Now that the Trump's been stumped, what's the next step of our master plan?
Mexican intellectuals only
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Steal even more american jobs.
Keep talking shit about the president in social media and do nothing to really help Mexico
Continue to impregnate Californian white women, as we planned.
Just a couple of decades before our blood dominates the place. Then the Third Empire will rise.
actually increase your intelligence beyond the shit you've been fed most of your life and research anarchy with your heart and mind.
Can we use the nice old flag?
>mexican intellectuals
>Mexican intellectuals
>0 replies
>Mexican intellectuals
fixing their shithole of a country, which they should have been more focused on in the first place
Build the warp drive and fuck off to your own planet
I'm living in Georgia
I'll continue to impregnate white women. They're honestly making it too easy for me now, the women are just throwing themselves at me and the guys are too big of cucks to do anything about it. By 2050, this country will be ours.
We take over Texas by 2020
It's already done with California.
I'm Mexicans want a shithole world simply because they can't beat the white man at his own game?
You would rather a shithole country simply because you're insecure about your fugly skin color?
What's it all about? Do you scream without even knowing what you're screaming about?
What exactly are you talking about?
I'd say my skin color is pretty damn nice. Can you defend every white person that tans?
Vae vactis pig skin.
You're not entitled to ask your conquerer questions.
You know somethin ameribro? You're right, there's a lot of problems in Mexico (Corruption, crime everywhere, shit economy) but the worst of them all, is the own mexican people, they dont care about having a good education, they're submissive, easily corrupted, steals with the first opportunity they see, they don't care about politics and act like they deserve everything in life.
TL;DR: Mexicans are jews 2.0
No you dont understand. I'm trying to understand it is about beaners and the U.S. that makes you so butthurt...
Is it because we are more successful and look better?
Are you willing to accept the US will be a corrupt shithole like Mexico just so you can be the majority?
White men are already fucking the better looking Mexican women...what makes you think a white woman wants your manlet, beaner ads?
Try to address every point, ok, bud.
That didn't answer anything.
This. Exactly.
Your own countrymen know it.
I'll answer all of those questions with my personal experiences, but we both know you won't believe them either way.
>Is it because we are more successful and look better?
Where I live (Georgia), I'm doing FAR better than most White people. I'm going to college while most white trash dropped out of high school to work factory jobs that pay $10 an hour. These are your more "patriotic" Americans. Looks are subjective. I've had girls leave their White boyfriends to be with me, but I wouldn't call myself the most handsome guy alive.
>Are you willing to accept the US will be a corrupt shithole like Mexico just so you can be the majority?
Are you implying the US ISN'T a corrupt shithole as is? Me being in the Majority of the population won't change it.
>White men are already fucking the better looking Mexican women...what makes you think white women wants your manlet, beaner ads?
You can fuck all the Mexican women you like, I honestly couldn't give two shits. Most are trashy hoodrats anyways. Just know that by doing so, you're helping us eliminate the white race. You're cucking yourselves. White women love Mexicans, my ex couldn't get over the idea of having mixed children with me.
You can pretend these answers don't bother you in the slightest, but it isn't going to change anything. The white non-hispanic male population is decreasing every year, and it feels fucking great.
I'm Mexican and I'm dating a cute jew girl. Her last name is literally Murdoch. I'm working on converting her to Christianity.
>I did better than people in Georgia
Which means nothing. You were probably a untaxed illegal who made more.
>us is already corrupt
And you think Mexicans will make it better? It's making us worse. You cost us 100 billion a year. Nigger.
>white women love Mexican men
Buddy no they don't. It's not prevalent anywhere.
You still didn't answer my questions.
>mexican intellectuals
Que rollo weyes
Callate a la verga pinche Chavo del Ocho
My ex had a white mom n mexican dad. She didnt get that ass from her mom.
Come on over, paco.
Awww you mad because your own countrymen expose the truth? Since Mexicans are literally niggers.
You are saying her dad had a phat ass?
>Mexican intellectuals
Please stop this fucking meme.
Get ready to build that wall, Pedro
>Awww you mad because your own countrymen expose the truth?
I was born and raised in the US, I can careless about them.
I answered all the questions.
>Which means nothing
Haven't even started my career yet, friend. I'm only 18 and I've got the rest of my life ahead of me. The fact that I'm already better off than most of the people here does say something, both for me and the white people.
>And you think Mexicans will make it better
Nothing is going to fix the corruption in the US, you only have yourself to blame. You constantly fall for the Jewish plans.
>Supporting Israel
I bet you're circumcised too, aren't you fatty?
>White women love Mexican men
Like I said, I answered with my personal experiences. I also stated from the get go that you most likely wouldn't believe them. I'm not shocked, why would anyone want to believe they're cucks? Only reason I'm replying to you is because I know this matters to you, and I know that you're getting upset.
Jews 2.0? Nah, my wetback. The ones you send over here are Niggers 2.0.
This fucking thread.
>muh everything that isn't (((western secular democracy))) is a third world shithole
You do know most Mexicans love Mexico right?
