consider myself white I guess I should note that.
>What is the public opinion in Russia do people support the commies or the white guard?
The public supports everything that is glorious. Over the years the narrative has developed into a sort of Russian Mahabharata, Pandavas being the Bolsheviks who felt cucked out of their rightful place in society and spent time in the woods.
A good place to start is reading Konarmiya by Babel. Parental discretion is advised.
Also despite all the gore it's a good thing Bolsheviks won because otherwise we'd become a cuck state like Argentina.
I'm glad to hear that. Since there are some conspiracy theories around that World Jewry is desiring for that and the multi-billionair, globalist Jews are pushing for that and the EU. But there are plenty of other conspiracy theories around.
I personally just wanted to live in freedom, peace and prosperity, witness the advance of science and new technology. Instead we witnessed the rise of a new political extremism and ideological fanaticism, fueled by hatred for white men, glorifying anything foreign, demonizing everything European and the islamic expansionists are taking advantage of this demoralized Europe and the usefull idiots of the left. Very dark times. Feels like the fall of Rome for over a year now. I try to not go insane in a country like mine.
What is that image?
Holy warriors of that age were awesome.
Even less people know about Alexander Bulatovich who served as military advisor to Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia in his war with Italy (which Italy lost), fought in Manchuria, then became a monk and spearheaded a hesychast movement (Orthodox mantrayana), which was suppressed with bloodshed by sending a battleship to St. Panteleimon's on Mt. Athos. I recently stumbled on a translation of a book by him: samizdat.com
White genocide propaganda by German antifa. CDU politician complained about this, gommunist defended it as """satire""".
Russia votes for Putin at about 80% levels every time.
How could there possibly be a civil war?
I'm not sure what to feel anymore.
Is this even real? Am I having a fever dream?
Wtf, this modern "Antifa" are 21th century Fascists.
I had some "friends" among far-lefts and antifas, so their ideology is based on total destruction of all national borders so there would be only 1 national language across the world and only 1 race so there could be no more hatred.
Just like they cannot understand that this mongrel bullshit only spreads more and more real hatred.
>he extremely hated communism
I imagine he had some fun time shortly after WW2 ended :^)
My godfather served the Tsar as an artillery operator (cannons), and was knighted by Nicholas I for blowing up so many filthy communist dogs. I hope that answers your questions.
He's talking about 1917.
>and was knighted by Nicholas I for blowing up so many filthy communist dogs
How could that happen if Nicholas I had no power after Civil War started? And in his reign there was no war with the commies.
There were few armies, and some did consider moving to US, but none of them could receive the medal from a tsar. Maybe he got the medal from the admiral?
Could you upload the book?
I'm interested in reading it...
He has officially abdicated in 1917, I know. My understanding is that it was an "unofficial" Knighthood which would have not been unofficial had the White Army won. He always claimed it was from the Tsar himself, but I suspect it was probably from nobles on behalf of him.
One or, I think, two months ago a dindu from I think Nigeria or Cameroon murdered a cleaning lady from Poland in Germany at around 2am. Some politicians and the relatives wanted to make a memory procession. You know as in: we mourn her death, please politicians do more to protect us, this invasion is causing a lot of damage. They were around 6-12 people.
150! antifa goons showed up, with baseball bats and all hell broke lose. If the police hadn't been there, they would have smashed their heads in, or simply harmed them severly.
This case was especially extreme. But it is common in Kekmanistan: if a native German is murder by a roach or dindu in Kekmanistan, immediately the leftist politicians organize a "round table against the right" and do everything they can to prevent demonstrations for the murdered.
Did you family live in Soviet Union and your first generation Russian in America?
Did Russia even have knights?
Sounds like a lower nobility to me.. was the medal from the military, or from the 'distinguished citizen' class?
Where do I even upload an entire book? Too lazy to type it out, also do not have any scanning equipment, guess I'll have to pay money to have it scanned and I just dont have any incentive to blow my own cash lol.
Maybe one day I do put it online but for now I am doing some other stuff.
May we see a sample of his handwriting? Personally I'd love seeing it. Thanks in advance.
daily reminder that the fag white army got their asses kicked by the reds
Are you fucking kidding me?
The Lay of the Host of Igor? Ilya Muromets? Nevsky? Bogatyri? The Cossacks as an armed and free pseudo-nation?
Please consider it, this is actually historically important. If you sent it to me I would scan and upload it. We actually learn the most from this sort of personal document.
The general narrative is that it was the greatest tragedy of Russia in the 20th century, and both sides had people that fought for what they believed in, and both sides should be honored (though the general sentiment is more inclined toward the Whites). A
Of course, there are a lot of memorials to the Red heroes that are still around from the Communist times, and we're not demolishing them, but in the recent years, some monuments dedicated to the Whites were built as well. Irkutsk, for example, has a statue of Kolchak (who was executed there), and picrel is from a memorial in Khabarovsk that was built a few years ago (for an anniversary of the city I think, I'm not from there). This panel depicts scenes from the Civil War. As you can see, both the Whites and the Reds are there.
I believe his question was about orders of Knighthood, not about actual mounted warriors.
Yeah but they weren't knights in the traditional sense of the word. Igor and Nevsky were princes.
Didn't they have them consecrated to saints? Ivan Grozny had a sort of martial-monastic-mandarin synthesis to run his government.
They are completely insane. See: Well, it's not Stalingrad again, I guess. But the world has still gone mad. Feels worse than the evil spirits in a Dostojewski novel tbqh.
That's not what doublethink means. Doublethink is holding two contraditory opinions simultaneously. There is no contradiction in empathizing with your countrymen on both sides of an internal conflict.
Most Swiss people are pretty clever, are you a Portuguese guy just there to work the vineyards?
>are 21th century Fascists
The fascists (the Italian/Spanish ones) weren't as twisted as these animals.
>a seronja
lol, cepyня. In Russian, that sounds very cute, like a word mother would use to describe her 1 y.o. child after it shat itself.
ohh no, russia would be iraq if the whites had won the war