It's over.
Trump lost. He needs to drop out. This is unacceptable.
It's over.
Trump lost. He needs to drop out. This is unacceptable.
>British man tries to grab a SS guard and tries to shoot trump.
>Almost never reported.
>Trump says there will be a revolution if a tyrant is elected.
>Shills go nuts.
Correcting the Record™ as always?
Fuck off shills shitposting on pol will do nothing.
God damn it Trump. We could've made America great again™
It'll be an awkward debate
Is this legit, or photoshopped?
I have no respect for DT and he doesn't deserve any. What a retard.
It's real.
How much money are Hillary's cucks being paid to promote that fugly cunt?
Seriously, I'll pretend she's not a useless hosebeast if you pay me a lot of money too. Where do I sign up to get paid tax money to promote the Clinton oligarchy?
Apparently it's legit. But due to the "..." After "nothing you can do" which implies he said more and they left it out and the comma's I would say that they heavily edited the message of what he was trying to say
>hey, your government is likely to keep fucking you over
>you might have to use the second amendment for what it was literally meant for
Why is this news?
I'll take "hey, here's a zinger, what if you just shot her?" over "I'll make a sacrifice to Moloch to ensure our victory..."
Do not engage with OP in any form! This is a paid shill post, its only purpose is to flood this board with pro-hillary shit.
Leave this thread immediately, DO NOT REPLY AT ALL, even if OP tries hard to bait you. They are being PAID to waste your attention.
(replace spaces with dots)
Major CTR shilling going on.
>the constitution is a suggestion
This is part of the plan, the only way he can get coverage is to bait the media into covering something controversial he says.
judging by the thread spamming panic trump is going to win yet again
Problem is that the republicunts are just as bad with it.
>If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to be afraid of.
They say as the CEO of firefox gets fired for a donation he made to an anti gay marriage lobby 3 fucking decades ago.
For a proper fucking American, it's like choosing between two piles of shit.
Hillary is getting dogged for possibly accidentally putting somebody in danger
Trump has literally suggested that somebody either kill an elected official or kill a judge in the future if necessary.
He meant NRA, dumbass
That means that... he could've just said NRA...
Holy fuck RIP Trump
I guess Im #cruzmissile now
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Because history doesn't matter
I fucking haaaaaate Trump, but if you watch the clip it just comes across like he was attempting to advocate for gun owners to get out and campaign and vote in maybe the most poorly worded way imaginable. Can't lie though, I kind of love how everyone is misinterpreting it as a veiled death threat though, because seriously fuck that guy.
Trump is British slang for a fart, and that's all Drumpf is, hot, rancid air.
This is the best, most genius move he could make at this point
Meanwhile the Islamist father of ISIS terrorist Omar Mateen endorses Hillary Clinton and the MSM barely mentions it
desu if this was the 1800s or even the 1700s she'd prob be shot by the military for treason
Well.... They're being paid by Hillary
1776D chess
wtf I hate Trump now
Well he did say Allah will punish the gays and supports the Taliban
All the obsession over guns we have sometimes in this country is just retarded. I mean really, let's be honest. I mean I aint saying get rid of them as for one that would be impossible and people do hunt and stuff, but god damn nobody's trying to steal all your precious guns.
We have a nigger/muslim problem
Not a gun problem
That's what (((they))) want you to think
Edited so heavily the put the video right below the title you fucking retard
.....When the members of the Sanhedrin heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him. But Trump, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Reagan standing at the right hand of God. - “Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and The Gipper standing at the right hand of God.” - At this the Jews covered their ears and, yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him to drag him out of the Auditorium and began to toss their iPhones and whatever elas they could grab to stone him with. Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their coats at the feet of a young woman named Hillary. While they were stoning him, Trump prayed, “Lord Ronald, receive my tax abatement, an he bid a hasty retreat into his Limo an got the phuck out of there"
"The Acts of The Donald"
Book Six and Seven-Eighth's
This is the entire point of the 2nd amendment, it's a check and balance thing
Didn't Hillary imply the same about Obama in 2008?
