Edgy Nazi Phase (I'm Uber It)

When did you get out of your edgy "Heil Hitler gas the kikes" phase and become a non-retarded White nationalist, Sup Forums?

White identity is not Hitler. Hitler doesn't fucking matter. It doesn't matter if the holocaust happened or not. No, Hitler was not evil incarnate. Hitler is also not the final evolved form of White identity.

Gas yourselves.

There is no "real white nationalist", I made a thread about it once, there exists nowhere such definition, such set of rules or practices or beliefs or whatever.

As long as there exists no clear boundries and definitions, people are just going to lump everyone together as a group with face tattoo swastikas, beer bellies, lack of teeth, etc.
Cant have a coherent group or movement or whatever, if literally any retard can be a member. Seriously you need some sort of central organization or whatever that would issue passport like documents or I dont even fucking know, but that would require some minimal effort, and therefore lazy good for nothing internet shitters arent going to make it ever happen, making entire thing useless anyway.

The reality:
>Nationalism existed before Hitler. The idea that the Hitler regime defines nationalism forever after WW2 is ludicrous and ultimately comes from leftist talking points
>Both sides in WW2 were just as White nationalist as each other
>Churchill campaigned to "Keep Britain White"
>De Gaulle is considered a nasty racist by the French left today
>The Americans and Brits who died fighting Hitler didn't think they were fighting an anti racist war
>The idea that White identity = National Socialism / fascism / Hitler is a cultural marxist idea
>Nazi Germany was the lesser of two evils when contrasted with the USSR, but that doesn't make it good

Hating Hitler is just as stupid as loving him.

>Seriously you need some sort of central organization or whatever that would issue passport like documents or I dont even fucking know, but that would require some minimal effort, and therefore lazy good for nothing internet shitters arent going to make it ever happen, making entire thing useless anyway.
That's what we're getting in the form of NPI and counter currents and other movements.

I'm not saying it's perfect, but it's a start. Degenerate neo nazi scum exist, yes, and some of them are indeed White nationalists. I'm saying to those people who still have a Hitler fetish and think it's somehow helping us: grow up.

White nationalism means solidarity with all movements of self determination for European peoples. It does not mean and has never meant erasing all unique European cultures and fusing them into one homogeneous White blob.

Bump for Nazi babies

Nice try JIDF.

Nobody willing to challenge their worldview?


That's exactly my stance regarding Hitler. I don't hate and I don't really love him neither. Nonetheless Hitler's still most prominent in regards to white nationalism.

Never had a heil hitler gas the kikes phase. I want to gas the muslims. Hitler had the right idea, but the wrong people.

>errywon who dun agree wit my Hitler is a Joo reeeeeeeeeee
LOL. Whatever you say.

>implying i ever left that phase

Thing with Hitler is, he was the closest thing to a centralized definition of what white nationalism/socialism even is. No one else even bothered to write a book or make a political party.

And he fucked up, sure, and you can bash him as long as you want, but here's the thing:
You have nothing to replace him. There isnt another mein kampf or whatever. All you have is a bunch of disorganized confused teenagers running around like flies without their heads or I dont know.

Hitler shouldn't be prominent to us. The idea that Hitler is some kind of GOD of whiteness is a leftwing ANTI WHITE concept. Hitler does not matter. Making him important just fuels the left. Hitler barely matters.

Please realize that


Hitler was not the first nationalism. Every nation in Europe pre-WW1 was nationalistic or if it was an empire there was a nationalistic movement within the empire.

We don't need Hitler or Mein Kampf. Nationalism isn't theory, it's common sense.

I'm not nationalistic or pro-my people because of Hitler or NS. Hitler/NS is not relevant to me, at all. NS was one nationalistic state out of a huge laundry list of nationalistic states over the course of European history.

Hitler started all this. Not white nationaliam itself, but the ideology of white identity under attack. You can see with your own eyes that he was right. Real history is essential to forming authentic consciousness.

We don't reveal our power level in public, but why should we hide it here. There's nothing not to like about Hitler except some of his decisions after the war started. He did nothing wrong.

>Hitler started all this. Not white nationaliam itself, but the ideology of white identity under attack.
But that's not true. Hitler didn't care about White people. There was concern about the survival of the White race long before that. Hitler=/=WNism. Hitler was a pan-Germanicist who wanted to genocide the Slavs and Germanize the Baltics.