>calling a Mexican living in his homeland a wetback
>Mezican intellectuals
> shows a mob of retards
Those kinds of idiots have been collectively making mexico a shithole for a while now. So much so that they had to move to another country that wasnt a shithole.
Now look at places with majority mexican population in the States, somehow they became shitholes too... (Bakersfield, Fresno, Im looking your way).
Im not against mexicans. The difference lies in whether or not they decide to assimilate to a civilized culture or not.
We gon conquer America mi amigo.
Estados Unidos es Mexico.
>I'm 18 and made more than white people
Ya as a untaxed construction worker. It means nothing. As a whole, you aren't doing better that white people.
>nothing is going to fix corruption in the U.S.
So you want to make it worse?
Well my dick is big so it doesn't really matter.
>I'm upset
Yes I am, illegal Mexican niggers want to ruin my country. Should I be happy?So why they want to leave so bad and ruin our country?
Our old allies the Filipinos, I remember back in the day when we used to fight together like bros, specially during the Zoot Suit riots, also allies during labor movement.
>mfw I am dating a Pinay qt
Lets unite once again Filipino bros
>So why they want to leave so bad and ruin our country?
Most of them don't. Zero net migration since 2010. The ones that come over illegally are a lot of times from countries other than Mexico, or are just really poor Mexicans that are close to the border so they come over illegally for work.
Forget pic
>this pic
ancap is truly a great meme
using Dem talking points:
>Zero net migration since 2010
Another Mexican intellectual on board
Invade and conquer
I´ve succesfully integrated their petty society.
What are my orders señor?
Estos americanos no se percatan de nuestra gran estrategia.
We are going to secure the future of the mestize race by cleansing the whites from the continent
things that never happened: the post
>>using Dem talking points
Not an argument guey
To make it another shithole.
Fucking whites go back to your decaying shithole : Yurope
You mad, Juan?
Thanks to let me out Mexico.
>all these mad pilgrims
You sound frustrated.
I've been to Cancun before, it was pretty nice.
That is what you guys are planning to bring to us...right?
Yes I am mad. Fuck you, Mexico. Why can't you just destroy yourselves instead of us.
No one said Mexicans can't come, they just can't pour over like a fucking pinata exploded.
More like Mexico City.
Stfu already crying ass joto
We flee and USA becomes 50 new Mexican provinces, we flee to the mountains and then one day reconquista our land.
>they just can't pour over like a fucking pinata exploded
We can and we will. Better start learning survival spanish, puto.
Crashing gringoland...WITH NO SURVIVORS
>Then the Third Empire will rise.
I am sure it will be shit.
But that is how you people like to live.
Who cares dude, America's goose is cooked anyway. Might as well have some fun.
Mestizos are so disgusting, it is comical.
>I can careless about them.
>born and raised in the US
American education at its finest, my nazi southern primo.
Can I be mexican too?
>yeah you are going to conquer us b-u-u-t your empire will suck anyways!
Is this your outfit for the coming race war btw?
I've been to Mexico and it was actually better than the low income areas I've lived in. No joke. Mind was blown.
Every single nation your shit people control is pure shit, there is zero reason to believe it will be different here.
You can already see you shit fucks lowering the bar across the board.
De que hablas pinche jarocho?
LOL paco you are shit.
Fuck em' Juanito, fuck their women hard.
The worst invasion is that of your own government, this government is actively against white people, I don't see how this state represents my people, I declare loyalty to Britain.
El Paso is the safest city in the United States, and it's 80% Mestizo.
Your flag is showing shill...
Honorary Mexican.
And yet we still have brought you to your knees boy
que aprendas a escribir bien pinche puto, y te haces llamar gringo cuando un pinche prole de aqui puede escribir mejor inglés que tu
Ya go ahead. Come do our work for less than half of what we do it for. Just like a nigger would.
I'm not joking, I'm talking about the ghetto shit holes here in the US. Feel free to spout bullshit you pasty overweight faggot neckbeard.
it's funny because if you pay attention to immigration trends, America's future looks yellow, not brown. Chink migration is at an all time high and it's projected to continue well into 2050.
The government did this, not the people.
Don't worry fuckboi we'll make sure all the restaurants keep chicken tendies on the menu.
me valiste verga pinche jarocho
Yes, now come for weed and liters and liters of tequila.
The Midwest will secede from the USA and form our own European nation.
Being this desperate for white pussy.
The only way Mexicans get white women is by rape. Just like a nigger would.
>Come do our work for less than half of what we do it for
What's the matter pinko, afraid of the sun?
I welcome my Mexican overlords. I will pay tribute with chicken tendies.
Go the fuck back right now paco
pic related: something you cannot acquire
Lol implying all Mexicans are these hard working people in the sun.
I dont work in the sun anymore because i dont have to, nigger. I understand you people like living like hood rat gutter monkeys. It's ok.
>The government did this, not the people.
>Ya go ahead. Come do our work for less than half of what we do it for. Just like a nigger would.
niggers dont even work, and by "our" work, do you mean ethnic cleansing the mayates instead of being cucked by them like you white boys?
We are taking the negroid trash you weak whites have been to scared to do. We truly do the work you guys dont want to (cant do)
That's disturbing