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
And exactly how would "They" do that ? They aint gonna go to each person's house and try to find all guns that would be fucking impossible.
>I own an ar-15 for recreational sporting and hunting
>but we're totally not trying to take your guns omg why are you so paranoid lmao
By slowly chipping away at our constitutional rights one step at a time. They wouldn't just go around and take them. They'd create an enemy out of the gun owners until society turns against them to such a degree where if you are seen with a gun you will have the police called and get arrested. Don't be naive
>Nervous Mab
Sedition laws only apply if Sup Forums wants them to.
>Seen with a gun you will have the police called and get arrested
As if that doesn't happen now? That is hella suspicious to just be walking around with one with people can obviously see it. Now that isn't getting into "open carry" and other shit just from a basic sense. You see someone with a gun that's just fucking instinct.
>Trump has literally suggested that somebody either kill an elected official or kill a judge in the future if necessary.
When? When did he say gun or kill or Clinton or judge in the same sentence?
Why do you need an assault riffle to hunt you trying to turn your prey into swiss cheese?
>belongs in jail for hurting people'say fee fees
Yup flag checks out.
Not just open carry. In your home as well. Under Mao people reported their neighbors all the time for anything deemed subversive and they would come with the military and execute these so called "dissidents." First comes registration. Then confiscation. Soon enough a totalitarian state has been created. I mean Hillary advocated regulating the first amendment as well as the second for fucks sake.
not an armed march nor armed assembly nor armed occupy
nope lets go straight to
>he said blow her fucking head off
why am i not surprised the (((((((((((media))))))))))) spins this again
If it's in your own house then that's different but that has never happens in America unless shit went down and the police are involved then yeah they gonna take weapons out of the house.
>Although, the 2nd amendment, people, maybe there is.
Literally what did he mean by this?
he was literally talking about people supporting the second amendment voting against her, not fucking assassinating her
Jesus christ, what the fuck is up with the media, seriously
.223 remington, the round 95% of ar-15's are chambered in, is actually considered by most to be anemic for hunting deer. in some states it's actually illegal for being too under powered to ensure a clean and ethical kill. Your assertion I want to turn my prey into swiss cheese is silly.
But to answer your question, it's very useful for wild pigs. They're big and mean and travel in packs so being able to rapid fire 30 rounds means more effective culling.
No shit it hasn't happened what advocates are rightfully concerned about is under a Hillary presidency she will enact stricter gun laws through a liberal Supreme Court. Jesus this shit isn't hard to grasp
He did this to get back into the headlines. He'll explain it away like he always does.
47D tic-tac-toe
“It’s called the power of unification – 2nd Amendment people have amazing spirit and are tremendously unified, which gives them great political power. And this year, they will be voting in record numbers, and it won’t be for Hillary Clinton, it will be for Donald Trump.”
No you act like they are litterally going to come into your house and steal all your guns instead of what might actually happen is just some increased background checks and other shit that MOST FUCKING PEOPLE actually think should happen according to multiple polls.
you must be trolling come on
ar-15 doesn't do swiss
>Trump lost. He needs to drop out. This is unacceptable.
because he finally recognizes what the 2nd is about?
Man they've really got you brainwashed haven't they. Guns aren't the problem in this country even tho the media likes to make it seem that way. Every gun law proposed has been admitted to do nothing to prevent shootings. Learn to research
So if you need 2a to resist tyranny, why haven't you domed clinton yet
And the NRA must have you brainwashed hell the shit they were talking about was supported by most NRA members.
He's speaking like the Founding Fathers would kek
>just some increased background checks
Any business that sells guns is already required to do an criminal background check through the FBI every time they sell a gun. This is literally already federal law.