Am I saying that Hitler was evil incarnate? No. I'm not even saying he was wrong about every single thing he said, but the idea that we need to look to him as some kind of central figure is ludicrous.

Churchill was a White nationalist. Don't believe me? Go look it up.


>implying that phase is anything but an SPLC wetdream
>implying the SPLC doesn't need more scary swastika stuff to get more moneys from its fat old Jewish donors.

>Hey rabbi, whatcha doin' = That's a meme for a reason

Bullshit. You're literally spouting jew memes. He wanted to reunify Prussia with Germany. Google old maps of Prussia and tell me where it is.

Anyone interested in preservation of white culture or white identity or whatever, does not have a banner to march under.

This thing does not exist because back in the day everyone had an emperor (parliamentary monarchy) and fought for that emperor, who held the culture and identity at heart and always wanted to expand territory for his people and so on.....
Ever since the end of first world war people do not have such emperor.

There is no emperor, there is no bible, there is no anything. Closest thing that fits is Hitler and Mein Kampf.
You either need to write a competent enough body of work to replace it, or you can just bitch and moan about it as most people do.

The Empire was white nationalist. But no one in the Empire could possibly have envisioned how far our nations would fall. Churchill certainly didn't. It seemed inconceivable. Hitler was the only one who saw where things were headed.

No, he wanted to germanize the Baltic people, the Lithuanians and Latvians. Also, not that I give a shit, but Prussia took over Baltic land, that land was originally not German, at all.

>Anyone interested in preservation of white culture or white identity or whatever, does not have a banner to march under.
Agreed, and that should change

>There is no emperor, there is no bible, there is no anything. Closest thing that fits is Hitler and Mein Kampf.
It's a horrible choice. It's like choosing cyanide because you have nothing else to eat.

>You either need to write a competent enough body of work to replace it, or you can just bitch and moan about it as most people do.
Agreed, we need something. We need an organization and a platform, which by the way organizations like NPI are beginning to make a reality.

The poisonous Hitler cultism that has plagued White identity has to end. We have a huge European history of nationalism and identity to choose from in all this, choosing Hitler and MK is just lazy.

>that land was originally not German, at all
It was at Versailles.

Hitler did nothing wrong, I like him. They chose to demonize him for a reason.

As long as no one has any other more popular, more competent, more organized movement, the entire desire to create a white ethnic state will for ever default to Hitler and MK.
There will never be an competent, organized, popular movement other than that one because no one is making it. This whole NPI think you mentioned, I have never even heard of it.

>The poisonous Hitler cultism that has plagued White identity has to end.
It's not going to as long as intelligent people exist. I don't identify as roman, but still love reading Plutarch and Suetonius. Hitler's story is grander and more glorious than any roman general. Dying like one only romanticises him all the more.

No actually dude the entire Baltic was populated by non-Germanic Baltic peoples (i.e. Lithuanians).

Not that I'm crying over Germany conquering that land, just saying it was in fact /not/ originally German land.


It doesn't matter. It was part of the 2nd Reich at Versailles and Hitler's main foreign policy objective was the reversal of Versailles. Check maps of the Third Reich and compare it with the 2nd.

It's just a story, for fuck's sake. Why not make Napoleon your big hero? Hitler to Hitler cultists is just a superhero figure who died in a romantic and heroic way, fighting to his last.

I get the romantic artistic appeal. But also, I think it harms us. The idea that White identity is automatically Hitlerism is literally a Jewish/leftwing idea. Just because they call us Nazis doesn't mean we have to prove them right. Honestly man.

British and American White people were pro-White survival long before Hitler was ever born. No need to spread more confusion over this. We need to de-demonize White identity, and yes it can be done. We need to take the first steps in that direction.

Dude I don't care. I don't really see why it matters. All I'm saying is that the Baltic lands were historically not German. I already said I don't mind that Germany conquered that land, though. Not an issue to me.

keks all round gents


I hate this so much, just use 'european'

White and European are literally the same thing. I'm European American. I'm Irish, German and English. I'm White. Same thing.


Hitler wasn't a white nationalist.
Hitler was a German nationalist.

