In order to be part of the master Nordic race, you must have zero melanin in your body...

In order to be part of the master Nordic race, you must have zero melanin in your body. Your eyes must also be almond shaped and not slanted (chinks and Finno-Ugrics are descendants of mongoloids)

You must also have blue/green eyes and every hair in your body be blonde.

Only if you fulfill these criteria you are truly a member of the elite descendants of the white Nordic hypperborian/Atlantean race.

>inb4 turkish rape baby

I'm blue eyed,blonde and completely white as I am a true descendant of Alexander and the Nordic ancient Greeks with zero Slav (Asiatic slave blood)

Other urls found in this thread:

Blue eyes have melanin you fucking retard. Look up structural coloration.

Sure you are m8, pay those fucking debnts tho.

Albanian here.
>50% arab
>50 mongolian
>100% nordic
get on my level

I will not speak to half-breeds

Where are my Nordic brothers and sisters who are descended from our forefathers in Atlantis? Those who posses these qualities know that they are above the common and idiotic average human.

blonde hair/blue eyes is a recessive gene
nordics rampaged through several villages in the medevial ages
geramans took down rome

Almost black hair and dark brown eyes, with prominent cheekbones, a strong jaw, and skin as white as milk.

What ethnicity am I? Will I be gassed?

>zero melanin in your body
enjoy your albinism, asshole
good luck not getting sunburnt, also enjoy shit vision that will only get worse with time

>What ethnicity am I? Will I be gassed?

No, but you are not a descendant of Atlantis, but of the common mainlanders that would be later be colonized after the Atlantean civil war and the purge by the Vrill.

Hitler was one of the last high-preists of the remnants of the Atlantean bloodline, this is why he was recreating a knight order similar to kshatriya caste of the Hyperboreans and Aryan migrators. All of those selected to be part of the elite in the SS were blond, blue-eyed and tall.

how about dark blonde with freckles and green eyes?

that flag

>I'm blue eyed,blonde and completely white

hahahaha i love this meme

No you are part of the master-race

greetings my fellow Atlantean.

All master-race people must become initiated in the coming race/occult war against the Vrill

Shut up mud blood

how does the initiation work?

You're probably not even a real Greek then.

> every hair in your body be blonde.

What about pubes? I am aryan, but I can promise you I have no blonde pubes. Does this disqualify me ?

Was Alexander really Nordic OP?

You must accept Atlantean theosophy.

Basically Platonism and Pythagoreanism

The Slavic gene pool contains less than 3% of Asiatic admixtures, the most recent markers are 3000-3500 years old.

Also, you're Greek, you're the definition of a half-breed monstrosity.

Those were the Huns, the Germans have only raped the long-dead corpse.

Retarded slide thread.

Go away shills.

familiar with the basic concepts of platons teachings and way of thinking, unfortunately my mathematical skills got cripples as a child by a incompetent school system, but i recently started working on that for my think this sufficient fellow atlantean?

Shut up slave you are not part of the master race.

No member of the master race would follow a semitic religion made by Jews and Arabs. And no Christianity doesn't count because Jesus was Greek and a worshiper of the Greek God (prime mover).

Shut the fuck up you turkish rape baby


Hitler had black hair though, kinda contradicting yourself.

Just if anyone is wondering.

There are three humanoid races in this world.

the first and the greatest is the Hyperborean race of El, the people who descended from the stars who occupied an terraformed the earth. They are the ones who invented mathematics, philosophy,science, physics and architecture. but their civilization collapsed due to nuclear war when the Vrill stole their hidden knowledge.

Then there are the subtarean Vrill, immitations of the Atlanteans they were descended from apes and not the star faring people who created them, they were however bio-engineered to resemble the El in appearance and intelligence.

And then there are the negroids, who are in turn descended from apes but who weren't bio-engineered. The were very few but multiplied when the earth as depopulated by nuclear war.

The high caste of the Vrill who came from the Gobi desert are now known as Jews and believe in materialism and greed, unlike the benevolent race of the El who are idealists and believe in spirit and soul

Do you have a source for this stuff, or can you say where you learned it?

sounds like sweet lore for a cool video game

Also OP you are mistaken, common traits for Atlanteans are pale skin and dark hair like pic related.

The race of El are sometimes referred to as Gods, Annunaki and the progenitors.

They were worshiped as Gods by the peoples of India and Asia (the immortals) because they were extremely long lived and possessed technology and knowledge far beyond of what the simple mind of the half-breeds could understand.

The Vrill were known sometimes as Giants or demons because they were living weapons used in the Atlantean civil war. Some where the higher caste subterranean Vrill who were smaller bodied but smarter and who stole the technology of the El, in this way they could perform "miracles" to the common half-breeds with static electricity and magnetism.

This is the origin of most religions in the world.