The only time a background check isn't performed is during PRIVATE TRANSACTIONS where Jamal meets Pedro at the local walmart parking lot and gives him a hi point .380 for $300. Good luck regulating and enforcing any law making private transactions like that illegal, and good luck providing an avenue for private citizens to conduct fast and simple background checks to even begin to encourage any kind of compliance
Oh my god
Oh my god I am a Hillary supporter as of now.
The fact that Trump supporters are having to rely on such petty qualifiers is a pretty piss poor attempt at damage control.
This man is a walking disaster: the democrats could have nominated a potato and they'd still be beating trump by 10+ points.
the right to defend yourself is enshrined in the constitution. The only way to stop a bad guys with a gun is a good guy with a gun. This whole gun control push is just a thinly veiled attempt at a gun grab.
What's wrong with this statement?
Conservatives should be lapping this up.
fun fact: "anti-gunners" don't usually say this, it's more a fuddlore thing
>Good luck regulating and enforcing any law making private transactions like that illegal
remind me, why are you still a virgin? it's because prostitution is illegal, right?
sauce? if she is on record saying it it will neutralize this
>Trump has literally suggested that somebody either kill an elected official or kill a judge in the future if necessary.
lmao oh wow you got me good i totally lost gj m8 u win guns are bad ban 'em all right
So basically he said:
"There is nothing you can do... but if you have a gun there is something you can do about it!"
I'm sorry, if you don't manage to pick up on the very obvious threat he is picking here, you are being extremely naive.
And the thing is, at this point, it doesn't even matter if he meant it or not. someone who lets this kind of statements come out of his mouth should not be the president of the US
apparently Hillary likes to invite the family of mass murderers to appear at her rallies.
Nothing will neutralize these hit pieces.
They will come and go daily.
Rebuttals will be No Platformers.
Even if Trump shuts up they will attack him for running scared.
This is it. The end. This is what total media control looks like. Trump is done.
The right to defend yourself is one thing, it doesn't mean "have whatever weapons you want" Should everybody have tanks? missles? Hell did the founding fathers even realize how far weapons would go in destructive power?
Hell there's more options that are less leathal now. Tasers, pepper spray, rubber bullets, etc. Or hell the next innovation can just be on the horizon.
God I fucking hate liberals. Your standard leftist talking points are so retarded.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail....
Yup, OP, it's over, now leave
>tfw no trap waifu
I'm actually an independent not a liberal I just think being obsessed about guns is fucking retarded.
you do realize that's not how you use sage, right?
How come it feels like the shills are out numbering us?
You have a lot to learn. It's not an obsession with guns. It's a suspicion of government overreach. Independent is just another word for fence sitter.
Thank you for showing me this. Point me to the Clinton line then please sir,or ma'am or other. Yes, thank you.
Ignore all the ones outside the US and you'll feel better about it
Well there has not been anything to suggest you need to be paranoid about it yet.
jesus christ of course he's lost. That was the plan. How can you not see at this point this has all been planned.
It was clearly going to be tough for Hilary to win against a decent opponent with all the shit they knew would be thrown at her. The only way she stood a chance was to have someone imaginably worse who would take the spotlight off her at every step and that is exactly what's happened.
No one gives a fuck about Hilary's policies or past now. All they care about is that she isn't Trump.
Hillary just said the first amendment is subject to reasonable regulation and her entire economic platform is bigger government, higher taxes, and more spending. She openly advocates open borders and arms terrorists while taking money from the Saudis. She pushes heavy gun control hard in everything she does. She openly advocated for outsourcing and the death of American energy. What more do you need to see before you realize that this will soon America as we know it?
This is a leader
Not only speaks his mind, but has no fear
And it happens to be exactly wjat we all think
He wont lose votes for this
4D chess master baiting some media
Shills keep mad, ur time shall come
Deus Vult
He's a fucking retard. Too far gone.
I was a trump supporter till today. It was already bad now I'm voting for Clinton. This is not a president.
I see this theory around and while plausable it's hard to imagine someone that's been through so many business failings and bankrupcies and lawsuits and shit suddenly be smart enough to pull all this off.