No shit


It doesn't matter if the holocaust happened or not.

yes it does moron

the holocaust is 99% of the reason that people will never ever accept national socialism or white identity

we need to dispell the myth that it happened


>the holocaust is 99% of the reason that people will never ever accept national socialism or white identity
[citation needed]

>implying White identity and NS are the same thing
>implying you have to call yourself NS even if you're NS
>implying White identity didn't exist long before Hitler
>implying you need Hitler at all

That's a lot of false implications

>we need to dispell the myth that it happened
People need to see that the holocaust is not relevant, you trying to prove it never happened just makes it look like it matters.

There have been hundreds of holocausts in the 20th century. Even 6 million would be a tiny holocaust compared to the ones done by the communists.

You just need to point that out and accuse anyone disagreeing with you about not giving a shit about the people who died in gulags.

But you're not smart enough to think of that, are you?



Other than Hitler there is no coherent movement. You faggots should really start one. Make a site. Define the values. Write a document such as a bible or mein kampf or whatever. Have some clear goals.

People will always default to either Hitler or closet without a third, better option.




>you didn't sage

This thread again.
Hitler still did nothing wrong, except lose I guess.

I don't care if he did anything wrong or not. Why are you making Hitler an issue?

Hitler doesn't matter, at all, he's just an idea.

I had already been talking to my now-fiancee for a few months when I learned her last name was Rosenberg.


Found out she's half Jewish and that apparently all Jews aren't evil, Hitler isn't Jesus etc.

You'll never gain traction simply because you think
>keks all round gents
is a proper way to conduct yourself.

no shit

A lot of Jews are horrible bigots (yes, bigots) who use their jewishness as a justification to attack White people as a kind of sick revenge fantasy. But not all Jews are like that, yea.

Live and learn, user, live and learn

This is Sup Forums. I don't act like I'm on Sup Forums in all situations.

Is having a shaved head still in?

I don't see why not. No one associates it with "skinheads" anymore. Why?

I just recently had my head shaved because I like the way it feels, and everyone is looking at me like I'm a skinhead.

I guess it depends on where you live. No need to look like a degenerate if everyone assumes your baldness means you're a degenerate, let it grow out.

Yes, people, image matters. If everyone pro-White was dressed up like the SS, we'd be thoroughly fucked.

Well I'm in southern Ontario, a left wing hotspot. So being one of the few conservative/ right wing people around draws attention it seems.

You're behaving like a joke even by Sup Forums standards.

Serbro here pretty much explained what has to happen. Emphasis on coherent and defined values and clear goals.
doesn't fulfill that.

Yea, I dunno, man, make the right call. Bottom line is that cucking for Hitler isn't going to bring anyone over to your side, that's for fucking sure.

Good luck out there.

>Edgy Nazi Phase

Whatever, I don't see how I'm acting so horribly. I already replied in detail to the Serb's critique. Rolling my eyes here, man.

Thanks for the bump

>I don't see how I'm acting so horribly.
>Thanks for the bump
Very childish.

>I already replied in detail to the Serb's critique. Rolling my eyes here, man.
Then link to the post that contains your defined values and clear goals.

It did happen. You guys just choose to not believe it. We even have a video(albeit, only one) of the Germans gassing Jews.

>tiny compares to the communist ones
Yeah, like what?

There is so much propaganda over nazi germany and hitler. I don't want to "gas the kikes" or whatever because that was never the point of nazism or nationalism as a whole and the holocaust is an opportunist construct based on lies and misinterpretation. I think there is a whole lot of education to do about this period of history and particularly why it happened (threat on the global banking cartel) and why the "establishment" would lie so much about this period of history.
I don't think there is anything wrong with liking nazi germany or hitler.

I used to be more fashy and edgy but eventually I simmered down into a more traditionalit mind set

It's extremely hard to write a document such as the bible, or even mein kampf.

You would need multiple persons, credible ones, with higher educations, so doctors and scientists, and you would need them to write stuff like "we believe eugenics to be self evident blah blah [...] white man, when left Africa, survived trough ice age, where he had to make better tools, better shelter, better clothing, developed higher intellectual capacity blah blah higher evolutionary pressure [...]".

And than you would set eugenics as a value. And than you would have PhD names to back it up. And than you would have a following literature and publications of well done experiments in the sources.

Now do THIS for EVERY single value. Now you have something. But making something like this could possibly take years.
And white nationalism movement does not have this thing.