Aren't freckles signs of melanin? You claimed that you must have zero melanin in your body.

But user it's da jews holding us whitey down. Every civilization in history has at least one white man running it.

>Equating Hyperborians with true master race Atlanteans (and thus implying a link to maser race Cimmerians being descended from the devolved and thus re-evolved Atlanteans after the fall of their great civilization).

Shiggy diggy bruh

Also Atlanteans were dark of hair with blue eyes, not blonde.

Hey, Leonidas.

You recommend the book "Nos, Book of the Resurrection" by Miguel Serrano?

Let me answer some common questions.

>How do we know that the race of El arrived from outer space?

Quite simply there is evidence of these ancient space ships, found in mostly religious art and there are landing fields in the form of the Nazca lines.

>What level of technology did the El posses?

The race of El were very technologically advanced, they had harnessed the power of nuclear fission and fusion and could fly airships all around the earth. Since the Earth was not a habitable planet in the beginning, it was terraformed and life was introduced to it. The earth was a good candiate because of the long meteor shower it has sustained hundreds of millions of years ago which would create what we now know as the atmosphere. Evolution is not inaccurate in the way scientists describe it, but it happened in faster rates than they believe during some eras due to engineering or introduction of foreign species by the EL

>Where did the El lived

They lived mainly in Atlantis, which was located somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, close to the Marianna trench. The powerful remnants of their technology give such a powerfull magnetic wave, that many planes and ships disappear on the Bermuda triangle which is close to Atlantis.

Yo wot up muh aryan brothas.

>''The outward appearance of Alexander is best represented by the statues of him which Lysippus made, and it was by this artist alone that Alexander himself thought it fit that he should be modelled. For those peculiarities which many of his successors and friends afterwards tried to imitate, namely, the poise of the neck, which was bent slightly to the left, and the melting glance of his eyes, this artist has accurately observed. Apelles, however, in painting him as wielder of the thunder-bolt, did not reproduce his complexion, but made it too dark and swarthy. Whereas he was of a fair colour, as they say, and his fairness passed into ruddiness on his breast particularly, and in his face. Moreover, that a very pleasant odour exhaled from his skin and that there was a fragrance about his mouth and all his flesh, so that his garments were filled with it, this we have read in the Memoirs of Aristoxenus''

So Altanteans are Goths?

having no melanin in your body means literally being retarded, im not joking you have it in your brain, you need it

The guy in OP's pic looks like an albino indian.


Yes Serrano, Blavatsky, E.Howard, Lovecraft and talk about this.

In fact it is so common a theme throughout human history that it cannot be not true, and doesn't contradict science. It's just intelligent design, hominids evolved slowly because extraterrestrial humanoids introduced their genetic architecture into the Primordial soup.


I am ultra pale, brown haired, green eyed and I am 6'5" tall.

What does that make me?

holy shit it's Valiant Thorr

>unlike the benevolent race of the El who are idealists and believe in spirit and soul
Sounds like beta cucks. What happened next they were bred out of existence?

Why are they called El's you ask?

The word Greeks used to call themselves was Hellenes.

El was the name for the Akkadian/caanite creator God.

Extraterrestrial Superman belongs to the house of El.

there are also many other examples.


It really makes you think...
Thank you India for the kek!

You know that there's a theory that says Svens and Pajeets have a common ancestor right?

He looks like a russian or your average slav.

>They lived mainly in Atlantis, which was located somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, close to the Marianna trench. The powerful remnants of their technology give such a powerfull magnetic wave, that many planes and ships disappear on the Bermuda triangle which is close to Atlantis.


Alright, thanks for info.

Looks weird.

>Hello Sven

Seriously though, they do look strangely Slavic/Nordic.

They must have had a civil war, which explains the vast desserts in Africa,Central America and Asia.

We now know today that what is today Sahara was once a lush temperate grassland and Forrest. But the abrupt coming of warming of the earths temperature and an ice age following it completely wiped it out. So it must have been a nuclear conflict. The pyramids are where the Egyptians buried their pharoes (descendants of the EL) and to commemorate their fallen Gods, since they always look to a star constellation from which the El most likely came from.

We cannot know what that Civil War was about, only that that race must have lost contact with their parent civilization or were dropped of as colonists, we do not know. Maybe like in religion it was a conflict between those who wanted to keep the race pure and be left alone in search of the divine spark,a and those who used technology to further their own ends and acquire more power (which is why the created the Vrill under the earth)

>They lived mainly in Atlantis, which was located somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, close to the Marianna trench. The powerful remnants of their technology give such a powerfull magnetic wave, that many planes and ships disappear on the Bermuda triangle which is close to Atlantis.
The Marianas Trench is in the Pacific, retard. Additionally there is no significant or unusual magnetic anomaly in the Bermuda Triangle.

t. Geophysicist

>a greek lecturing others on what is really considered white and "nordic"
>a fucking greek
Oh, please.

