I'm glad she got stomped and lost

I don't want a muslime from NJ to represent the United States

From an interview with NBC

"My religion, my faith comes first. Everything else comes second"

She's an unpatriotic sand nigger. Good riddance.

Other urls found in this thread:


Isn't it an insult to wear the flag as clothing?

Yes, actually.

Retards do it anyway


"Saber is theatre" isn't a cliche for no reason.


A degenerate, hypocritic, and muslim.

Woah, wait, I'm actually not surprised.

I hope she gets killed by Brazlian gang bangers

kill them

kill them all

You're welcome america



French qt removing american kebab with a powerful charge.

It's a french woman who kicked her out of the competition, you retard

Thank you for removing the tumor ;-;


>being this assblasted over someone you will never know, meet, or hear of again

Didn't she chimp out when she lost too?

So does your representative getting beaten offend you more than her competing?

The world nowadays is a clusterfuck.

Their smiles always look disingenuous. Might be my bias t b h.

muslims are literally a fifth column in our nations


How bad?

Why does the rest of the world take sable seriously, the fastest one always win. Epee is the true weapon

For once the rifle droppers did something right.

There will be war with Muslims again. It can't be avoided, there are billions of them and they all hate the West and Christianity. Probably not in our lifetime, but possibly the next generation. Especially in Europe.

Good luck lads, better breed some warriors for the next big war. Here's looking at you, Hans.

HAHAHA Affirmative action has officially fucked the US olympic team in the ass.

Thanks France!!!

Thanks fampai

Congratulations on your win!!! :)

Why does the left love hijabs? Its submission of women to men for Christ's sake? It's one thing to tolerate it as a part of religion, but they parade it around like a symbol of liberation from the white patriarchy? Is it not a symbol of religious patriarchal domination? My brain hurts.

>France, where hate crimes against Muslims are at an all time high #truth
uh... aren't MUSLIMS the ones doing hate crimes against the french?

Same, OP. I'm glad the filthy muzzie lost.

She's a nigger not a mudslime. Her nigger parents converted or something.
If you think she looks Arab or Paki you're retarded.

That's the joke

Thank you for removing kebab.

Because this representative of ours was a delusional muslim and oppressing herself so I'd rather for the US to just lose in Fencing. Or whatever type of fencing event she was involved in.

>Michael Phelps is a national treasure and the most decorated Olympian of all time.
>A Muslim woman found a sport that her oppressive religion allows her to participate in and got shit on in her first match.

Gee, who should be America's flag bearer?

80% of Africa practices Islam.

What's your point leaf?

Yes, but she needs to show us how proud she is to be an American!


Her father almost made her stop when she started because he didn't like that the instructor had to touch her in order to show her how to fence.

The interviews I read they speak like local black folk too.

Lol she lost to the French player

Most of them don't know it, but yes.

haven't been watching. what country did she lose to?



Agreed, all muslimes I've known have nice smiles but have shit personalities.

They also act and talk like degenerates.

Agreed, I wonder if I will see it though. I'm only 19.

I don't know what generation you're implying.

A French qt was polite enough to remove kebab.

80% of statistics are made up on the spot


According to the left, there is no such thing as oppression from non-white countries. They are all tolerant and accepting of everybody. It's only white people that oppress.

Kinda sounds like a racist thing to say, but the left has an argument for that, too: you can't be racist towards whites, because they're the ones in power. It's dehumanization but for humanitarian purposes. Heh heh

thanks bros. yea I'm happy she lost, she was obnoxious

The left is irrational, very little they do makes sense.

""""""""""""""moderate"""""""""""""""""""" muslims. perfectly assimilated, patriotic American.

Every politician who is responsible for bringing these people into our countries is guilty of treason.


Another user claims she chimped out over it earlier, hasn't delivered yet so hoping someone knows more about it.

Can't wait.

Of course the only reason she would have lost is because her opponent oppressed her with her whiteness.

Tell that to Captain Fucking America.

>Every politician who is responsible for bringing these people into our countries is guilty of treason.
Lol, you think the politicians are in the minority? Half of our business owners have the morality of a prostitute.

bruh i fucking hope so. all of the websites just show her barely beating the Ukrainian in the first round but nothing about her losing

Captain America never wore the flag.

I wish we really were in power, so we could get rid of all of this cancer.

They backed themselves into a corner where being tolerant of other ethnicities and cultures and religion means you have to accept the racism and misogyny and intolerance of those cultures. Otherwise you're a horrible filthy white feminist for telling women of color what to do.

Well, there used to be a third way, an alternative to capitalism and communism. Loyal to the people, defending the nation. A way of putting the people above all else.

Its illegal, but unenforced.



Nope, not illegal. You could never make something like that illegal.

Flag code is just etiquette. Be uncultured if you want.

Didn't Mike Pence say basically the exact same thing at the convention? Isn't this what 90% of conservative Christians believe?

>First American Muslim to compete wearing a hijab
This is progress apparently. Next milestone for 2020 Olympics: first woman to compete wearing a niqab and a missing limb.


Nobody ever gave a shit about paralympics

I stick to Italian rapier for a reason.

>probably not in our lifetime

I disagree lol



We drop our rifles to fight sword in hand

She's def a qt, based sexy frog removing kebab

>Those demon eyes


I was implying she had had it cut off. Y'know the way sandniggers do in Saudi.

Hitler a shit


Dirty fucking subhuman learned her place.

Does she cut off the heads of infidels with that sword

America owes a lot to France. This event will be added to the list. Thank you.

Marion :3

Yes, and she'd end up in the paralympics
I know you were trying to make a joke but no, it just doesn't work

>Didn't Mike Pence say basically the exact same thing at the convention? Isn't this what 90% of conservative Christians believe?

Yes, but the founding fathers of the United States drafted the constitution from a conservative Christian background- it's a secular framework that can properly coexist with new testament Christian values.

Islam specifically undermines democratic or otherwise national values in favour of bringing about a Muslm majority and Quranic law.

Nobody sweats when a Buddhist monk says they put their religion first because it generally denotes fasting and meditation and leaving material worldly affairs on the backburner. There's no Buddhist doctrine to spread Buddhism by book, by womb, or by sword until it's the only way of living like in Islam.

Once again diversity causes another embarrassment. I'm getting sick of this shit.
Muslims ruin literally everything

Imagine how Ms. Berder felt at that moment, literally driving Muhammad into the ground.

White men with dignity hate it.

Ergo the left loves it.

This is what all Americans do from what I know. "In god we trust", "God bless this god bless that", even in your court you swear on the fucky bible, that's sharia level guys.
You need to fix that.


t. Achmed

>fucky bible
my brain read that as bible black, of course

>that's sharia level guys.
You sound fucking retarded. You realize our nation was founded on Deism right?
> you swear on the fucky bible
You can swear on any religious text


Yes, and in the eyes of those evangelicals the constitution is basically a holy text lol
To compare them to Muslims is asinine.

dat look on her face...

She needs to fucking leave this country.