Why would I get over Hitler?

>It doesn't matter if the holocaust happened or not
>the truth doesn't matter goys!!

That's American casual to most people/young adult.

I already said we need a mature and intelligent platform with clear goals and that one doesn't currently exist, but that it's essentially in the works with groups like NPI/Radix.

Also, WNism is pretty self explanatory. It means we want a White nation. There is not much need to elaborate.

>I don't think there is anything wrong with liking nazi germany or hitler.
OK but there's no need to say that to anyone. Keep that opinion to yourself.

It is not extremely hard. What's hard is the message being accepted. The closest thing we have is probably 'White identity' by Jared Taylor, but it's not well known.

Also, we don't necessarily have to have any statements about eugenics. I don't see why. You can support eugenics, or not.

He's just a crush, user. Give it up, he was never meant for you.

I actually grew into it.


>OK but there's no need to say that to anyone. Keep that opinion to yourself.
I still can discuss history and let people make their own idea.

Hey, if you want to let it be known that you like Hitler and think the holocaust never happened, be my guest, but just don't be shocked when you alienate potential supporters of nationalism/White survival.

Damn, you got me.

I'm #withthekikes now

Im no stormcuck but jews need to go.

Why would you want to discredit your own cause like that? The Holocaust happen, it's not up for debate. It's similar to a communist denying Stalin ever killed anyone.

Hitler was better than white nationalists because he believed in a German nation not a white nation. He thought his program would work for any nationality, not just white ones.

>I'm no stormcuck
>But I group people into hive minds to justify my beliefs
Are you sure?

>Why would you want to discredit your own cause like that?
Muslims are literally slaughtering people in my country. I don't even have to talk.

What does that have to do with the Holocaust and Hitler?

Highest of topkeks for you, friend

There are a lot of really horrible Jews, but also they are easier to attack if you don't attack them FOR BEING JEWS. Attack them FOR BEING ANTI WHITE like this:
>They are using their jewishness as a sick excuse to attack White people out of some misguided revenge fantasy

Psychopathologize Jews and make them afraid to be in the "bad Jews" category. Make them police their own behavior. Saying that Jews can be good allows you to intimidate Jews into doing what you want them to do. Just like how BLM and other Black groups have a "Good White people" category. You can intimidate people into changing their behavior that way.

Much smarter than a blanket statement "Fuck all Jews"

It has to do with nationalism. Also in my country more and more people are aware of the power of the jews, banking and shit. It's all linked, those who organize mass migrations are the bankers and medias, aka the jews. Mass migration is just a symptom, not the disease.

>more Muslims immigrate constantly
>increase in people who dislike Jews
What a coincadink

Dude most of those people are just Palestine brownskin worshipping shits. Anti-Jew isn't always pro-White. What % of antisemitic White French are even slightly pro-White French?

You know I'm right.

Also for fuck's sake even if every Jew left France tomorrow you'd still have the Muslims and they still would demand to live and breed in France.

Grow a brain.

Fuck white nationalists, I know a few in real life and they call me a sand nigger because I'm from Albania. I'm white, losers!

Mass Migration is a symptom of capitalism. You guys have extremely low birth rates and you require a labour force to keep your pensions going. Imperialism is also a symptom of capitalism, which Iraq and Syria are directly related to.

Companies want to import Mexicans into the United States because they procure more capital. Not because they hate white people.

He'll figure it out eventually. Most White French antisemites are literally just Arabcock sucker leftwing trash who hate Jews because they love the Arabs.

It's disgusting.

White nationalists are hugely diverse. Judging all of us by a few is kind of dumb.

Who phase 4 here?

Islam is not a white thing and half of Albania is islamic. Makes sense to call you a sandnigger if you are from a country with sandnigger religion.

Is nobody going to state the fact that Hitler and his regime was pretty left and that the nationalism we have uprising in Europe today is right.

Also a lot of Muslim European countries mixed with Turks. It was considered a great honor to marry an Arab in Balkan Muslim society.

If it means anything I think Kosovo belongs to you guys and I'm not Muslim

>Hitler was lefitst
No he's not. Everything about him was right wing.

well those guys you met aren't everybody.

There is no official White nationalism. You can't judge wanting a White nation by a few dipshits you met who called you a sandnigger.

>this debate again