This pic reminds me of a pic of my grandparents marriage. The clothing they are wearing is very similar.

Some upper castes in India do have R1A in them, although its of a different subclade to that found in slavs. Other than that we have no connection to slavs.

Albinism carries with it severe genetic defects, most prominent among them eye problems.

You sabotaged your own thread, retard.

[citation needed]


Turks are worse though.

It's likely just similar phenotypes and could be different genes. The noses are definitely different. I've actually seen that a lot of backward tribes seem to have R1a too, it seems that R1a is actually widely distributed in India from all spectrum of castes.

So they are definitely South Indian? It's a bit surprising if they are.

>So they are definitely South Indian?

They are Tamil (South Indian) brahmins. Some brahmins migrated from the north to south. The native Tamils (and all other south indians) are dark skinned but south indian brahmins are on average much fair skinned than them.


I remember when I read the Secret Doctrine by Madame Blavatsky. Her fundamental flaw is that she thinks petty moralistic and sentimental principles are synonymous with evolution. Evolution has nothing to do with that. It's about adapting and reproducing and while allowing the competing species to reproduce. White or the "Aryan race" is indeed the most
>benevolent race who are idealists and believe in spirit and soul
But this is not a virtue, it is liability. You show compassion to invading species and allow them to reproduce in your own turf, while you yourselves are so idealistic that some think it is a crime to bring children into the world. Fittingly, the followers of Blavatsky today are old women that own cats and liberal hippies. Drop this garbage if you want to survive as a species in the next centuries.

this thread is fucking hilarious

Interesting, Tamil Brahmins seem to have slightly higher Euro mix but they seem to have it less than say Jats or Kashmiri Pundits. Thanks for answering.

In current times the occult war between the those who are in favor of the El worldview and those who are of the Vrill worldview have reached a breaking-point.

Evangelion describes this conflict perfectly.

The El philosophy is centered around the world-soul, also known as the life spark , in the beginning all life was one big thinking organism, but when consciousness was introduced humanity gained self-awareness and was cut off from the rest of nature. Those who are of the El point of view want to create the Omega point, the combination of all of humanity into one consciousness. So that they can rejoin their progenitors , which are possibly being beyond the time and space dimension, being of pure spirit. (you can catch a glimpse of them if you take DMT, since you are replicating a near-death experience and all souls rejoin those beings).

The Vrill world view on the other hand does not believe in the afterlife or in spirit. Since most of humanity was bio-engineered through technology in an artificial manner they cannot believe in the divine origin of spirit and fight to keep self-hood and material possessions. They view caste like biological hierarchy as the natural view, and not castes based on divine knowledge like the Brahmins and Pythagoreans.

In Evangelion the El technology (the soul of a mother) are the Evas, El's are the progenitor race, and Vrill are the Angels.

Friendly reminder that Eesti is Nordic

not allowing*


I can't tell whether you are hilarious or pathetic.

If you actually believe this shit you should probably get help.

I mean thinking the real world actually confirms to your favorite manga is pretty fucked up, even for this board.


That's the one, I was seriously wondering where I'd seen that face.

my sides are in orbit, god help meeeeeee

separation means always conflict, see

Those who call our "alien" ancestors were still material beings, and they were also created, perhaps in an endless cycle.

How the fuck is that pasty vampire considered master race. Looks like an old man yet so young.

Where would I fit in?
Sorry for shitty pic on an old crappy netbook atm. Also, I'm Albanian.

What if I have dirty blonde hair? Still Nordic? My chin is a bit tiny as well.

Everyone has at least some melanin in their body, people with blue eyes have more than those with gray
There are no pure nordics or pure races of any kind , even hitler admitted as much

David Duke's long lost cousins have been finally found kek

Fuck OFF

nope your a nigger




dude those are fucking novels

are you fucking high or something?

You take that back


shoo shoo spooky skellington

If there was absolutely no melanin in your body, you'd be basically see-through you stupid fuck.

this is the real red-pill

The world is a 3d holographic illusion compared to the transdimensional world of spirit. Nick Bostrom also talks about this.

The race of El (elohim) knew this and this is why they were trying to find the life spark, so they could leave the material world.


Divide and Conquer Thread
Sage in all fields


>Where are my Nordic brothers and sisters who are descended from our forefathers in Atlantis? Those who posses these qualities know that they are above the common and idiotic average human.

We are here brother. Contact will be made once the God Emperor ascends to his throne.

Sup m8

Shut up Duke was handsome when he was young.


Go to Human Biodiversity Forum and ask them.

I am not an expert on facial measurements, sadly.

4/5 face 2/5 body desu

> That haircut.